So, what, you're going to nitpick that she didn't specifically say American cities?
LOL....Yes, since that's
the basis of this gross distortion. Strange how one claims Condi (and the Bush administration) meant X, then backpedal about being nitpicky that she never actually said X.
A) Saddam WAS trying to aquire the various components to put together a nuke. The 1st time we went into Iraq, the Inspectors were floored to see how far they had gotten, in that endeavor. B) His being able to have Nukes in the region, much like what India & Pakistan have been pulling, would have made him a much more massive threat than he was, AND would have put our troops in the region, not to mention Israel, at much greater peril
And the ever famous C), HE HAD NO MEANS OF HITTING US (the U.S.) WITH A NUKE. Apparently you're of the mindset that people are so stupid in the country, that when Condi never references an American city, she must have been........because.......well, because, people must be that stupid
The lie about the imminent threat was still there, whether it was to New York or Tel Aviv or Amman.
No the LIE, is that Saddam was claimed to be an imminent threat by this Administration. The truth is that was never the case, and it was ALWAYS in trying to PREVENT him from BECOMING an imminent threat. Not that those facts matter to you. The distortion sounds so much better, don't it