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Michael Tee

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Castro Quits
« on: February 19, 2008, 05:10:53 AM »
One of the giants of the human spirit and of 20th century history has stepped down as leader of the Cuban People.  It's a bittersweet moment -- the black-bearded young man who first came to New York in his Army fatigues to address the United Nations on behalf of the Revolution (and who stayed at the Hotel Teresa in Harlem!) is finally stepping down, outliving, outfighting and outlasting a succession of hyena Presidents who tried in vain repeatedly to have him overthrown and murdered.  Now it is up to the Cuban people to prove themselves worthy of his legacy.


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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2008, 07:24:18 AM »
Now it is up to the Cuban people to prove themselves worthy of his legacy.
Cubans are not Chinese. They are lovers and gossips and musicians, not workers and fighters.
They tend to be fighters only when male, between the ages of 16 and 30, and generally from Oriente.

Castro knew the job was dangerous when he took it. He knew he would be dealing with Cubans, not North Koreans.

No people, not Cubans, not anyone, are going to change their character in memory of anyone. This is an unrealistic fantasy that anythng like this could happen anywhere. Reforms are needed in Cuba, as it is dysfuntional, with an economy based on Cuban pesos which can buy nothing, and "convertible pesos" which can buy anything, but no one can earn, only beg relatives abroad to send them. The monthly food rations are entirely inadequate, public transportation is horrible, and there is no freedom to write and speak publicly.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 02:46:54 AM »
I guess you already realise that I have much less appreacion of Castro.

I really don't know what he has accomplished that a rather dull thug could not have also accomplished.

So other than keeping any other leadership from ever being developed while he grew old in office , what is unusual in his accomplishements?


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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2008, 09:54:55 AM »
I guess you already realise that I have much less appreacion of Castro.

I really don't know what he has accomplished that a rather dull thug could not have also accomplished.

A "rather dull thug" could not have been able to stand up to the USA for over forty years, make a fool of each and every US president and retire at a time of his own choosing.

A "rather dull thug" could not stay in power of any country for 48 years. This is a feat most kings have not been able to manage.

You know very, very little about Cuba or any other Latin American country, their people or their culture. You could not appreciate in a bazillion years that Castro has ended racism in Cuba forever, made education through the university free for everyone, and provided medical care for all in a third world country under an embargo and constant pressure from Washington.

Castro was a phenomenal politician. I don;pt personally want any politician phenomenal or otherwise, to run my country, but Cuba is not my country. I think Cubans should decide what they want and have a perfect right to flip the bird to Condi, Juniorbush, Negroponte and the rest of them.

What the clowns like Juniorbush want from Cuba is to control their economy and manipulate their government. Just as you would be most upset if the PRC or the Russians controlled the US economy, Cubans deserve the chance to be free of the designs of the US oligarchy, which is a far greater threat than Castro poses to them or ever posed.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2008, 12:07:13 PM »
Maybe he wants to spend more time on his reading...  ;D

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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2008, 12:13:35 PM »
Interesting the universal condemnation and calls for boycotts brought on South Africa during apartheid, while a vast majority of the left salivate over a similar oppressive regime in Cuba.  The difference of course, being how Castro (like Chavez) are self proclaimed American haters.  This tends to deflect any of the murdering, torturing, and dictatorial governing that any other country would be blasted for, since for many on the left it's not the regime or its people they care about, it's who's their enemy.  and if its the U.S. then by gosh darn, they're to be worshipped
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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2008, 01:02:55 PM »
(standing and applauding sirs vigorously)



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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 01:06:38 PM »
You know, you can really tell alot about a country and its freedoms by how easy it leave.  Here in America, people can leave on a whim.  Can't say the same about citizens in Cuba now, can we. 
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2008, 01:07:58 PM »
Guardian? journalists defend murder and mass torture

Gerard Jackson
Monday 3 September 2007

Some readers think I?m being too hard on journalists. These people simply do not understand just how diseased leftwing journalists are. As irony would have it, the day I received these complaints was the day the Melbourne Age published an article by Rory Carroll in which he portrayed the cowardly  
Rory Carroll and sadistic Che Guevara as a ?Christ-like? figure. (Spirit of Che rises again as region is swept along on a pink tide, 4 September 2007). This vicious lout then went on to quote Richard Gott ? another Guardian scumbag ? as saying that Guevara was ?one of the great figures of Latin America?.

