from . . .'s Test
by DFAer
Sat Oct 07, 2006 at 06:29:18 PM PDT
God became interested in U.S. politics during the Clinton scandal, astounded that people living at the highest standards in the world could become so distraught over what was really just an issue between a man and his wife. So God decided to call in St. Politicus and said, "St. Politicus, I want to see what is truly important to Americans. We are going to do a test. I want you to do your best to shake them out of their complacency. When you do, please report the results to me."
• DFAer's diary :: ::
So, on God's orders, St. Politicus:
1) Had President Bush appointed rather than elected.
RESULTS: Nothing
2) Had President Bush start a war based on WMD, costing thousands of lives, and then had it revealed there were no WMD.
RESULTS: Nothing
3) Had an entire city flooded, with President Bush abandoning U.S. citizens on rooftops, bridges and the Convention Center for days with no food, water, or medical care.
RESULTS; Nothing
4) Had Bush imprison hundreds of people with no charges and no representation, even changing the Geneva Conventions and Constitution to suspend Habeus Corpus and permitting extensive torture.
RESULTS: Nothing
5) Had President Bush increase the deficit to such an unprecedented level that we owe more money than we bring in each month.
RESULTS: Nothing
6) He has the war go on indefinitely, with experts agreeing that it is actually making the U.S. less safe, and has President Bush dismiss it as a "comma" in history.
RESULTS: Nothing
So, after six years of failing to stir the ire of the American majority, an exhausted St. Politicus went up to God and said, "I'm sorry to report that there just isn't anything that will shake the complacency of Americans. Nothing. I've tried everything! They even re-elected him. I just don't know what test to send them anymore." God answered, "Don't worry, St. Politicus, you were extremely thorough. I think I know the answer. Please leave it to me now."
The next day, the Mark Foley story broke, resulting in the 24-hour non-stop media coverage, the resignation of one Congressman, the anticipated resignation of the Speaker of the House, and plummeting approval ratings for Republicans throughout the country.
St. Politicus was astounded as he watched this unfold, saying, "God, I understand that the Mark Foley scandal and cover-up were bad, but 19- and 20-year-old soldiers are dying every day for no reason in Iraq. More than 3,000 have died so far. Why is this Mark Foley issue so important?"
God placed his hand on St. Politicus' shoulder and said, "It's simple, my son. Sex sells."