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Another view on Obama
« on: June 09, 2008, 09:41:13 AM »
Obama Won't Win It All
by Charley Reese

Barack Obama may have secured the Democratic nomination for president, but I don't think he will ever see the inside of the White House except as a visitor.

He has two things going against him. He's African-American, and he's way too liberal for most Americans. Barring a gargantuan blunder by the Republican candidate, John McCain, those two factors will put Obama on the short end of the vote count.

Race is a factor in America, though no one is going to admit to being prejudiced to a pollster or a journalist. Nevertheless, I believe there remains a substantial number of people who simply will not vote to put an African-American in the White House.

Presidential races are won by stitching together percentages of constituencies. Unlike the Democratic nomination process, the general election is a winner-take-all system. In close races, small constituencies can mean the difference between winning and losing a state's electoral votes.

Obama has been very clever by holding rallies in places like Iowa, Minnesota and Oregon. What do these states have in common? They are white, liberal states with a very small percentage of black residents. Contrary to TV ads, which like to blame parents for teaching their children to be prejudiced, most people develop their prejudices based on their personal experiences.

A very liberal friend of mine confided one day that he was shocked when his middle-school son said to him, "Daddy, I hate (N-word)." When questioned, it turned out that a few African-American thugs were waylaying younger white kids in the restroom, beating them up and stealing their lunch money. The spineless school administrators had done nothing to stop it.

So this is a case in point. The boy had been taught from childhood not to be prejudiced. They had lived in California and had contact with few African-Americans. So the lesson was all theoretical. Moving into the South, however, gave this kid his first person-to-person experience with African-Americans, and it was, in his case, a bad one.

The point being, in states where blacks and whites interact, there is bound to be more friction. Don't be fooled by the la-la land created on television. Some whites don't like blacks. Some blacks don't like whites. I would like to be wrong, but I don't think we've yet reached the nirvana the TV pundits are proclaiming. Obama's win was historic, but so was emancipation, and we all know what happened after that historic event.

I've been leery of Sen. McCain because he seems inclined to bomb Iran. However, now that Obama has sold out to the Israeli lobby, that's a moot point. Furthermore, there is not a stupid idea about gun control that Obama hasn't supported either verbally or with his vote.

The Second Amendment was not written for duck hunters. It was written for self-defense and for defense against tyranny. Obama ought to talk to some of the people who survived the civil-rights revolution about how they stayed up all night with their private firearms to protect their families. He ought to research the old Jim Crow laws, which banned blacks from owning certain kinds of firearms.

If my choice is between a guy who may bomb Iran and one who shows such contempt for the Constitution as to support gun control, then the Iranians need to start working on their bomb shelters. A man ignorant of or contemptuous of the Second Amendment cannot be trusted to obey any of the Bill of Rights. He cannot be trusted to appoint sensible judges. Americans need to send a clear message to all politicians that our rights are non-negotiable.

If people think the Second Amendment is archaic, then try to repeal it. Until then, it is as binding as the rest of the Constitution and must be respected.

June 9, 2008

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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2008, 10:20:46 AM »
Yeah, we all need guns, so we can overthrow a bad government and enforce civil rights vigilante-style. A government with all manner of high-tech weaponry can easily be taken out by citizens with pistols. Pretty much everyone in Iraq was armed to the teeth, and they somehow did not manage to convince Saddam to step down.
Canada has lots of duckhunters and is in many ways a more free society than the US, and yet has only a fraction of the crime and people locked up for threatening others with guns i robberies and such.

Below is a list of governments that have been overthrown by a populace armed with Glocks, Colts and Smith&Wessons:


Israel negotiates with Hamas and Hezbollah already. For a candidate to say he supports Israel and a two state solution means Israel (that has pretty much everything) will have to give up something before it is outnumbered by voting Palestinians, who will vote to make it something other than a Jewish state.

If McCain wins, it will be because of racism. It's that simple.

If Obama wins, it is because McCain's campaign either failed to make a case for four more years of pissing away bazillions on a stupid war and helping the megarich become supermegarich, or those advocating he be elected will do something so bloody racist that it backfires on them.
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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2008, 10:22:28 AM »
So, that's the way the right is going to go about this?

Don't elect a (N-word)?

Way to think about the nation.  Way to be proud of how far we've come. 

Don't even think about issues, just look at that (N-word). 

Class.  Total class.


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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2008, 12:23:47 PM »
In 1982, Thomas Bradley  ran for governor of California and was predicted to win by the polls. But he was defeated by George Deukmejian, apparently because people did not wish to lie about their racism or at least appear to be racists. This was called the "Bradley effect". It happened again in 1986. Bradley was mayor of L.A. for five terms, and ran six times, losing the first to Sam Yorty.

I imagine that we will be hearing rather a lot about this in the months to come. I can almost hear the Republicans chanting "Deuklmejian, Deukmejian, Deukmejian", which does make for a rather nice chant for those who can spell and pronounce Armenian surnames.
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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2008, 12:37:04 PM »
So, that's the way the right is going to go about this?

Who said anything about 'the right' doing this? I believe his opinion applied to everyone - right, left and center. Or do you know for a fact those on the left are completely non-racist?

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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2008, 12:38:03 PM »
So, that's the way the right is going to go about this?

Don't elect a (N-word)?

Way to think about the nation.  Way to be proud of how far we've come.

Don't even think about issues, just look at that (N-word).

Class.  Total class.


Bill Clinton first stepped in it when he he went to South Carolina and asked everyone if they had noticed Obama was black.