And who is Mr Richard Gott? Apart from working for the Guardian he was also on the KGB?s payroll. He was so steadfast in his support for the Khymer Rouge that his fellow lefty journos nicknamed him ?Pol Pot?. Just to make sure everyone got the message about his love for bloodstained Marxist dictators, there hangs in his fashionable Hampstead house a prominently displayed large portrait of Joe Stalin. It will therefore come as no surprise to readers to learn that Gott is also a fanatical supporter of the psychopathic Fidel Castro. Go into any large booksellers and you will find on the shelves paeans to Castro written by the despicable Gott, a man who has shown himself to be a vindictive liar and an unrepentant totalitarian.

The one thing this vindictive thug will not write is the truth about Castro?s sadism, his greed, his gulag and his mass murders. But someone else did and that person was the courageous Armando Valladares. Valladares was arrested on 28 December 1960 and accused of plotting against Castro. He was dragged before a military tribunal that presented no witnesses or evidence against him. It summarily sentenced him to 30 years imprisonment. He spent 22 years in Castro?s Gulag, being released in 1982. In 1986 he published the harrowing Against All Hope: The Prison Memoirs of Armando Valladares in which he related the horrors he had endured and witnessed. The following are the book?s two final paragraphs:

I remember Estebita and Piris dying in blackout cells, the victims of biological experimentation; Diosdado Aquit, Chino Tan, Eddy Molina, and so many others murdered in the forced-labor fields, quarries, and camps. A legion of specters, naked, crippled, hobbling and crawling through my mind, and the hundreds of men wounded and mutilated in the horrifying searches . . . Eduardo Capote?s fingers chopped off by a machete. Concentration camps, tortures, women beaten, soldiers pushing prisoners' heads into a lake of shit, the beatings of Eloy and Izaguirre. Mart?n P?rez with his testicles destroyed by bullets. Robertico weeping for his mother.

And in the midst of that apocalyptic vision of the most dreadful and horrifying moments of my life, in the midst of the gray, ashy dust and the orgy of beatings and blood, prisoners beaten to the ground, a man emerged, the skeletal figure of a man wasted by hunger, with white hair, blazing blue eyes, and a heart overflowing with love, raising his arms to the invisible heaven and pleading for mercy for his executioners.

?Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do?. And a burst of machine-gun fire ripping open his breast.

And the man who presides of this barbarism is the man Gott worships. Now let us turn to the ?Christ-like? Che Guevara, a braggart, a coward, a sadist, a child-killer and the architect of Castro?s gulag. Yep, folks, just the kind of man lefties like Carroll and Gott swoon over. The man who dragged a 14-year-old boy out of a Castro dungeon and blew his brains out in the prison yard for everyone to see. This sadistic coward even turned the murder of a child into a theatrical event in which he was the star. (I suspect that this is the kind of thing for which he is admired for by Hollywood lefties like the callous Robert Redford).

No wonder Carroll and Gott worship these loveable characters. This brings me to Guevara?s capture. When he was cornered in Bolivia this Horatio couldn?t surrender fast enough. Snivelling while carrying a fully loaded pistol, he shouted:

Don?t shoot! I?m Che! I?m worth more to you alive than dead. (Humberto E. Fontova Fidel: Hollywood?s Favorite Tyrant, Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005, pp. 76-77).

That?s right, folks, this this swaggering braggadocio threw himself on the mercy of his captors. The man who murdered a 14-year-old boy for standing up to him, a man who had never shown mercy to his victims or a shred of humanity was now begging for his life. Fortunately for him they did show mercy: they shot him. No beating. No torture. Just a nice clean shooting.

That nice Mr Carroll just didn?t stop with Guevara, he just had to tell us about the 800 Cuban doctors that Castro had so generously sent to Bolivia ?since President Evo Morales, an ally of Mr Ch?vez and Fidel Castro, was elected in 2005?. Once again, it?s what these lying journalists leave out that really matters. Castro?s ?Doctor Diplomacy? is a fraud, as Carroll and Gott well know. The problem is that most of these doctors just ain?t doctors. Their real qualifications wouldn?t even get them jobs as nurses in the US or Australia. In April 2005 Agence France-Presse reported that

Federal judge Marcelo Bernal ruled in favor of a demand by the Brazilian state of Tocantins? Consejo Regional de Medicina (Regional Council on Medicine) that Cuban doctors be prohibited from practicing in their state. Based on the results they?d achieved with Tocantins? residents,  the judge referred to the Cuban doctors as Witch Doctors and Shamans [emphasis added]. We cannot accept doctors who have not proven that they are doctors.

