Author Topic: Puting Slander to rest  (Read 4273 times)

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Re: Puting Slander to rest
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2008, 11:08:50 PM »
Would Joseph Stalin have qualified as a Liberal?

Would he be considered a leftist?

Were the deals that his government made with Germany in the early thirty's to produce tanks and aircraft and to provide training grounds for secret war games indications of how compatible or not his system was with the German system?


Few questions concerning the origins of the Second World War are more controversial and ideologically loaded than the issue of the policies of the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin towards Nazi Germany between the Nazi seizure of power and the German invasion of the USSR on June 22, 1941.[4]

A variety of competing and contradictory theses exist, including: that the Soviet leadership actively sought another great war in Europe to further weaken the capitalist nations[5]; that the USSR pursued a purely defensive policy[6]; or that the USSR tried to avoid becoming entangled in a war, both because Soviet leaders didn't feel that they had the military capabilities to conduct strategic operations at that time[7], and to avoid, in paraphrasing Stalin's words to the 18th Party Congress on March 10, 1939, "pulling other nation's (the UK and France's) chestnuts out of the fire."

"It must be our Objective that Germany wage war long enough to exaust England an France so much that they cannot defeat Germany alone...
Should Germany win , it will itself be so weakened that it won't be able to wage war against us for ten years...
It is paramount for us thatthis war continues as long as possible, untill both sides are worn out

Joseph Stalin -1939

Later Stalin denys saying this, but if it is true this would explain his attitude twards Facists and the Deocracys of Europe as equivelent threats to his own regime.

While searching up the above I ran acrossthis littl gem that I hadn't suspected.
November, 1940: Roosevelt wins an unprecedented third term in office. In a departure from her traditional neutrality, Sweden joins Germany in a secret treaty of mutual defense, in the event that either goes to war with the USSR.


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Re: Puting Slander to rest
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2008, 11:09:35 PM »
There are very, very few true Socialists around. By true Socialists I mean those people who believe in the principles of the Socialist International Conferences: that the means of production should be controlled by the state.

Hillary is no Socialist by any definition, except by the dim standards of the Dittoheads.
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Re: Puting Slander to rest
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2008, 11:15:02 PM »
There are very, very few true Socialists around. By true Socialists I mean those people who believe in the principles of the Socialist International Conferences: that the means of production should be controlled by the state.

Hillary is no Socialist by any definition, except by the dim standards of the Dittoheads.

For half a century half the world was run by true socialists , including very rich natural resources and agricultural lands.
The poor showing they made is one of the reasons that "true" Socialism has become less popular.


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Re: Puting Slander to rest
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2008, 11:15:41 PM »
Stalin was a communist in that he believed that the state should control the means of production and should manage the entire economy.

The Fascist view was that class struggle did not exist. The Junkers (the huge corporations like Krupp) should ally with the government to defeat those who did believe in socialism. Fascism is a corporatist system: the major forces of society (the government, the Fascist Party, the corporations, the Church) should instruct the people in a common goal of expanding the economy through military conquest.

In both Stalinist and Fascist societies, the individual was subservient to the state and all who were not with it were against it.
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Re: Puting Slander to rest
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2008, 11:22:55 PM »
For half a century half the world was run by true socialists , including very rich natural resources and agricultural lands.
The poor showing they made is one of the reasons that "true" Socialism has become less popular.

The Peoples' Republic of China is run by Communists who use their power to control all forms of labor unrest. No one can deny that the PRC has shown a higher sustained rate of growth than any other country on the planet, ever.

While capitalist enterprises are allowed and encouraged, the degree of control of the population is by no means any sort of laissez-faire system. Factories are built where the government permits them, the development of resources is very firmly in the hands of the government and is planned as such.

The PRC has suffered very few of the ghastly economic crises that the US did on a regular basis, precisely because the development is planned, and the planners are far more competent than the greedheads and robber barons that allowed depressions, panics, and crises to occur nearly every decade.
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Re: Puting Slander to rest
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2008, 11:30:17 PM »
For half a century half the world was run by true socialists , including very rich natural resources and agricultural lands.
The poor showing they made is one of the reasons that "true" Socialism has become less popular.

The Peoples' Republic of China is run by Communists who use their power to control all forms of labor unrest. No one can deny that the PRC has shown a higher sustained rate of growth than any other country on the planet, ever.

While capitalist enterprises are allowed and encouraged, the degree of control of the population is by no means any sort of laissez-faire system. Factories are built where the government permits them, the development of resources is very firmly in the hands of the government and is planned as such.

The PRC has suffered very few of the ghastly economic crises that the US did on a regular basis, precisely because the development is planned, and the planners are far more competent than the greedheads and robber barons that allowed depressions, panics, and crises to occur nearly every decade.

The PRC has suffered some of the worst Famines of human hitory .

In recent years they have taken their hands off of the throats of their greedheads and begun economc co-operation with capitolist countys which has let some air into their economy.

Now that they have allowed their citizens to become mllonaies , fewer o hem are starveing.

North Korea on the other hand still has no millionaires (outside the government) and has periodic famine.

There seems to be a direct co-relatio between the number of millionaires in a country and the general standard of living.