<<TRUE, [that "we can't wait for the smoking gun to become a mushroom cloud] in that we couldn't wait for Saddam to become an imminent threat. >>
Uhh, you're forgetting a little thing called CONTEXT, sirs. (You're not really forgetting, I'm sure you know perfectly well what the context is, but like all "conservatives" you often find it very convenient to quote out of context and then assign totally different meanings to the words that were meant and received as something utterly different from what you now claim they mean.)
Let me help you out a little here, sirs. Those words were not spoken in the context of some long-range planning seminar, "Whither the Middle East in the New Century?" or some aethereal debate about new directions. They were given as reasons to ACT NOW in the context of dealing with a real threat severe enough to justify invasion and rule out any and all alternative measures. ("The alternative measures had all been tried?" BULLSHIT. Don't hand me that crap - - negotiations continued with North Korea even after they had defiantly test-fired weapons and missiles, so there was a lot of road to travel after Saddam's last "No," as any beginning negotiator would know.) There were no qualifying words, nothing to indicate any reservation of the kind that bullshit artists like you are now, after the fact, trying to lay on them.
<<Quote from: Michael Tee on Today at 06:54:07 AM
(sirs) < It "basically" entails making a completely bogus accusation (be it . . . Bush claimed it would be a fast war>
(MT) <"It could take six days or six weeks, it couldn't take six months"[/color]>
<<Which the toppling of Saddam did take. Next>>
Not so fast, sirs. Tripped up again by CONTEXT. Context's a bitch, huh? You want us to believe that the "It" in the sentence referred to the "toppling" of Saddam Hussein? BULLSHIT. The context was whether the U.S. should go to war by invading Iraq, not whether or not Saddam should be "toppled." Very few people if any were interested in what would happen if Saddam were "toppled." Quite a few people were interested in what would happen to young Americans in uniform if Iraq were invaded. Those words were addressed to the many who worried about the consequences in American lives if Bush went ahead with his criminal and demented scheme to invade, not to the few who were concerned about what would happen if Saddam were "toppled." The issue was war or peace, the words were meant to allay the fears and reservations of those who worried about the consequences of entering into a war, not a handful of foreign-policy wonks who were wondering about the consequences of "toppling" Hussein.
Quote from: Michael Tee on Today at 06:54:07 AM
<< It "basically" entails making a completely bogus accusation (be it . . . Bush's "Mission accomplished" meant the war in Iraq was over>>
"Mission Accomplished"
Which the toppling of Saddam was accomplished. There's that nasty little timeline thing again. Next
Looking at the above, I can only marvel at your ingenuity. Whoever saw that "Mission Accomplished" sign had to figure, the Iraq mission was over. There was nothing left to do but wrap up and come home. Had Bush said in fact: "Our mission to "topple" Saddam Hussein has been accomplished but now we have to subdue the whole fucking country and nobody knows how long that will take" it would have been a whole different message. If you want to tell me that is what YOU thought when you saw Bush landing triumphantly on the carrier deck and speaking under that banner, I might believe you. You're truly one in a million. But please don't expect me to believe that's what most other people would have taken from the sign and the event. Don't even ask me to believe that that is what Bush meant, because he could certainly have made his meaning clear by the addition of a few simple words. It was not beyond his capabilities (or rather it was not beyond his speechwriters' capabilities.)
"Shooting Fish In a Barrel" - sirs style
Quote from: Michael Tee on Today at 06:54:07 AM
<<sirs claims that all Muslims who don't support Bush or Blair are terrorists or radical muslims>> (that's sirs, misquoting me again, as usual)
<<Actually, that was more like "sirs claims that all Muslims who aren't "moderates" are terrorists or radicals." Read the post again. >> (that's me, correcting sirs' misquotation of my words, once again.)
NOW here's sirs' response to my correction:
"any muslim who practices the act of targeting and killing innocent women & children, including blowing up mosques, and those who advocates/supports such are terrorists or radical muslims. " (That's sirs, quoting himself on a completely different subject - - what is a terrorist? what is a radical? - - having nothing whatsoever to do with either my original criticism of the absurdity of sirs' statement regarding Muslims who are not "moderates" and nothing whatsoever to do with his misquoting my criticism and basically adding absolutely nothing to the thread but an interesting definition of a "terrorist" and a radical. Completely misinformed and actually (with regard to the radical) totally erroneous, as sirs' statements usually are, but obviously a whole other discussion and related to nothing whatsoever in this thread.
However, coming up with this completely irrelevant quotation of his, relating in no way to anything previously in dispute, sirs then awards himself the traditional victory accolade:
<<Shooting fish in a barrel. Next>>
Hilarious. Declare victory, hit ENTER.
I really have to laugh at your definition of shooting fish in a barrel. Let's see how you do it. I quote a ridiculously stupid remark of yours (basically stating that you are not concerned if "terrorists" and radical Muslims are offended by Brown's actions, when I was speaking of a much broader category than "terrorists" and radicals) and relate it back to the subject that you were commenting on (that any Muslims who are not already moderates would be pissed off by Brown's actions) and then I point to the obvious conclusion: that sirs must believe that any Muslim who is not a "moderate" must be a "terrorist" or a radical. sirs' response to all this is to reach for a remark he made in which he defines "terrorism" and "radical" (wrongly of course, but that's a subject for another debate) and then claims that his definition somehow is relevant to our argument. THAT is how sirs "shoots fish in a barrel." I'd sure hate to be standing anywhere within a hundred meters of the barrel when he tries it.
Quote from: Michael Tee on Today at 06:54:07 AM
<< It doesn't get much clearer than "any muslim who practices the act of targeting and killing innocent women & children, including blowing up mosques, and those who advocates/supports such are terrorists or radical muslims. ".>>
which of course was never an issue in this thread.
LOL.....yes, my exact words and precise meaning is not the issue. It's Tee's tee-leaf reinterpretation of what Sirs really means
I'm not sure about the context in which the above was said. So I'm going to break off here and review that and come back.