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Carter?s Terror Tour
« on: April 14, 2008, 11:33:20 AM »
Carter?s Terror Tour

By Jacob Laksin | 4/14/2008

The trouble with having an open mind, the novelist Terry Pratchett once observed, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. That caveat seems especially relevant in light of the news that Jimmy Carter will travel to the Middle East this week to meet with, among others, Khaled Meshal, the notorious Hamas commander living in exile in Damascus.

It isn?t clear who convinced the former president that the road to peace in the Middle East lies through one of its leading saboteurs. But Carter?s justification for the trip ? he intends to come with an ?an open mind and heart to learn from all parties? ? is an object lesson on the perils of open-mindedness.

For one thing, there is little to be learned from Khaled Meshal. His resume speaks gruesomely for itself. A Hamas veteran, Meshal is suspected by Israeli authorities of being the mastermind of several high-profile terror attacks. The June 2006 abduction of Israeli soldier Gilad Schalit reportedly was carried out on his orders.

Less compromising than even his counterparts in Gaza, who have at least paid lip service, however implausible, to the idea of honoring a peace treaty with Israel, Meshal makes no effort to conceal his true aim: destroying the Jewish state through a relentless campaign of terrorism.

In a 2006 interview with the BBC, for instance, Meshal explained that any truce with Israel would be ?limited because there is a Palestinian reality that the international community must deal with.? That ?reality? was the mere fact of Israel?s existence, which Meshal, along with the rest of the Hamas leadership, deems intolerable.

Out of earshot of Western media, Meshal has sounded still more sinister notes. In taped speeches to his supporters, Meshal can be heard declaring that ?Israel with the help of Allah will be defeated.? With chilling candor, he has confessed that ?resistance? ? i.e., terrorism ? is not only the ?basis? of Palestinian politics but the ?destiny? of the Palestinian people.

?[W]e won't pretend to be something we're not,? Meshal revealingly told Al-Ahram newspaper in 2005. ?Yes, suicide operations? anger international public opinion, but you must observe the Palestinian popular mood.? Terror is Meshal?s business, in other words, and he has no intention of closing down shop.

With this public record to go on, to believe that an arch-terrorist like Meshal has a role to play in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians requires self-delusion on a momentous scale. Regrettably, the 39th president is more than equal to the task.

Indeed, this is not the first time that Carter has extended an olive branch to the suicide-belt set. In the aftermath of Hamas? electoral victory in January 2006, Carter was among the first to congratulate the terrorist group, meeting with Hamas leaders in Ramallah, where his Carter Center has an office, and cheerfully parroting their assurance that they ?want to have a peaceful administration.? When Hamas subsequently reneged on its promise, purging Gaza of all Fatah opposition and stepping up its rocket attacks against Israel, Carter was unchastened.

On the contrary, Carter undertook a vigorous one-man lobbying campaign on behalf of the terrorist group, urging the international community to launder money to Hamas through U.N. aid programs and then calling it ?criminal? when the money for Hamas? war of terror was not forthcoming.

Today Carter remains a believer in Hamas? essential goodness. Despite its genocidal agenda, unmistakably set forth in the Hamas charter, and notwithstanding its continued embrace of terrorism, Carter has maintained that ?there is a good chance? that Hamas could become a non-violent organization.

Deluded though it is, there is a reason why Carter is prepared to believe Hamas? rhetoric over brutal reality. As he made clear in his book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, Carter shares the Palestinian terrorists? belief that Israel?s ?occupation,? as opposed to the Palestinians? refusal to recognize Israel and their war against it, is to blame for the stalemated conflict. ?Israel's continued control and colonization of Palestinian land have been the primary obstacles to a comprehensive peace agreement in the Holy Land,? Carter argued in the book.

Even a cursory familiarity with the facts is sufficient to demolish that claim. Since Israel?s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 and the end of the so-called ?occupation? there, Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups have launched over 6,000 rockets and mortars into Israel. By Carter?s logic, such attacks should never have occurred.

But instead of reconsidering the ?occupation? narrative, Carter has adopted a see-no-evil approach to Palestinian terror. In 2006, when Hamas supposedly was honoring a ceasefire against Israel, over 1,000 rockets rained down on southern Israel from the Gaza strip. That deadly barrage did not deter Carter from claiming, absurdly, that ?Hamas leaders have continued to honor a temporary cease-fire, or hudna, during the past 18 months.? For good measure, Carter quoted a Hamas spokesman who told him that the ceasefire "can be extended for two, 10 or even 50 years if the Israelis will reciprocate." A more skeptical observer might have wondered how Hamas could honor for decades a ceasefire it failed to uphold for a single year. Carter simply took Hamas at its word.

Whatever else may be said of Carter?s forthcoming meeting with Khaled Meshal, it is entirely in keeping with his disgraceful post-presidential career. Whether out of a dangerous naivet? or genuine malice toward Israel ? and there is evidence that both are at play in Carter?s aggressive advocacy for the Palestinian cause ? Carter has become a pawn of terrorists who have the blood of countless Israelis, as well as Americans, on their hands. That Carter continues to see these committed killers as peacemakers is only further proof that an open mind should never be confused with a wise one.

Jacob Laksin is a senior editor for FrontPage Magazine. He is a 2007 Phillips Foundation Journalism Fellow. His e-mail is


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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2008, 12:17:16 PM »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2008, 03:03:41 PM »
The only people that will end the rockets being fired into Israel from Gaza are the members of Hamas.
Israel will never kill them all. They have tried and failed, and will always fail. Only extermination of all men in Gaza might work, but not even Jews can get away with genocide.

