Author Topic: A Primer on the Democratic Party  (Read 1411 times)

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A Primer on the Democratic Party
« on: October 07, 2006, 09:16:05 PM »
A Primer on the Democratic Party...just stirring the pot some...

The democrats are for the little man so long as you aren’t an unborn little man

The democrats are for the black man unless your name is Walter Williams or Clarence Thomas

The democrats are for the Hispanics so long as your name isn’t Miguel Estrada

The democrats are for women so long as they aren’t Concerned Women for America

The democrats are for the working man so long as you don’t become rich from being a working man.

The democrats are for the people so long as such people are the people of the Democratic Party.

The democrats avoid stereotyping unless you are a white male, a Christian, pro-life, own a gun or just simply disagree with the Democratic Party.

The democrats are for diversity so long as your diversity does not diverge from the agenda of the Democratic Party.



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Re: A Primer on the Democratic Party
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2006, 09:41:50 PM »
Anybody got anything of substance? I'm starving here.