<<I find it very funny that Baker's commission has came up with two proposals which I mentioned a few years ago.>>
Baker's a piker. The Wall Street Journal's guest editorial today (some guy from Johns Hopkins) came up with at least half a dozen. None a them any good as far as he could see, except that a simple Saigon-type exit was ruled out because he figured it would result in several hundred thousand being killed in communal massacres. Besides, ditching the helicopters might block the Strait of Hormuz.
I figure the best option for the U.S. is to ask Saddam to take it back off their hands. Ahmedinejad might do it for them, but they'd have a lot of amends to make to him and his country first. The Nazi solution came in for careful consideration, but I think it'll cost too much money. God knows they have no objection to it on moral grounds.
All in all, as I surveyed the God-awful mess I felt a certain sense of warped vindication. They elected the Smirking Chimp to lead them and now they must live with the results. Of course, they didn't really "elect" the Chimp, the election was probably fixed, again, this time in Ohio, but that's hard to prove and may not even be the case. Even if the elections were fixed, they deserve Bush by not opposing him in numbers sufficient to overcome any Republican cheating at the polls. In any event, the situation for them can only get worse. More strutting punks will have to die, more hundreds of billions will have to drain from their treasury, more civil liberties and safeguards will have to be sacrificed to the needs of the national security state. Neighbour, you are truly fucked. And you did it all to yourself.