Why do I get the feeling that Rory Carroll and Richard Gott are living vicariously through the sadistic Castro and Guevara? Why do I get the uneasy feeling that these leftists are not outraged by Castro?s atrocities and Guevara?s sadism because they secretly approve of them, perhaps they even envy these criminals? power to torture and murder at will.

Now will you believe me when I tell you that the left is thoroughly diseased and that it corrupts everything in which it comes in contact with.


Ernesto Che Guevara: 39 years of hype by Humberto Fontova gives an account of Guevara?s activities and the useful idiots ? including those in Hollywood ? who still adore this sadistic thug.


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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2008, 01:12:18 PM »
Fidel Castro: The Teflon Tyrant Resigns

By Humberto Fontova | 2/20/2008

Last September, Fidel Castro vowed to stay in power until President George W. Bush leaves the White House. Even with his failing health, one would have been hard-pressed to bet against the dictator who outlasted nine U.S. presidents and his great sponsor in the Soviet Union. Castro?s retirement yesterday, in favor of his brother Raul, confirms that he will not be able to keep his word. But to understand his legacy, and its implications for Cuba?s future, one must go back to a promise that Castro made at the dawn of his one-man rule nearly half a century ago.

Upon entering Havana on January 7, 1959, Cuba's new leader Fidel Castro broadcast that promise into a phalanx of microphones. "Cuban mothers let me assure you that I will solve all Cuba's problems without spilling a drop of blood." As the jubilant crowd erupted with joy, Castro continued. "Cuban mothers let me assure you that because of me you will never have to cry."

The following day, just below San Juan Hill in eastern Cuba, a bulldozer rumbled to a start, clanked into position, and started pushing dirt into a huge pit with blood pooling at the bottom from the still -twitching bodies of more than a hundred men and boys who'd been machine-gunned without trial on the Castro brothers' orders. Their wives and mothers wept hysterically from a nearby road.

On that very day, the U.K. Observer ran the following headline: "Mr Castro's bearded, youthful figure has become a symbol of Latin America's rejection of brutality and lying. Every sign is that he will reject personal rule and violence."

These two events perfectly symbolize the Fidel Castro phenomenon, even half a century later: Fidel Castro oppresses and kills while issuing a smokescreen of lies not merely devious but downright psycopathic. The worldwide media abandons all pretense as "investigators" or "watchdogs" and adopts a role, not merely as sycophants, but as advertising agency.

By the time of his delirious, deafening, foot-stomping receptions at Harvard Law School and the National Press Club (most of whose members oppose capital punishment) three months later in April 1959, "Mr. Castro's" firing squads had slaughtered 1,168 men - and boys, some as young as 15.

By the time Norman Mailer (another opponent of capital punishment) was hailing Fidel Castro as "the greatest hero to appear in the Americas!" his hero's firing squads had piled up 4,000 corpses and one of 18 Cubans was a political prisoner, an incarceration rate that surpassed Stalin's.

By 1975, when George McGovern (another opponent of capital punishment) was calling him a "very shy and sensitive, a man I regard as a friend," the bullet-riddled bodies of over 10,000 Cubans lay in unmarked graves, and Cuba still held the most political prisoner as a percentage of population on earth, surpassing Nazi Germany's prewar rate by several multiples.

He brought the world closest of anyone to nuclear Armageddon by pleading, begging, and finally trying to trick Nikita Khrushchev into launching a surprise nuclear strike on the U.S. Yet he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Price by Norwegian parliamentarians.

He jailed and tortured at a rate higher than Stalin. Yet Cuba sits on the UN's Human Rights Committee.

His legal code mandates 18 months in prison for anyone overheard cracking a joke about him. Yet Jack Nicholson and Chevy Chase sing his praises.

He abolished habeas corpus while his chief hangman, Che Guevara, declared that ?judicial evidence is an archaic bourgeois detail. We execute from Revolutionary Conviction.? A month later Harvard Law School invited him to address them and erupted in cheers and tumultuous ovations after his every third sentence.

He drove out a higher percentage of Jews from Cuba than Czar Nicholas drove from Russia and Hafez Assad drove from Syria. Yet Shoah Foundation founder Stephen Spielberg considered his dinner with Fidel Castro "the eight most important hours of my life."

