Rather than rounding up everyone who might be a problem, a practice that if used by police would be roundly and properly condemned, I suggest that we establish investigations and evidence to determine who the proper suspects are before we arrest them. I'm not saying it would be 100% foolproof. Obviously it would not be. But it would be better.[/color]
George Bush has over seen the shooting dead of about half of the Al Queda membership , I have to suppose that a lot of desertion is going on , I still think that your assertion is made first and is unsupported , especially by facts.
I have no idea what assertion that is. But again, you made the assertion that he has done it, so supporting that assertion is up to you.
I can imagine the scene if a team of investigators went to Tora Bora and started investigateing , without any military involvement. You are being very unspecific so do not complain that I am finning in the blanks.
As I see it yuou are gripeing that it was not done in a way that would have been stupid or impossible to do.
Did I really make the assertion that Bush has done well ,and very nearly what you want ,before you asserted that he had done poorly and that your idea was better? I don't see your ideas being specific enough for you to complain about my assumptions, not diffrent enough from the Bush plan to justify gripeing and where ever there is a real diffrence it involves impossibility enough to inspire levity.
Your assertion that Bush did not do well needs some better support .
Your idea that only the truely guilty shoud be arrested is extremely impossible , even in a peacefull American city , let alone in highly unfrendly territiory occupied by an unfreindly army.
Your idea of going against the familys of the guilty is interesting , but jibes poorly with your support of Habies Corpus rights. Comitted Martyers might not worry about Grandma going to heaven early , what would we be doing with Grandma to make her give junior up any way?
Freezeing the assets and tracking the assets we know is happening because the NYTimes told us all about the secret program to follow the money , halting it in mid stroke , do you suppose you could get press co-operation for your program better?
Any how to summerise I consider your assertion that it is poorly donme to be previous and completely unsupported , I consider your suggestions redundant to programs already underway with the exception of a couple of impossibilitys.
Also I am haveing fun, you are good at this and I don't know if I will ever pin you down to specifics.