Health Insurance Fund, 12 June 2008
Apologies for the current appearance of the website. I will be gradually replacing all the place-holders after the health insurance drive is over. Please help if you can, and you haven't already. I can only guarantee new Crap I Drew on My Lunch Break and Sack of Hammers comics if I do not lose my health insurance. The premiums have increased every six months and I'm getting too old to go without it. I am a sickly thing.
Below is the amount of funds I need to raise by the end of June to make sure that I will be able to maintain my health insurance and meet my minimum expenses for at least another year. I apologize for having to do this, but I am going to lose my insurance if I am not able to set aside the funds. If I lose my insurance I will not be able to continue making comics.
Donations and Booth Seventeen purchases (excluding sales tax and shipping charges) will count towards this goal. Thank you.
Used to be starveing artists, now artists arn't starveing but they still want health care.