He overthrew a black Cuban head of state and replaced his government with one where only nine percent of the ruling Stalinist party is black and where the prison population is 80- 90 percent black. He jailed the longest suffering black political prisoner of modern history. (Eusebio Penalver who suffered longer in Castro's dungeon's than Nelson Mandela suffered in South Africa's.) He sentenced other blacks (Dr Elias Biscet, Jorge Antunez) to 20 year sentences essentially for quoting Martin Luther King Jr. in a public square. Yet he's a hero to the Congressional Black Caucus and receives passionate bear hugs from Charlie Rangel.

He twice tried to destroy New York, once with nuclear missiles, the following month by planning to set off 500 kilos of TNT in Macy's, Gimbel's, Bloomingdale's, and Grand Central Terminal on the year's busiest shopping day. Yet Newsweek magazine hailed him as "The Hottest Ticket in Manhattan!" and Time as "The Toast of Manhattan!" referring to the social swirl that engulfed him on a visit to New York in 1995 from the city's best and brightest, including David Rockefeller, Robert McNamara, Dwayne Andreas, Mort Zuckerman, Mike Wallace, Peter Jennings, Tina Brown, Bernard Shaw, and Barbara Walters. According to the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council, on that visit, Castro received 250 dinner invitations from Manhattan celebrities and power-brokers.

His firing squads murdered pregnant women, his coast guard machine-gunned mothers with their children for trying to escape on rafts, and his regime made Cuban women into the most suicidal in the world, tripling their pre-Revolution suicide rate. Yet Barbara Walters hails "the great health he has brought to Cuba," Andrea Mitchell, referred to him as "an absolutely fascinating figure!" and Diane Sawyer was so overcome in his presence that she rushed up, broke into that toothy smile of hers, wrapped her arms around Castro and smooched him warmly on the cheek.

Over the years a varied assortment of foreign fans and well wishers have showered Castro with accolades.

"Cuba's Elvis!" -Dan Rather.

"Castro is the most honest and courageous politician I've ever met! Viva Fidel!" - Jesse Jackson.

"If you believe in freedom, justice and equality you have no choice but to support Fidel Castro!" - Harry Belafonte.

"Castro is a genius and Cuba is a Paradise!" - Jack Nicholson.

"One helluva guy!" - Ted Turner.
Sadly, lunacy on the subject of Fidel Castro is hardly confined to the lunatic fringe.

"Castro has done good things for Cuba." - Colin Powell.

"Castro threw out an SOB and liberated Cuba's poor." - The late Stephen Ambrose, America's best selling historian.

The conservative and respected London Times, owned by Rupert Murdoch even editorialized about Castro's "achievements."
Among historical figures Fidel Castro was, hands down, the most effective liar of modern times. His effectiveness was greatly aided by a fawning worldwide media dazzled by his status as the world's pre-eminent symbol of anti-Americanism. With such cachet much could be forgiven, overlooked, ignored or simply falsified. If what we constantly heard and read about Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution in the mainstream media and college textbooks was merely in error it might be less obnoxious. Instead the media/academia clich?s usually upend the truth. We get the precise opposite of the truth. Ignorance (usually willful) of conditions in pre-Castro Cuba, of Fidel Castro's background, of U.S.-Cuba relations pre-1960 all contribute to the clich?-ridden Castro legend. With Fidel Castro's burial as a backdrop and the media wallowing in a Castro-clich? orgy let's examine them one at a time, in no particular order of importance.

Clich? no. 1: A plucky Castro succeeded in defying a relentlessly hostile U.S. that worked ceaselessly to topple him.

The Facts: ?We ended up getting exactly what we'd wanted all along," wrote Nikita Khrushchev about the Missile Crisis Resolution.

"Security for Fidel Castro's regime and American missiles removed from Turkey. Until today the U.S. has complied with her promise not to interfere with Castro and not to allow anyone else to interfere with Castro [italics mine]. After Kennedy's death, his successor Lyndon Johnson assured us that he would keep the promise not to invade Cuba."

Henry Kissinger, as Gerald Ford's secretary of state, renewed the pledge.
After the Missile Crisis "resolution," Castro's "defiance" of the U.S. took the form of the U.S. Coast Guard and even the British navy (when some intrepid exile freedom fighters moved their operation to the Bahamas) shielding him from exile attacks. Far from "defying" a superpower, Castro hid behind the skirts of two superpowers, plus the British Empire.

