Then we follow the new laws until those get changed. Law isn't static. It changes and evolves according to the customs of the time. Though the law trumps freedom, you are free to choose to disobey the law if you are willing to accept the consequences and possibly lose your freedom.
That doesn't really show me that we are a society based upon the rule of law at all. In fact, it puts me in mind of the amendment that ushered in prohibition. Many people along the coast would drive their boats out to the international water line and purchase liquor there. Then they would have to avoid the Coast Guard on the return trip. There was a man in New York who made vessels for the liquor runners
and the Coast Guard. He wasn't following the rule of law at all!
NASCAR was born from bootleggers running liquor like Junior Johnson over in Wilkes County. Ask people there if they think Junior was a poor example or a hero, you know what the answer is. (By the way, Junior is an absolutely cool individual if you ever get the chance to hear him speak about the old days of running liquor). The President drank liquor during prohibition.
You know as well as I do that there is a different justice system for the extremely wealthy than the poor. There is a different legal system for the establishment than there is for the disenfranchised. If Rush Limbaugh were a poor African-American, would he have gotten off so lightly for violating his parole? Honestly? If the kids at Kent State had been kids at Yale and one of them were named Bush or Kennedy, do you think there wouldn't have been hell to pay?
And you expect me to believe we are a "society based on the rule of law?" Perhaps in a theory written on a piece of paper, but in reality? No, I don't think so.