Movie making is an industry, like manufacturing sofas or cosmetics. The money to make movies comes from the audience that watches them to be entertained.
People will not be entertained by hearing that their contribution of $11.50 went to feed a family of hungry Bangladeshis or Afghanis, so that is a no go proposition.
Nothing prevents the outraged people from missing the movie and sending $11.50 to CARE or Doctors Without Borders. It is silly to think that MGM would do this for them.
As for movie piracy, the assumption is that every person that watches a pirated film would have paid to see it in a theatre.
I watched two of the Harry Potter films on commercial network TV and I muted the commercials or went to pee or fix popcorn during the breaks. I have not purchased a single one of the products I saw advertised. So, am I as guilty as the guy who watched the same film on a pirate site?
I often buy disks of pirated films in yard sales. I never pay over $2.00, even for the original disk. Should I feel guilty? I confess that I do not.