You would be in error however, Plane. The context of the 2nd amendment provides that the Government is in charge of the "well regulated" version defense for this country, currently our military & national guard. The unregulated portion is the rest of us. Let's review the 2nd amendment, in its entirety: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Now, let's apply the context via analogy.....While a well balanced breakfast, being necessary for a good diet and beginning to a day, the right of the people to eat twinkies shall not be infringed
Now, that doesn't mean to say our 2nd amendment right amounts to being able to eat twinkies. The point is in the context of the 2nd amendment, we, the people, are not mandated to be part of anything "well regulated". That's simply a good idea to have on top of the 2nd amendment, which we have. The right of the people in exercising their 2nd amendment right does not require being well regulated, nor shall be infringed