Clich? no. 2 : Pre-Castro Cuba was a veritable U.S. colony, greedily exploited by U.S. corporations and by her most notorious gangsters who maintained the hapless island as a sordid casino and bordello. Castro rectified this shameful condition.

The Facts: In 1958, only 7 percent of invested capital in Cuba was American, and less than one-third of Cuba?s sugar output (its main crop) was by U.S. companies. Cuba had a grand total of three gambling Casino's at the time. (Gulfport Mississippi has triple that number today.) Exactly one Havana hotel was mob-owned (compare this to Las Vegas and ask yourselves who demands that Nevada suffer Stalinism to rectify its shameful condition.)

In 1958, Cuba had approximately 10,000 prostitutes. Today an estimated 150,000 ply their trade on the desperate island, many as young as 14.

And to cap it all off: in 1950 more Cubans (out of a population of six million) vacationed in the U.S., than Americans (out of 200 million) vacationed in Cuba. At that time, Cubans didn't come to the U.S. in any great numbers to settle. In fact as a percentage of population, Cuba took in more immigrants (primarily from Europe) in the early 20th century than did the U.S. In the 1950's, when Cubans were perfectly free to emigrate with all their property and U.S. visas were issued for the asking, fewer Cubans lived in the U.S. than Americans lived in Cuba.

Clich? no 3: Fidel Castro overthrew the "U.S. backed" Batista whose patrons and puppeteers went instantly ballistic at his ousting. No sooner had Castro entered Havana than the U.S. started pounding its big stick while waving nary a carrot. This pushed an affronted and innocent Fidel Castro into the arms of mother Russia. The poor man had no choice against such relentless bellicosity and bullying, characterized by the vindictive and ineffective embargo.

The Facts: Former U.S. Ambassador to Cuba, Earl T. Smith, during Congressional testimony in 1960, declared flatly: "We put Castro in power." He referred to the U.S. State Department and CIA's role in aiding, both morally and materially, the Castro rebels, to their pulling the rug out from under Batista with an arms embargo, and finally to the U.S. order that Batista vacate Cuba. Ambassador Smith knew something about these events because he personally delivered the messages to Batista, who was then denied exile in the U.S.

"Me and my staff were all Fidelistas," boasted Robert Reynolds, the CIA's "Caribbean Desk's specialist on the Cuban Revolution" from 1957-1960. The U.S. gave Castro's regime its official benediction more rapidly than it had recognized Batista's in 1952, and lavished it with $200 million in subsidies.

In August 1959, the liberal U.S. ambassador to Cuba, Philip Bonsal, alerted Castro to a conspiracy against his regime by Cubans. Thanks in part to Ambassador Bonsal's solicitude for a regime then insulting his nation as "a vulture preying on humanity" and poised to steal $2 billion from U.S. stockholders, the anti-Castro plot was foiled, hundreds of the plotters imprisoned or executed, and the regime that three years later came closest to vaporizing many of America's biggest cities (including Bonsal's home) with nuclear missiles, survived.

In 1958, at the very time the U.S. State Dept. and CIA were helping his movement, Castro had written in confidence to a colleague, "War with the U.S. is my true destiny." Castro had sent armed guerrillas to attempt the violent overthrow of four sovereign Latin American countries, confiscated $2 billion in U.S. property, invited in thousands of Soviet military and police agents, kidnapped 50 U.S. citizens from Guantanamo Bay, and jailed and executed several Americans before we lifted a finger against him.

Clich? no. 4. "The Cuban embargo doesn't work. It never succeeded in toppling Castro or even in moderating Castro's policies. It allows the regime to blame "the bully to the north" for its economic failures and thus rally the Cuban people to its side. It's long past time to do away with it."

The Facts: Spanish pollsters conducted a clandestine poll in Cuba last year and found that less than a third of Cubans blame the U.S. "blockade" for their economic plight. The U.S. embargo was reactive not pro-active and came only after Castro stole 5,911 businesses worth $2 billion from U.S. stockholders. This was (and remains) the biggest such heist in history Castro boasted that he'd never repay a penny of what he stole ( the only promise he's ever kept.)

If the embargo "failed" it is simply, because for over 30 years no "embargo" has been in place.

In 1974, Henry Kissinger allowed all foreign subsidiaries of U.S. companies to trade with Cuba. Since most U.S. brand products are available (cheaper) from Mexico, Cuba's tourist and "dollar stores" have long been well-stocked with U.S. products.

