Just make sure you and all your conservative associates vote, vote, vote.
The following were Zogby’s polls November 1, 2004 (one day before 2004 election):
One day before 2004 election :
Iowa: Zogby Poll: Kerry +6% Actual: Bush +5% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +11%
W. Virginia: Zogby Poll: Bush +4.5% Actual: Bush +13% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +8.5%
Florida: Zogby Poll: Kerry +1% Actual: Bush +5% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +6%
Wisconsin: Zogby Poll: Kerry +7% Actual: Kerry +1% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +6%
Tennessee: Zogby Poll: Tennessee numbers. Zogby showed Bush +3.3%, acutal was 14%.
Oregon: Zogby Poll: Kerry +10% Actual: Kerry +4% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +6%
Arkansas: Zogby Poll: Actual: Bush +3.2% Bush +9% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +5.8%
Washington: Zogby Poll: Actual: Kerry +11.2% Kerry +7% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +4.2%
Michigan: Zogby Poll: Kerry +7% Actual: Kerry +3% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +4%
New Hampshire: Zogby Poll: Kerry +4.5% Actual: Kerry +1% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +3.5%
Pennsylvania: Zogby Poll: Kerry +5% Actual: Kerry +2% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +3%
Missouri: Zogby Poll: Bush +4.2% Actual: Bush +7% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +2.8%
New Mexico: Zogby Poll: Even Actual: Bush +1% Difference between Poll and Actual: Bush +1%