Ed Rendell stated that he doubted Obama would do well in PA because some folks up nawth weren't ready for a black president.

If there is a large youth and minority turnout and Obama doesn't say something totally radical, stupid or dangerous, it will be a nail biter.

The swing vote is boomers who are undecided about turning over the reins to the next generation.

They are not so comfortable with the status quo but are risk adverse.


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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2008, 12:40:23 PM »
Below is a list of governments that have been overthrown by a populace armed with Glocks, Colts and Smith&Wessons:

Silly wabbit. The United States wouldn't exist without the guns the colonists had to fight the British. You can put that one at the top of your (very long) list of governments that have been overthrown with guns.
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Michael Tee

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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2008, 02:28:57 PM »
It's hilarious that the Republicans, who of COURSE aren't RACIST, which would be a TERRIBLE thing to be, have only white racists to save their fascist asses in November.

Well, the way I see it, blacks are not the only group that Americans are prejudiced against.  Old men come in for a fair share of it, particularly not-too-bright old men, in fact dodderingly foolish old men who blather on endlessly about their "heroism" in Viet Nam (which consists of being shot down, taken prisoner, and making propaganda broadcasts for the enemy from their "Hanoi Hilton" residence, which when you come to think of it, does not sound all that "heroic" to me) and of course add a whiff of narrow escape from the criminal justice system, and I think John McSame has just about cornered enough voters to populate a small high school in Virginia.  Now add the "Republican" label to the product, and I would tell the old fascist war criminal:  "Don't.  Even.  Bother."


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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2008, 02:39:29 PM »
It's hilarious that the Republicans, who of COURSE aren't RACIST, which would be a TERRIBLE thing to be, have only white racists to save their fascist asses in November.

I don't think the election will boil down to race.

I think it will boil down to comfort levels.

The rest of your post is just hate filled tripe.


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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2008, 03:25:07 PM »
Silly wabbit. The United States wouldn't exist without the guns the colonists had to fight the British. You can put that one at the top of your (very long) list of governments that have been overthrown with guns.

That was then, this is, in the event you have not noticed, now.

I was not referring to overthrowing the British with the guns they had in 1776. I was referring to the impossibility of overthrowing the government of the US with pistols when the cops and the military have the weapons they have now: machine guns, teargas, all manner of riot control crap and even that heat ray the military has.

There is no way that making people register pistols is going to make it one but easier to overthrow the government now.

It is at best an emotional argument. No way it's a logical one.
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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2008, 03:35:54 PM »
Racial nonsense aside, I know right now it looks like Obama v McCain will be a squeaker, but I have sneaking suspicion that as the debates go on over the next five months, Obama's lead will widen and he will eventually win the general by a landslide.

I've been wrong before, but I think I'm on it this time.


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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2008, 03:52:28 PM »
I was not referring to overthrowing the British with the guns they had in 1776.

Actually, even then small arms weren't enough.  George Washington sent Henry Knox to Fort Ticonderoga to bring cannon back that had been captured there, to use in the siege of Boston.  If you ever read up on it, the journey back was a very interesting tale, of how to get those heavy guns back in the middle of winter through mountains, forests, and rivers.

The same thing holds true now, an armed revolution would almost certainly target the armories of various military installations.

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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2008, 04:53:46 PM »

Yeah, we all need guns, so we can overthrow a bad government and enforce civil rights vigilante-style.

Something like that, yes.

I was referring to the impossibility of overthrowing the government of the US with pistols when the cops and the military have the weapons they have now: machine guns, teargas, all manner of riot control crap and even that heat ray the military has.

There is no way that making people register pistols is going to make it one but easier to overthrow the government now.

Exactly why 1) we should not have laws prohibiting the type of weapons citizens can own (well, except maybe nuclear devices), and 2) there should be no requirement to register firearms.
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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2008, 07:08:53 PM »
<<I don't think the election will boil down to race.>>

Neither do I.  I found it hilarious that the conservatives depicted at the head of this thread obviously were counting on white racist votes to save their sorry ass.  Indicating to me that enough Republicans were sick enough of the Bush-era mess and far enough past the race issue, at least as a deal-breaker, that McSame will be left high and dry in November.

<<I think it will boil down to comfort levels.>>

Now you're contradicting your first statement - - "comfort levels" is code for racism.  It's more emotional and gut-level than platform or philosophical disagreement.

<<The rest of your post is just hate filled tripe.>>

He's a no-good bum and that has to be pointed out.  If you want to call pointing out the candidate's character flaws "hate-filled tripe," be my guest.  Compared to the accusations of murder and rape that I've seen levelled against Hillary and/or Mr. Hillary by Republicans, or the Swift-Boating of John Kerry, I thought I was being pretty mild.  But apparently there are some people around here who still believe that what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the goose.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2008, 07:12:29 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Another view on Obama
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2008, 07:45:15 PM »
 It seems that the way that a modern racist  phrases this is by saying "I don't think we are ready for a Black president yet".

Obama is the whitest Black guy ever to be involved in American politics. He's npot descended from slaves, he grew up in Hawaii and other places where there was little or no prejudice against Blacks, and he was raised by White people and educated at Harvard. So please. Of course the US is ready.

I had a White guy tell me that he couldn't vote for Obama because he thought Obama was too "cocky" . Isn;pt McCain somewhat "cocky"? It seemed to me like Romney and Giulani were also "cocky". Fred Thompson may have been "cocky" in his dreams, as he seemed to be mostly asleep.

I am pretty sure the Fonz, as p-layed by Henry Winkler was definitely cocky, but Obama...? Naah.
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