<<Gads, do you ever read what you write sometimes?>>
Yeah, basically (minus the sarcasm) I wrote that
you can't possibly support (with facts) your allegation that the Iraqis are "largely" thankful that Saddam is no longer in power." You have no basis in fact at this point in time for saying that. You made it up out of your own head.
To state, as you did (with obvious sarcasm) that "in the real world people move into dictatorships" or that "[dictatorship] is what they long to raise their children in" are asinine generalities that contribute absolutely nothing to the argument. Whether people move into or out of dictatorships is hardly the point, since migrations occur for mostly economic reasons. For example, the massive post-war immigrations into North America from Italy, Greece, Ireland and Germany slowed to a trickle after those countries' economic conditions improved dramatically. Mexican immigration, legal and illegal, into the U.S.A. is ALL about economic opportunity and has nothing to do with dictatorships. In Iraq itself the current refugee crisis caused by flight from that country is many times the number of refugees who had fled from the Saddam Hussein regime.
http://www.refugeesinternational.org/content/article/detail/9679Whether people long to raise their kids in a dictatorship is a meaningless question unless you compare that with other conditions in which they "long" to raise their kids, as for example, under foreign military occupation, under a civil war, under a Shi'ite or Sunni regime, etc.
The bottom line, minus all your sarcasm, detours,
non sequiturs and loony irrelevant examples, is as I originally said, you have absolutely ZERO evidence to back up your ludicrous claim that Iraqis are "largely" thankful that Saddam is gone. You don't know what the hell you are talking about, so you just make that stuff up as you go along.
I had made a very similar observation regarding your nutty claim that << Largely they [Iraqis] support our efforts of bringing democracy to their country, where it didn't exist during Saddam.>> THAT also you had no way of knowing and when challenged brought up all kinds of irrelevant bullshit, "dictatorship isn't dictatorship," "Tee-leaf reality," "Saddam got 100% of the vote." Bottom line again, you don't know what the hell you are talking about and have no factual way of supporting your ridiculous claim. The whole fucking country is devastated, hundreds of thousands of them are dead,
millions are refugees, but they "support U.S. efforts to 'bring democracy.'" Are you out of your fucking mind?
In response to another one of your asinine claims (<< Iraqi "elections" (that elected Saddam) were a complete sham. >>) I very sensibly pointed out that most of them didn't really give a shit. I happen to know quite a few Iraqis, MOST of them refugees from Saddam Hussein's regime, many of them fleeing during or after the Iran-Iraq war to avoid military service and as long as they had good jobs, Western living conditions, free education and medical care, they did not give a shit about politics and that is just a fact. Your idiotic assertion, totally devoid of any facts to support your position, was a rolling-eyes icon and a "Yeah right" as if YOU somehow knew better.
Again, I made some mockery of plane's hypocritical, fake disapproval of Saddam ("Saddam was a dictator") - - a TOTAL IRRELEVANCY in a world in which the U.S.A. routinely and across the globe, supports and has supported dictators, some of theme much worse than Saddam - - which you then tried to turn into an expression of my alleged "support" of dictators in general. Nice try, sirs, but I was never a supporter of Saddam and never will be. What I was opposed to was the Bush administration's lying bullshit that they were opposed to Saddam
because he was a brutal dictator - - in fact they were opposed to him
despite the fact that he was a brutal dictator.
And in a final comment on your post, I would suggest that before you go too hard on Saddam for his use of WMD, you might want to know how much the U.S.A. had to do with him getting the WMD in the first place, and how much support they gave to his war effort in which the WMD was used.