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I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« on: September 19, 2006, 12:36:34 AM »

I have been talking about it for two days , and only now I read it?

I hang my head .

Now that I have read it I understand that it is not a criticism of Islam  , it is an examination of Rationality , Religion , revilation and Logos. The Pope Quotes a Bysintene Emporer who was being questioned by a Muslim , but he also quotes Socraties .

There is no political use in actually understanding what te Pope was saying so I expect the debates and the riots will continue to be about selected quotes in isolation from the theme of the speech.


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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2006, 02:29:47 AM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2006, 09:21:31 AM »
The speech was not bad in and of itself. The Pope is a scholar and made a scholarly speech, but he made the mistake of looking at it as somehow separated from the political sphere, which is interesting as Ratzinger was a Bishop who rarely missed the politics of a given situation.

Why shouldn't he have used those quotes?

Simple. Because lives hang in the balance. It is the same reason President Bush should never have said "bring them on."

In Britain, during the Troubles and for years afterwards the cabinet officials had to be very mindful of what they said regarding Northern Ireland. It wasn't a lack of courage or ignoring the issue, it was simple common sense. You don't stand next to an open drum of gasoline and smoke a cigarette or play with your lighter.

In this case Pope Benedict did just that. Words can be deadly and a sister has already been killed. Sometimes silence kills, sometimes choosing your words poorly or without thinking can lead to killing.
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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2006, 11:30:05 AM »
Words can be deadly and a sister has already been killed. Sometimes silence kills, sometimes choosing your words poorly or without thinking can lead to killing.

And in this case, radical Islamists killed her.  Not the Pope.  Ironically the 14th century Byzantine, that the Pope was quoting, was apparently quite prophetic
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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2006, 01:04:08 PM »
Yet, she would still be alive if it were not for the Pope's words. World figures must be wise enough to understand that their words can ignite a tinderbox if they aren't careful.

If you're the Prime Minister of Britain you don't go to Falls Road and give a speech on what a great man and hero to the United Kingdom Ian Paisley has been. You don't tell them that Bobby Sands was an evil traitor hell bent on destroying the peaceful lives of the good Protestants in Shankill. Even if you believe that is true or you are using it as a quote to make another point, it is simply something you do not do.

Why? Because the blood that follows is on your hands.
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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2006, 01:36:40 PM »
Yet, she would still be alive if it were not for the Pope's words.

And you know this how?  Point being, words or no words, the pope didn't tell anyone to go murder a nun.  Islamic radicals, representing the supposed "religion of Peace', put 2 bullets to the back of her head
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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2006, 01:55:43 PM »
No, but he might as well have. It is an inflamed situation involving militants, just as Northern Ireland was (and could be again). His words lit the tinderbox.

Does that take responsibility away from those who pulled the trigger? No. But it doesn't negate the responsibility of a world leader to be mindful of his words.

I go back to my Falls Road example. If you ignite the violence in an area known for violent outbursts, then the blood that follows is on your hands.
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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2006, 01:59:37 PM »
His words (or more accurately, the Byzantine's quote) were ironically prophetic
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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2006, 02:17:39 PM »
Not really. They were a foreseen outcome by agitating an already violent subset of Islam.

Manuel II Palaiologos, the quoted Byzantine Emperor was basically holding on to the scraps of the Byzantine Empire for which the Ottoman Turks would eventually conquer. He barely had any land remaining in Asia Minor and would leave his son with an even less than tenable position to fight the Turks.

The debate itself (which was an imaginary one) is whether or not one can spread faith by the sword and violence more readily than by reason and speech.

The only irony here is that the same debate applies to all ideas. Can one win a "war" on ideas through massive violence and warfare, or through reason and speech? Right now the radical Islamists and the United States seem to opt for the former.
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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2006, 02:50:34 PM »
Yea, really.  as they expressed the potential violence within a particular religion, now manifesting for all to see, acute violence in response to anything that dares criticize the "religion of peace" as anything but
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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2006, 03:07:36 PM »
Yet, that was not the point of Manuel II Palaiologos' fictional debate with a Persian prince, from which Benedict XVI was quoting.

There's no irony in the outcome as it was foreseeable given the ill-chosen words of the Holy Father.

Basically you are suggesting there is irony in an explosion when you light the fuse on a stick of dynamite. I'd call it an anticipated reaction.
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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2006, 03:35:33 PM »
Actually, that was pretty much the jist of the point.  I realize it was a staggering quote, analogus to claiming Jesus was the root of all evil, but you don't see hordes of Christians going around violently protesting everytime Christ is demeaned, demagogued, or portrayed in such a way as applying cow dung on the Virgin Mary, or placing a cross in a vat of urine, calling it "art", and U.S. tax payers actually paying for its presentation.  No, the jist if the point being made was that Islam could be considered a violent religion, with that point now being validated on a daily basis, by so many followers of the Religion of Peace
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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2006, 05:45:21 PM »
I heard Zbignew Brezhenski (sp) say that if we had spoken about Ireland as "the Catholic terrorists" and "the Papists" it would have just made things worse.  Same with always mentioning Islam.
That is, if we are trying to help and not just ignite. 
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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2006, 08:36:02 PM »
Benedict XVI, on this account, has proven himself singularly inept. His admirable goal apparently was to provoke a dialogue among vying religions and especially with Muslims. he effect his words had was just the opposite. A retrenching resentment has banished all hope of dialogue for as long as the current "crisis" persists. This is a screw-up. We should take no solace (we Westerners) that the popular Muslim reaction to the Pope's speech provides ironic proof of the merit of its superficial interpretation. Indeed, by drawing the line at Islam's putative violent nature, we actually cede the debate that rages within Islam to the radicals. That's not a good strategy; in fact it's stupid and counter-productive. Apparently this pope's long experience as "talking tough" to Catholics in his former position of "enforcer of the faith" is a singularly inadequate training to be a world-political figure and an effective shepherd of hearts and souls. Let me repeat: he has performed in a scandalously inept manner.


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Re: I just Read the Popes Speech, Oh the shame
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2006, 11:14:31 PM »
The issue, as I see it, is that you should be able to live your life, public leader or not, without having to always be concerned about being politically correct. At this rate ,we will soon be like most of Europe, a bunch of emasculated leaders. If I were to say that your mother is a lesbian, oops, that is now "acceptalbe", isn't it? "Alternative lifestyle" and all that perversity. Hmm, let's say that I said your mother is a slut. If you then go out and kill me or just out of a 20-story building, the blame is NOT on me. It is upon YOU and the decisoons you make. Does no one accept personal responsibility for their actions anymore?