But even that avenue is now moot. In the last three years, U.S. companies have done more than $1 billion dollars worth of direct business with Cuba. Currently, the U.S is Cuba's biggest food supplier and fourth biggest import partner. Since 2000, Cuba has been able to buy practically anything it wants from the U.S. -- but only for cash.

What the Castro regime craves (along with the U.S. agricultural lobby and Cuba?s long queue of stiffed creditors) is U.S. sales to Cuba on credit and guaranteed by the U.S. Export-Import Bank (i.e., U.S. taxpayers.) Cuba has defaulted on such credits whenever offered, most recently from France?s own Ex-Im bank, COFACE. Cuba?s external debt, primarily to Russia, Venezuela and Europe, approaches $40 billion and her credit rating according to Dun & Bradstreet is below Somalia's. Via Congressional lobbying, stilted mainstream media stories and UN votes, all of the above parties ( for obvious reasons) urge the U.S. taxpayer to come to their rescue. They refer to this as ?lifting the Cuban embargo.?

The U.S. taxpayer is among the few in the world not screwed and tattooed by Castro. As such the so-called embargo has been a resounding success.

Clich? no. 5. Cuba was a wretched place before Castro. The Castro regime's minuses in political liberties are more than offset by its plusses in heath care, literacy, nourishment, etc. The London Times described pre-Castro Cuba as "an impoverished Caribbean island." The New York Times termed Cuba's economy in 1958 as "Near-Feudal."

The Facts: A UNESCO report on Cuba circa 1957 stated: "One feature of the Cuban social structure is a large middle class.The U.S. Department of Commerce Guide for Businesses from 1956 stated: ?Cuba is not an underdeveloped country." In 1958, that "impoverished Caribbean island" had a higher per capita income than Austria and Japan and Cuban industrial workers had the 8th highest wages in the world. Cuba also had the hemisphere?s lowest inflation rate and her peso was always equal in value with the U.S. dollar.

Cuba also had more doctors and dentists per capita than Britain and lower infant mortality than France and Germany the 13th lowest in the world, in fact. Today, Cuba's infant mortality rate despite the hemisphere's highest abortion rate which skews this figure downward is 34th from the top. So, relative to the rest of the world, Cuba's health care has worsened under Castro and a nation with a formerly massive influx of European immigrants needs machine guns, water cannons and Tiger sharks to keep it's people from fleeing. In 1958, 80 percent of Cubans were literate and Cuba spent the most per capita on public education of any nation in Latin America. In 1958, Cubans had the third highest protein consumption in Latin America, more Televisions per capita than any European nation and more autos per capita than Japan and half of Europe.

Since 1962, a Cuban's government-mandated food rations are lower than those mandated for Cuban slaves by the Spanish King in 1842. The average salary is $10 a month and oxcarts are envied as a mode of transportation in Cuba's countryside. The only people on earth with fewer cell phones per capita than Cubans live in Papua, New Guinea.

All of this after the Soviets lavished Castro with the equivalent of six Marshall Plans, and pumped not into a war-ravaged continent of 300 million but into an island of 6.5 million who formerly enjoyed everything mentioned above.

Regarding Cuba's ?near-feudal countryside" as the New York Times described it: According to the Geneva-based International Labor Organization, the average daily wage for an agricultural worker in Cuba in the 1950's was higher than in France, Belgium, Denmark, or West Germany. Also, far from huge latifundia dominating the agricultural landscape, the average Cuban farm in 1958 was actually smaller than the average farm in the U.S .

Clich? no. 5. The Bay of Pigs was a ?fiasco? because Cubans in Cuba overwhelmingly supported the Castro regime and were not motivated to fight it as they had the Batista regime.

The Facts: Initially, thinking the moment of liberation had arrived, entire battalions of Castro?s militia surrendered en masse to the invaders. Only when it became obvious that the invaders had been abandoned and no U.S. military support would be forthcoming did the ring close. Even then, one U.S. jet flying over the beachhead on a reconnaissance mission briefly halted most of the firing from Castro?s forces. After the battle, Fidel Castro himself fumed at the poor fighting spirit of his troops.

