Author Topic: Surprise Surprise: Obama-Care seeks BIG HIKES right after Obama leaves office!  (Read 2852 times)

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Illinois' Obamacare plans seek big 2017 premium hikes

Insurance premiums for Obamacare will rise an average of 11 percent, according to a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Insurers want to crank up the cost of health insurance premiums by as much as 45 percent for Illinois residents who buy coverage through the Affordable Care Act's marketplace.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, the most popular insurer on the state's Obamacare exchange, is proposing increases ranging from 23 percent to 45 percent in premiums for its individual health-care plans, according to proposed 2017 premiums that were made public Monday. The insurer blamed the sought-after hikes mainly on changes in the costs of medical services.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois said in a statement that the proposed rates are in line with those in many markets across the country, and the proposed increases don't tell the whole story.

"No final decisions have been made regarding our 2017 offerings," according to the statement. "While some carriers have chosen to exit the market, we are working toward continuing to provide health insurance options for consumers in Illinois. However, that must be done in a sustainable way."

Coventry Health Care of Illinois proposed rate increases as high as 21 percent.

The Illinois Department of Insurance has until Aug. 23 to review the proposed rates and potentially try to negotiate them down. Final rates can be lower than the ones first proposed by insurers, and the proposed increases don't reflect what consumers will actually pay, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was quick to caution Monday.

Last year, average monthly premiums for consumers with coverage increased by $4, to $106 a month "despite headlines suggesting double-digit increases," HHS spokesman Jonathan Gold said Monday in a statement. About 75 percent of Illinois residents who buy plans on the exchange qualify for federal tax credits that partially offset the costs of their premiums.

"Consumers in Illinois will continue to have affordable coverage options in 2017," Gold said in the statement. "Today's announcement is just the beginning of the rates process, and consumers will have the final word when they vote with their feet during Open Enrollment."

Kathy Waligora, director of EverThrive Illinois' health reform initiative, said she also expects many of the rates to be lower than the proposed ones released Monday.

"We don't put too much stock in the numbers as they stand right now because we know the [Department of Insurance] is really negotiating the rates up until the last deadline," she said.

Ultimately it will be insurers setting the rates that will take effect Jan. 1. Illinois, unlike a number of other states, doesn't have the power to reject the proposed rates outright, said Dena Mendelsohn, a staff attorney at Consumers Union, the advocacy and policy division of Consumer Reports.

Regulators in some states, such as California, have been very successful negotiating with insurers to push down proposed rates in the past, she said. That hasn't been the case everywhere.

"It doesn't appear to me like the Illinois rate regulator is rigorously reviewing these rate proposals and advocating for consumers," Mendelsohn said.

Consumer advocates have also complained that Illinois takes too long to publicly release its rates, giving advocates less time to review plans and fight proposed increases. Insurers had to submit their rate plans for Illinois in April, though they were just released publicly Monday as required by the federal government.

Other states make the rate plan proposals public when they are filed, and before Monday, more than half of the states had disclosed just how much higher Obamacare premiums could be. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, for example, proposed an average increase of 53.7 percent.

The increases aren't a surprise as many insurers have been losing money in the marketplace, said Katherine Hempstead, a senior adviser at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Hempstead said Illinois regulators tend to be realistic about just how low proposed rates can go.

"I don't think the Insurance Department wants to push the carriers off a cliff and tell them they can't raise their rates and then they're upside down actuarially," Hempstead said. "You can't sustain a situation where most carriers lose money."

She noted, however, that recent news of insurer Cigna's plans to start selling marketplace plans in the Chicago area is likely good news for consumers. The additional competition could help hold down prices.

It's at least one bright spot for Illinois residents on the exchange, who have been battered by other developments.

Insurer Land of Lincoln Health stunned 49,000 enrollees with its announcement this summer that it would shut down Oct. 1, after sustaining heavy financial losses. And last year, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois decided to discontinue its broadest PPO plan on the exchange after losing money.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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  Obamacare has worked better and lasted longer than I expected.

     But I expected an immediate collapse.

    I will not be surprised if it collapses and produces a big mess.

      Just surprised that it took so long.


