I don't recall that you did (claim militant Islamists were trying to be like Nazis). But then, I don't recall having said or implied that you did.
Your query "When did the Islamic extremists pledge to become like the Nazis?" was a direct accusation/implication of such, in response to my clarification of "I'm advocating going after people who have pledged to do what I believe they have pledged to do in the future. A DISTINCT difference, I might add"
I believe my question was "When did the Islamic extremists pledge to become like the Nazis?" Notice that word between the words "become" and "the Nazis"?
LOL....yea, no accusations/implications here
I don't get to ask "When did the Islamic extremists pledge to become like the Nazis?" What's up with that?
Because you're purposely phrasing the question in such a way as to make a bogus implication on my part. A better question would be along the lines of "When did Islamic extremists start demonstrating similar traits and tactics that the Nazis employed?" A much more accurate question without the underlying misrepresentation of my position. The answer to that question largely was when Usama declared war on the U.S. specifically, and western civilization in general. It began occuring as more and more soldiers of militant Islam, most exemplified by AlQeada and the Iranian President, began engaging in systematic attacks on both U.S. & Israeli populations. Unlike Germany of course, Islamofascists aren't limited to just being AlQeada. It includes Baathists, Suuni nationalists, Hamas, Hezbollah, just to name a few. All with differing leaderships, but all with a generalized goal of wiping Israel & America off, and implimenting their version of a some global Islamic governance. Convert, be subjugated, or die being the only viable options. I recall listening to an excerpt of a high ranking AlQeada member declaring precisely that agenda
You have made the comparison of the Islamic extremists to the Nazis, yes, but you have not actually given a reason why your comparison of current events to history is the only valid one
Show me one more valid, in your opinion
Where was this massive militant Islamic extremist uprising before September 11, 2001?
You do grasp the concept of a malignancy? That's the most accurate analogy I can provide for you in this case. This uprising has been hitting us since the late 80's, early 90's. 911 was simply a wake up call.
But don't expect me to believe you
Ditto, I'm afraid