More facts: A ferocious anti-communist guerrilla war raged in the Cuban countryside from 1960 to 1966 that involved t10 times the number of rebels who ever fought against Batista. Raul Castro himself admitted that his troops, militia, and Soviet advisers were up against 179 different "bands of bandits" as he labeled the freedom-fighters. Tens of thousands of troops, scores of Soviet advisors, and squadrons of Soviet tanks, helicopters, and flame-throwers finally extinguished the lonely Cuban freedom-fight Everyplace else on earth the liberal media/academia axis refers to such a thing as "an insurgency," and is proof that ?the people? oppose their rulers.

"Fool me once," they say. "Shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you." Once in exile, the Cuban refugees pouring out of Cuba adopted the desperate role of Dorothy's dog Toto, tugging the curtain open and urging the world to avert their gaze from the smoke and mirrors and please, please! pay attention to that man behind it.

Results have been -- to put it delicately -- "mixed." Even in death the mainstream media remains in awe of The Great and Powerful Fidel. Castro's primary detractors lacked the proper cachet. Few ethnic groups have ever hit these shores carrying more unfashionable baggage. Not that they carried much. Most landed with the clothes on their backs, their every possession stolen by Castro. Then these people compounded the curse tenfold by bounding into the middle class in one generation and by becoming the most solidly Republican ethnic bloc in U.S. history. From 71 to 82 percent of Cuban-Americans vote Republican. So the usual taboos regarding the discussion of ethnic groups vanish when discussing Americans of Cuban heritage. Georgetown professor and Democratic presidential adviser, Norman Birnbaum referred to them as "Those truly reprehensible Miami Cubans." During the Elian Gonzalez circus Bryant Gumbel referred to Cuban demonstrators as "disgusting" and The New Republic and Nation writer Alexander Cockburn recommended  "nuking" Miami's Little Havana.

Yet, no hysterics erupted from the usual quarters. None of the brouhaha that hounded John Rocker, Jimmy the Greek, and Mel Gibson ensued. All Professional sniffers and snouters in matters regarding "ethnic sensitivity" remained deafeningly mum.

So, what now for Cuba? Fidel's successor, Raul, was the one who gave the "FUEGO!" order for the massacre mentioned at the beginning of this article. "Meet the new boss," wrote Pete Townsend, "same as the old boss."

You get the picture. Given the temper of the times, and given his lackluster personality, Raul is unlikely to gather the same media plaudits as his brother. But he's already being described as "pragmatic," "efficient," "a skillful manager," "more open," etc. by the mainstream media.

And, based on their track record, why wouldn't you believe them?

Humberto Fontova is the author of Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him. Visit


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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2008, 01:15:16 PM »
Interesting the universal condemnation and calls for boycotts brought on South Africa during apartheid, while a vast majority of the left salivate over a similar oppressive regime in Cuba.  \==================================================\\\

There was NOTHING similar between South Africa and Cuba.
There was no apartheid in Cuba. Castro's revolution abolished all forms of racism everywhere anbd deliberately sent Black people to jobs they had been barred from forever, such as the banks. There were no passbooks in Cuba, there was no classification of people into White, Bantus and Colored,

You are, as ever, entirely full of crap.

Here in America, people can leave on a whim.  Can't say the same about citizens in Cuba now, can we.  

Here, in America, Cubans at sea, regardless of their politics and returned to Cuba.

They must tough dry land before that are accepted as political refugees.

Incidentally, most of them are NOT political refugees. They are peolle who have heard that everything is free and glorious in Yuma (as they call the USA), and that they can enjoy a life of ease without actually having to work.
This is because a lot of older refugees are on SSI and are supported by the government and in fact, are getting a free ride, though not a first class one.

Most of those who come are smuggled in by other Cubans who are already here. The going rate last week was $1300 per head, extra for children.
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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2008, 01:18:10 PM »
Interesting the universal condemnation and calls for boycotts brought on South Africa during apartheid, while a vast majority of the left salivate over a similar oppressive regime in Cuba.  \==================================================\\\

There was NOTHING similar between South Africa and Cuba.

LOL....outside of their brutal governing regimes, where folks who simply disagreed with the government were sentenced to death.  Oh wait, that only happened in Cuba
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2008, 01:23:36 PM »
Here, in America, Cubans at sea, regardless of their politics and returned to Cuba.  They must tough dry land before that are accepted as political refugees.  Incidentally, most of them are NOT political refugees. They are peolle who have heard that everything is free and glorious in Yuma (as they call the USA), and that they can enjoy a life of ease without actually having to work.  This is because a lot of older refugees are on SSI and are supported by the government and in fact, are getting a free ride, though not a first class one.  Most of those who come are smuggled in by other Cubans who are already here. The going rate last week was $1300 per head, extra for children.