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Obama is not to blame for the increases. Congress, if it has enough Democrats or other people who give a damn, can remedy that.
The biggest problem is the cost of drugs. Big Pharma can be beaten into submission.
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One of the largest flaws to the system is it's extremely inflexible to change so it has no chance to improve. It was never design to be affordable in the future. I said that from the start but i support it like all the other people who backed it we had no choice. It's either this or nothing.people do not want nothing


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Big Pharma can be beaten into submission.

yes that should really help with research, innovation, and motivation!
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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yes that should really help with research, innovation, and motivation!

Gimme a break! they spend millions on commercials on TV and magazines.
Te US government should fund research for diseases that are really critical.

There are at least a dozen highly effective pills for high blood pressure.
But in the past five years a women I know volunteered as a guinea pig about  once a month for new ones.
That was at least FOUR DOZEN pills for a common ailment, not because they were needed, but because as new drugs then have a monopoly and can charge $9 a pill.

'Hey, Christians! How about Trump being for SMALL GOVERNMENT!
How about thrice-married Trump being such a  GOOD CHRISTIAN!
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most drug innovation has been in the US
but you think innovative life saving drugs "grow on trees"
funny though..I guess it's just a total accident they don't grow on trees in most places on earth
so yeah hammer the drug companies...there will be less innovation...people will die
but you'll be able to wave the flag of sticking it to the drug companies!
maybe hammer all companies while you are at it so we can be more like shit-holes like North Korea, Cuba, etc x 1000

as far as Christianity....churches and Christianity are hospitals for healing...
Christians are on a journey....each taking their own steps along the way
read the life of Paul the Apostle before he was may learn something rather than hate
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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read the life of Paul the Apostle before he was may learn something rather than hate

Before that tale of Paul on the Damascus Road, he was a creep by his own admission. Whatever my faults, I never encouraged anyone to stone a person like Paul did.

I read all about Paul. He was essentially the greatest PR man of his times and he, not Jesus, invented Christianity. The whole story of Paul is fishy.

Watch this:
Hate? What do you think I hate? 

Trump is NOT filled with Christian virtues,  and he has NO plans whatever to make government smaller, that's all I said, He is just a megalomaniac who wants to be the Biggest Swinging Dick on the Planet
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I kinda doubt that many drugs are made here in the states. Viagra was made in ireland and thats an accident. The safety regulations here are extreme which im not too against due to how litigious it is here. But when you make a drug that sells for 1k a month as the cheapest and then i say thier most need to be a re-evaluation. It's even has a commercial ... Enbrel ...


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Viagra was made in Ireland to dodge US taxes.
It was not a mistake to make it there. It was a mistake to allow them to import it without paying taxes on the income made from it.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Not sure about the wisdom of denying a blood pressure med to come into the states. Thats what viagra is but the side effects is the selling point.


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Watch this:

I means nothing to me.
I have personally seen many, many lives transformed by Christian conversion.

I have personally had relatives, employees, and friends that were basket-cases
and completely turned their lives around by becoming Christians.
These people are not "fairy tales" they are reality.

So whatever the agenda of this bozo narrator, it has no bearing on my reality.

Hate? What do you think I hate? 

You are obviously a hater of Christianity...
most likely because of your conscious and/or sub-conscious insecurity about your own life.
From my observations you are a mostly a cynical, not terribly happy/joyful person.
Of course you are not alone...I know a lot of people like is your burden....not mine.
At almost every chance you demean and criticize Christians and religion.
It is enlightening to say the least....and tells a story about who you really are.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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I kinda doubt that many drugs are made here in the states.

The key word is "made"....noting "made" has nothing to do with innovated.
Robots will mostly be making stuff....
so all these innovation countries will be even in bigger trouble soon.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Medicine is a highly unimaginative field so innovative is not exactly easy. Note the extreme cost in research . No area has a lock on innovation. Look how slow weapons technology is. You cant say thiers no encouragement in that field. Personally i predict our development will hit a slight decline very soon. Our technology will culturally prevent people from exchanging ideas and concepts and this will effect how we comeup with ideas and solutions. We are encouraged to only get our information exclusively online and never to talk to people and exchange ideas. I see this as problem.

I have a back injury only by talking to people was i able find solutions to ease the pain. But  if I only looked online only i doubt i would found these solutions. Ex. Tumeric.  Even my doctor didn't know about it.


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never said it was easy....

but great innovative free minds produce more earth shattering results in medicines and medical machines

highly unlikely this guy would have invented the MRI machine in Armenia

is it a total coincidence so much innovation has originated from free enterprise pro business countries?
i think not......

BTW.... I take Tumeric almost every day
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987