The only "sure thing" here is this ongoing art of deflection you've mastered. Case in point, this continued railing about folks like myself being some Clinton hater, as if that negates anything being criticized, when you're identical in your Trump/Republican hating. Does that mean anything you critique/condemn Trump for is negated, because you're such a hater?? The fact is she DID lie about Benghazi. She DID disregard repeated requests for additional security. She DID store, receive and send the most classified of information on her PC, on a non-secured server, located in her basement, contrary to Federal law, guidelines, and protocol, that she herself signed that she would abide by. She chose to ignore the law....and compromised our country's security in the process. A resume' highlight the electorate will be consistently reminded of
And news flash, I don't "hate" anyone. I hate the policies they push and the attempt to control every aspect of our lives. She has the added level the very worst in political cronyism, boght and payed for 10x over, never having driven a car for decades, with a daughter fresh out of College, being given a $900,000 job, in her 1st gig, lecturing us about white privelege, and standing up for the "little guy". She wouldn't know what the little guy did if she ran over him in her tax payer payed limo
And with all this attempted deflective bluster and vitriole being thrown at Trump, still doesn't refute the FACT, that it was Clinton who was found to be grossly negligent, careless, and a liar, when it came to our national security, the most important aspect in a President. Say what you will about Trump, Clinton gets that ringing endorsement of incompotence, straight from the FBI