So someone has to talk with Hamas, and Carter could be the most successful person to do so. So more power to him.
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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2008, 03:48:21 PM »
And all the while Hamas laugh hysterically at both Carter and the U.S. for the comedic capitulating       :-\
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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2008, 04:53:13 PM »
I'd pull Carter's passport if I had the power. Leave the old fool over there were he belongs.


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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2008, 06:48:16 PM »
I'd pull Carter's passport if I had the power. Leave the old fool over there were he belongs.

Luckily, you do not have the power. You are doomed to flail about helplessly as Rush pulls your strings.

If he had no passport, supposedly he would not be able to leave here, but I hardly think there is any government of the US that will ever be able to deny the right of a citizen to travel where he pleases and to return, let alone an ex-president.

Carter has probably been encouraged to open a dialogue with Hamas by the State Department. I hardly think Hamas is laughing at him in any way. IF there is no dialogue, there will never be a solution.

We already know that no weapons anyone could possibly use will stop those rocket attacks. Violence will never work.
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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2008, 06:52:22 PM »
Carter has probably been encouraged to open a dialogue with Hamas by the State Department. I hardly think Hamas is laughing at him in any way. IF there is no dialogue, there will never be a solution.  We already know that no weapons anyone could possibly use will stop those rocket attacks. Violence will never work.

And strangely, talking is a sign of weakness to folks like Hamas.  So yea, laughing at not just the capitulation, but at the cowardice as well.  Both of which simply enables them to go even further in their terroristic endeavors. 
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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2008, 11:33:40 PM »
And strangely, talking is a sign of weakness to folks like Hamas.  So yea, laughing at not just the capitulation, but at the cowardice as well.  Both of which simply enables them to go even further in their terroristic endeavors.

That is total bullshit. It is never a sign of weakness to talk to anyone. There is nothing of cowardice to it, either. Carter is not any sort of coward. He is the only American politician who sees the Israeli occupation for the racist apartheid it is and calls it like he sees it.

The Juniorbush plan is a two state solution. But with Hamas in charge of Gaza and the PLO in charge of the West Bank, there are three states.

Condi was the diplomatic genius, may I remind you, that decided that the Palestinians needed elections. A VERY bad call. And to thiunk that some of you ratwing schmucks think she is somehow vice-presidential material. Of course, compared with Dick Cheney...

There is no solution possible through violence. If there were, the Israelis would have already resolved it that way.

This "sign of weakness" crap is the same nonsense we heard about the People's Republic for nearly 30 years. Then when Kissinger and Nixon went to talk with Mao and Chou En-Lai, they became heroes.

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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2008, 05:13:01 AM »
And strangely, talking is a sign of weakness to folks like Hamas.  So yea, laughing at not just the capitulation, but at the cowardice as well.  Both of which simply enables them to go even further in their terroristic endeavors.

That is total bullshit. It is never a sign of weakness to talk to anyone. There is nothing of cowardice to it, either.

It is to Middle Easterners of the region.  Especially those of the militant varieity

Carter is not any sort of coward.

You're right, he's not a coward.  He's an idiot, an asanine naive leftist ignorant idiot, who's largely the single biggest reason the middle east is in such a mess.  But let me not hold back. 

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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2008, 01:18:15 PM »
That is total bullshit. It is never a sign of weakness to talk to anyone. There is nothing of cowardice to it, either.

It is to Middle Easterners of the region.  Especially those of the militant varieity

It is to the Middle Easterners who dwell between your ears. Not the real ones, however.

Carter is not the cause. Carter is a solution.
Jimmy Carter is a great man. He atoning for listening to Henry Kissinger, which is never a good idea.

Big Oil, Israel and US military adventurism are the causes. That and the intractability of both the Palestinians and the Israelis.

They should be fighting this one with rocks and slingshots and leraving the rest of the world alone.
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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2008, 01:30:51 PM »
That is total bullshit. It is never a sign of weakness to talk to anyone. There is nothing of cowardice to it, either.

It is to Middle Easterners of the region.  Especially those of the militant varieity
It is to the Middle Easterners who dwell between your ears. Not the real ones, however.

Actually, it would be the real ones, and in particular, the militant variety

Carter is not the cause. Carter is a solution.

Naaa, his pathetic foreign policy helped bring Iran into it's current form, helped facilitate Saddam's rise in power, helped bring nukes to North Korea, in other words, a total disaster

Jimmy Carter is a great man.

Hey, he might be a really nice guy.  I heard Jeffy Dahmer was a nice neighbor as well.  Might have even bought Girl Scout cookies.  Point being, he was a disaster of a President, and is simply cementing that position with his current asanine acts

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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2008, 07:06:06 PM »
Yeah sure. Carter was another Jeffrey Dahmer.
Is that the best you can do?

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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2008, 07:16:02 PM »
Yeah sure. Carter was another Jeffrey Dahmer.

Didn't say that now, did I.  Anything else you wish to misrepresent?

Is that the best you can do?

With the material you provide, it's not hard
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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2008, 09:12:53 PM »
You are beyond unconvincing. You know less than nothing.

Lame, lame, lame.

It is obvious that there are only three possibilities: either there is a negotiated settlement, or one side is exterminated, or the situation remains the same. Carter is the one American who is likely to be taken seriously by Hamas, since the State Dept can disavow that they sent him or even approved his going there. There will be no end to the rocket attacks without a discussion, and no discussion is possible with Rice, since she is sucking up to the Zionists from the start and no Palestinian trusts her at all.

Who are Hamas supposed to consider weak? Carter? So what?

Israel can't make the rockets stop, and therefore they will continue unless there is a discussion.
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Re: Carter?s Terror Tour
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2008, 12:29:32 AM »
Lame, lame, lame.

Oh, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.  You do the best you can, I'm sure

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle