<<Not invadeing would be a lot like watching a killing of an innocent with our hands firmly placed in pocket.>>
The only thing wrong with that little trick or sleight of hand, is that you've managed to watch the killings of tens of thousands of innocents, and continue to do so, most often by people whom you have paid, armed, financed and protected in thousands of different ways. In Indonesia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Egypt, the West Bank, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Uzbekistan and probably quite a few more that I just can't recall on the sprur of the moment.
Not invading would have been actually to have left the torture, rape and murder in the hands of the one guy with a chance of stabilizing the country, instead of, as now, farming it out to literally thousands of torturers, rapists and murderers (including your own) each with their own torture chambers, instruments of torture and murder, spin machines victim-procurement teams.
it amazes me that you can manage to insulate yourself inside such ridiculous fantasies as the "Save the Children" crap when in fact there are probably many more children blown to bits or burned alive as a result of the U.S. intervention, bombing, use of white phosphorus and indiscriminate tank and automatic weapons fire than happened during all the years of Saddam's dictatorship.