domer I'm not sure that there IS a way out for them anymore. There has been so much hatred generated just since the start of the West Bank settlements and then another quantum leap by the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan . . . there are still Arabs searching for a peaceful solution but so many of them are so far past that point . . . where is the tipping point? When does the hatred build up so pervasively that it's irremediable?
My advice for them would be that they have got to try to turn everything around. Possible, not possible, WTF is the difference? What is going on there is just plain wrong and until that's rectified any hope of peace or justice is really nugatory. And they gotta start. Even when that voice in the back of their head keeps telling them, they're too late, they're fucked, it's over. Maybe so, but then they'd be fucked anyway. Might as well be fucked trying to turn the tide around as fucked holed up in your burning condo with an Uzi. I would tell them you start with one single act and you build one act on another. A journey of a thousand miles . . . etc.
The other thing I would say is, try to see them as human beings. I've had so many lectures from Israelis and Zionist Jews, how I "don't understand the Arabs," (notwithstanding that I work with Arabs, Pakistanis and Persians practically every day,) don't understand "the Arab mind," the same way people from the South used to tell me I didn't understand "their" niggers. There's nothing much to understand - - these people are furious. They're hurt, humiliated, threatened, insulted, ripped off, living under the threat of death, crippling injury and/or homelessness day in and day out, many of them have seen their women and elders humiliated and insulted, their families torn apart by tank fire or missiles - - OF COURSE they don't give a shit if some "terrorist" suicide bomber does the same thing to a bunch of Jews, to them it's just a payback too long delayed. (This is the point where some moron usually suggests that my solution is to have everybody sit down together and sing "KoomBayYah") but I tell ya domer, they're either moving toward that direction or they're moving toward a catastrophic explosion. And when people are dying every day, you really can't wait for the other guy to make the first move. You gotta make the first, and maybe the second and the third and the tenth and the twentieth and every move in between.
I have no hope in the present Israeli leadership, Kadima, Labour or Likud - - they're too old, they're too "broken in." I think in the absence of credible political leadership, they have no choice but to take personal responsibility. They could start by resolving, in the army or not, they will not participate in any inhumane activity no matter how small and even if they have to disobey a direct order, and they will do whatever little they can to rebuild the lives of the Palestinians in any way they can. And whether or not their efforts will ever be reciprocated. And some Israelis are already on that track - - not very many, but hopefully a growing number.