<<When dealing with sceptics one must bring proofs.>>
Yeah, but I'm a skeptic too, plane. I'm skeptical when the "President" says, "We must go to war because tiny little Iraq is able to menace our very lives with its weapons of mass destruction."
And I'm skeptical too when a "President" who has never shown the least scintilla of interest in bringing "democracy" to Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or the West Bank or Jordan tells the world, "Well, yeah, there isn't a threat of WMD, but we must stay in Iraq because we need to bring them democracy."
And I'm a skeptic when someone tells me, "Sure, high oil prices might be good for Halliburton, but Halliburton couldn't possibly have any influence on the Bush adminsitration's Middle East plans."
And I'm a skeptic when someone tells me, "Sure it would be good for the U.S. to control the second biggest proven oil reserves in the world, but they'd never try to take them by force."
Hey, when you get right down to it, plane - - I'm just as big a skeptic as you claim to be. More so, because I'm even skeptical when the U.S. government declares itself to be the single greatest force for peace, goodness and justice on this planet. MAN, am I skeptical!