<<Yet it proves nothing to you?>>
Of course not, the Republocrats still won didn't they? He wasn't even close. The system worked.
<<Ross Perot was not handsome, not especially inspireing, but at that moment in history there were a lot of us desireing something that the Dems and Republicans were not offering.>>
Ross Perot was a very logical man and an excellent communicator. His graphs made sense and his explanations were sharp and to the point. I was favourably impressed with him, except for his pandering to the military. My liberal cousins in Detroit, who are now flirting with Libertarianism, were actually going to vote for Perot after a lifetime on the left wing of the Democratic Party, until the poor guy self-destructed with that nonsense about how "they" were plotting to ruin his daughter's wedding. He was inspiring, the same way the Wright Brothers were inspiring, just plain-spoken no-nonsense Americans from outside the Beltway who can roll up their sleeves and get the job done without any help from the high and mighty.
<<That is the main thing it takes , that is what motivates the two partys to pander to our wants , it is the missing element in a one party system
<<With just one party you lead the peoiple , not hte other way around.>>
In reality, plane, that's all you have - - ONE party.