Thanks. The guy - - Sayyed Yusef Tabatabai Nejad - - gave a sermon in Esfahan (Isfahan?) in which he claimed that his religion, Shi'a Islam, was the one true religion (seems to be I've heard Popes say that) and that it's not just for themselves but they hope to spread it first to their Sunni brothers, then the Christians, then the Jews and then even the "polytheists' (Hindus) would "have no alternative" but to accept it. Honest to God, does the RCC ever preach anything
By way of comparison, I looked up some of the sayings of Franklin Graham in Wikipedia:
# "The god of Islam is not the same God of the Christian or the Judeo-Christian faith. It is a different god, and I believe a very evil and a very wicked religion." [1]
(Note that Sayyed Yusef Tabatabai Nejad did not utter one disrespectful word about any other religion in his sermon.)
# "But let's use the weapons we have, the weapons of mass destruction if need be and destroy the enemy." (CNN, September 14, 2001)
(Note that Sayyed Yusef Tabatabai Neja did not utter one call to violence in his sermon.)
# "...we'll make a great mistake if we hold back our technology and hold back our weapons and put young men and women in there and sacrifice them because we're scared to use some of our major weapons. And I think we're going to have to use every -- and I hate to say it, hellish weapon in our inventory, if need be, to defeat these people." (CNN, September 14, 2001)
("Why Christianity is the Religion of Peace - - and Islam is Not" - - title of a book recommended by either the Professor or CU4)
# "This is one wicked city, OK? It's known for Mardi Gras, for Satan worship. It's known for sex perversion. It's known for every type of drugs and alcohol and the orgies and all of these things that go on down there in New Orleans... There's been a black spiritual cloud over New Orleans for years. They believe God is going to use that storm to bring revival."
(the next book in the same series: "Why Christianity is the Religion of Sanity and Islam is Not")