Foley has done what President Clinton should have done when caught doing something simular and also breaking the law.
Simular? Similar, perhaps.
Clinton wasn't breaking the law with Monica. He was charged with lying about "having sex with that woman", and he did not have sexual intercourse with her, either, by the way.
What happened was that Monica, who was not breaking any laws, either, was illegally pressured to spill the beans by threatening her with bogus charges.
The real shame is that there is no special prosecutor to go after Juniorbush, Cheney and Rumsfeld who have done stuff that has caused people to DIE. Nothing Clinton was charged with caused anyone to die, or suffer, or even get a hangnail.
Have you noticed we have a spell checker? You can post correctly spelled messages now, without even learning how to spell.
He should have admitted what he did, period, not resign.
I don't think that Foley would have been reelected had he not resigned, but he wasn't charged with any crime and didn't have to resign. His name is still on the ballot, but people who vote for his name Will really be voting for some other guy.
I doubt that they will hold this seat, and to that I say, hooray.
The Republicans have already demonstrated that they are clueless as to how to run a country.