Actually, according to the deal Clinton made, Japan would provide over $1 billion in funding for the construction of the 2 light water reactors. That funding was then retracted by Japan when N. Korea lauched two missiles over Japan on 31 August 98. It was that event which eventually killed the deal.
This isn't true.
Nothing was lobbed "over Japan".
The current nuclear status is mostly due to the typical incompetence of Juniorbush and his puppeteers at understanding Kim and dealing diplomatically with himA good diplomat can even achieve success with a buffoon. But the fact is that both Kim and and the Juniorbushies are utter buffoons of the lowest order.
This crap where Juniorbush says that he wants to resolve problems diplomatically (with Iraq, then wirth Iran and N. Korea) and then refuses to talk is idiocy of the worst sort. Appointing an annoying thug like Boulton is typical for these loons.
If there were any justice in the world, a mob of several million indignant Americans would drag these clowns Juniorbush, Cheney, Rice, Rummy, Rove, and Mitch McConnell and Henry "The Thing that Will Not Die" Kissinger and out of their cushy offices, like the pestilent maggots that they are, tie them to poles, coat them with tar and feathers, running them out of town on the rail, leaving them somewhere beyond the Beltway. It's what they deserve.
That, or drowning their sorry butts in the Reflecting Pool. What a bunch of utterly worthless cowardly chickenhawks they are.