Author Topic: Got milk to go with that desk trade?  (Read 456 times)

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Got milk to go with that desk trade?
« on: August 12, 2007, 12:55:31 PM »
Got milk for paper? Got oil for food? Got food?? Got $ for education? NCLB is leaving more than individuals behind.
Ahh, but.....
Now, I've seen the light at the end of the hallway. There's a way out of the poverty that is public school bottomless wallet. TRADE THEM DARN DESKS!!! FOR paper!!! Dat's  it. We'll have a swap.  We'll hitch a ride along the trail that is Santa Fe and hope for some paper to come down that trail along with pencils marchin' to the sticky points.
Perhaps our Governor Richardson has a way to help us out here. Ya think?
Let's trade him out for Gus Ink,.

quote from the locals:

Grant MS Has Desks to Trade: Grant Middle School has 200 student desks available and in good condition to trade for 8.5x11 white paper, laminating film, CPI-3 Gestetner ink, file cabinets, and wardrobe closets. For more information, please call Kayla at Grant Middle School at ********.