Who’s Afraid of the Tribunal?
by Michael J. Totten
Hezbollah says the Chapter VII United Nations Security Council’s tribunal to try the assassins of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is illegal and illegitimate: “The resolution is a violation of the sovereignty of Lebanon and an aggressive interference in its internal affairs.â€
It’s hardly worth arguing with these people, but I’ll go ahead and do it anyway: Assassinating Lebanon’s elected officials is a violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and an aggressive interference in its internal affairs.
Those who believe this is all a Zionist-Neocon-Hariri conspiracy might want to note who the United Nations (which is held in low esteem by the Zionists and the Neocons, if not the Hariri family) holds in the dock as chief suspects:
Nine suspects, including Lebanon's once feared top pro-Syrian security chiefs, have been under arrest for about two years over the murder of former premier Rafiq Hariri.
Four of the main suspects were Syria's key security generals in Lebanon until Damascus was widely accused of the Hariri murder and forced to complete a troop pullout after 29 years of military dominance.
They include presidential guard chief General Mustafa Hamdan, former general security chief General Jamil al-Sayed, ex-internal security head General Ali al-Hage and former army intelligence director General Raymond Azar.
Since they were arrested in August 2005, the four have been held in a special building at the Roumieh central prison, in a mountainous village northeast of Beirut.
They are accused of murder with premeditation, attempt to murder with premeditation, terrorist actions, as well as the possession of weapons and explosives, according to judicial sources.
As the international tribunal due to try the Hariri murder is governed by the Lebanese criminal law, the four may be sentenced to death if found guilty.
UPDATE: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem told the United Nations Security Council that Syria refuses to cooperate with the tribunal. They won't even pretend to cooperate with the investigation.