In other words, they're not free to leave on their own country.  Thank you for validating my point, Xo     ::)
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2008, 02:23:57 PM »
>>There was no apartheid in Cuba.<<

Once again the lefties show their ignorance. "Black" Cubans are second class citizens.

Black skin and Cuban leadership
published: Saturday | July 17, 2004
Ramon Colas, Contributor

IN AN important CARICOM meeting which started on Thursday in Havana, the region's foreign ministers were expected to follow a pre-arranged agenda that is unlikely to address issues that might cause discomfort among their hosts.

Meanwhile, an unconscionable scene plays out in which black Cubans are daily marginalised, victims of a subtle but tangible racism that is cruel and inhumane. Cuban government statistics, always taken with a grain of salt, nonetheless confirm that Cubans who happen to be black are those with the least access to hard currency, an instrument of basic survival in today's Cuba.


This should be no surprise: you will find virtually no black hotel maids or waiters, jobs that are attractive because they provide access to dollars and euros. Indeed, tourism and dollarisation's silent victims have been Cuba's black population, now transformed into a social nuisance.

To be sure, the Cuban authorities would much rather blacks stay far away from investors and joint venture companies. This, in turn, brings about a situation in which investors (largely white) absorb these same attitudes and become complicit in an evil that affects millions of non-white Cubans. In the political realm discrimination is no less pervasive. Within Cuba's power structure, few blacks share the privilege of leading. Of the National Assembly's 600 deputees, only 18 per cent are black. A similar situation exists at the provincial and local levels. The executive is worse yet. When Cuba's leaders travel abroad, they could pass off as a Northern European delegation save for the black faces carrying the luggage or guarding the entourage. Unfortunately, the military is no different. That institution's leadership is made up of white officers. The three chiefs of the army are white; so are the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the head of the police, the navy, and the air force. Similarly, the military's control over economic activities is all channelled through non-black officers. Only the low-ranking black soldiers remind us that Cuba is, after all, in the Caribbean.

It is easy to forget that Cuba's black and mixed populations make up the overwhelming majority! The fact that for over four decades a black leadership has not emerged demonstrates that blacks have not been taken into account.

I myself was victim to this racial discrimination every time I was detained in my country. No interrogation passed in which state security officers did not allude to my condition of being a black Cuban. For them, as for the hierarchy of the Politburo, someone of my colour must unconditionally support the regime and blindly obey its authority. I cannot here repeat the epithets they would proffer.

This disheartening reality must be overcome through reason and moral responsibility. It will be attainable only when there exists in Cuba a system based on real opportunities, equally distributed without regard to race. Only then will black and white, white and black, that is to say Cubans, join together for the good of their nation.


CARICOM's foreign ministers meeting in Havana should take advantage of their opportunity to venture beyond pristine hotel lobbies and orchestrated cultural events. If they do, they will puncture the myths artfully promoted through deliberate media campaigns. They will touch the real Cuba: a place where discrimination is widespread, and hope non-existent. They would do well to visit with the leaders of Cubas opposition movement. There they will find what the regimes ranks has not been able to produce in 45 years a black leadership. They will also find the clearest indication that a black leadership will be inevitable in a future democractic Cuba.


Ramon Colas is the founder of the Independent Libraries of Cuba, a grassroots civil society movement that promotes reading free from censorship and the free exchange of ideas.


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Re: Castro Quits
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2008, 05:51:30 PM »
I know lots of Black Cubans and every damned one of them disagrees with this. Every one of them says that the US is far more racist than Cuba.

You only read propaganda and are not bright enough to recognize it for what it is.

In other words, they're not free to leave on their own country.  Thank you for validating my point, Xo     

They leave Cuba all the time. They are not freee to enter the US unless they can put a dry foot on US soil.

In fact, the US WANTS Cuba to restrain them from coming here. They limit the number of visas, and send back anyone who they find floating out at sea.

The US occasionally catches the people smugglers, takes away their boats and sends them to jail, but certainly not as often as it could. The idea of people wanting to come here is used for propaganda by the US, and so only the dumbest of smugglers are caught. With satellites, they are amazingly easy to catch.

This whole thing is a big dumb propaganda war, with Cuban riffraff used as fodder.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."