It looks to me like the Jews are maybe a little fucked up but the Christians are fucked up even worse. That "eye for an eye" stuff is too general - - sometimes it's deserved, sometimes you might be better off forgiving. Depends on who the guy is. But "turn the other cheek" - - that's REALLY fucked up. It's like a recipe for suicide.
An eye for an eye is a limit , so that no more than an eye is taken for an eye , the principal is to keep punishment in proportion wih crime.
An eye for an eye is a large advance over human nature which wants revenge to be bigger than the offense.
Ever see the "Untouchables" the one in which Shean Connery says that a response to gang violence must be an escalation?"If Capone puts one of ours in the hospital we put one of his in the mourge."
That is human nature , you can see it every day when you see every insult leading to a worse disrespect in return , where disrespect leads to assault and where assult leads to murder.
The Advice of Jesus is another advance again , when forgiveness is possible it should be preferred .
I notice that Jesus did not say that when someone stabbs a child that you need to offer another child to him as a second victim but slap on the cheek can be adsorbed with small enough harm to allow the victim to forgive .
Jesus advises that some one who unrightously demands a dollar should be given two , this is not easy advice to follow , but when I think of the killing that has happened over a small sum of tax or cheating it makes me think.
Jesus advises that when someone demands that you carry his pack a mile that you carry it two , this was a right given Roman Soldiers uner the law, that they could demand that their pack be carryed for a mile , what do you think that second mile accomplishes?
Human nature makes us like the surface of a pond where an evil deed splashes not only where it actually happens but also causes a ripple that runs across the whole surface of the pond splashing every bank and reflecting to return to the center again , but even worse, on a pond the ripple doesn't grow taller as it runs in the way that evil deeds are amplified as they run across the face of a human society .
The advice of Jesus needs to be pondered and uinderstood , it is oil poured on that water so that the effect of an evil deed becomes minimised and localised rather than growing and spreading.