It has stood the test of time and several wars for 50+ yeasrs. It's a treaty. We are a signatory. It is simply not that vague. If you want to torture people, I think you'll find our friends and allies in Uzbekistan where I believe they boil people alive. And what if our soldiers are tortured because their countries "tweaked" the law and made it so they didn't have to follow the Geneva Conventions? That is the real problem. It's OK for us to do it to them, according to you, but if our soldiers were tortured...what would you say?
"Well, they volunteered" ? We must do what we think is RIGHT. Other countries may set the bar low. We do not go that route. Not because of milquetoast character...quite the contrary. Because of strength and ideals, becauase that's the only thing that holds us together as a nation. Our ideals. Once we've lost them, we're done.