I'll go with Disagree. Perhaps some people are more sensitive than others. Is that my responsibility?
Ronald Reagan is thought to have opened his campaign in Philadelphia, MS. He talks of devolving central government.
Because of the locale and the topic he is accused of being a racist and in fact the entire GOP party is labelled the same.
Were people too sensitive?
Steny Hoyer calls a black man "Slavish". Should he apologize?
Another used the term niggardly in the company of African Americans. Were they too sensitive?
Robert Byrd describes a group of urban hip hop wannabees as white niggers. Was the offense taken, out of line?
You say Barak is not ready for prime time. You fear he may be republican or repub-lite. Should he be offended?Should Repubs or repub leaning folks be offended? or should everyone just get over it.
And what will that do for the sensitivity training industry?
What next, no grief counselling?