Let's take a current tabulation :
We've got all the Benghazi cover-up, and lying to families that it was about some video.
We have all the deleted e-mails and wiping of the inappropriate/unlawful private server, before being handed over at the order of a subpoena
We have her either lying to Congress or lying to the FBI, regarding her handling of her private e-mail
We have e-mails she thought were deleted, that demonstrate a clear pay for play arrangement with the State Dept & Clinton Foundation, while she was Secretary of State
Her closest & most trusted aide, Huma Abedin, we've now all learned, from one of the thousands of e-mails, we were't supposed to see, was on the payroll of BOTH the State Dept AND the Clinton Foundation, directing access into the State Dept, following donations into the Clinton Foundation......millions and millions of dollars
....that and JUST NOW confirmed her background has been vetted that shows her and her mother worked for a radical Muslim publication, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, that opposed women’s rights and blamed the US for 9/11. A publications that decries single moms, working moms, and gay couples with children, as not a family. Huma was one of the editors, and worked on the publication for a dozen years. This is Clinton's number one woman. Can you imagine the media tsunami if it was found that Trump's campaign manager was found to have had such a history?
Yet Trump is the problem?? Because he might say something that might offend some leader or embarrass the country??
No, the offense and embarrassment would be in the electing of this woman as "our leader". Yes, we want ALL those e-mails public now