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Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« on: July 05, 2008, 11:46:35 AM »

Clinton supporters still not
embracing Obama, poll says

CNN, by Alexander Mooney - July 4, 2008

(CNN) One week after Hillary Clinton made a public show of unity with Barack Obama, a new survey suggests supporters of the New York senator are increasingly less likely to follow her lead.

A growing number of Clinton supporters say they may stay home in November instead of casting their ballot for Obama, a clear sign the party has yet to coalesce around the Illinois senator four weeks after the most prolonged and at times divisive primary race in modern American history came to a close.

According to a new survey from CNN and the Opinion Research Corporation, the number of Clinton supporters who plan to defect to John McCain's camp is down from one month ago, but in what could be an ominous sign for Obama as he seeks to unify the party, a growing number of them say they may not vote at all.

In a CNN/ORC survey conducted in early June, entirely before the New York senator officially ended her White House bid, 22 percent of Clinton supporters said they would not vote at all if Obama was the party's nominee. Now close to a third say they will stay home. In all, only 54 percent of Clinton backers say they plan on voting for Obama.

In another sign the wounds of the heated primary race have yet to heal, more than 4 in 10 registered Democrats (43 percent) still say they would prefer Clinton to be the party's presidential nominee. That number is significantly higher than it was in early June, when only 35 percent of Democrats said they preferred the New York senator to lead the party's presidential ticket Then, Obama won 59 percent of support from registered Democrats, now he garners 5 points less.

By nearly any measure then, it's clear Clinton supporters remain wary of supporting the man who beat her.

"These things always take time to heal," CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider said. "I think Clinton's supporters are waiting to see if Sen. Obama will pick her as vice president. That would certainly be very healing to them."

But most political observers agree the prospects of an Obama-Clinton ticket remain dim, most notably because the New York senator remains a divisive figure in American politics and Obama's message of change threatens to be muddled by the 16 years Clinton has spent in Washington

But the question remains whether Obama can win enough Democrats without Clinton as his No. 2.

"If he doesn't pick her, a later stage of grief is depression and then acceptance," Schneider said. "In the end I expect Clinton supporters will accept Obama, because they will listen to Sen. Clinton who has said the stakes are too high for Democrats to sulk."

In the end, maybe more than four weeks is needed for many of Clinton's most devoted supporters to move past her loss, especially considering the primary campaign stretched more than 17 months.

"Many voters find it tough to immediately switch allegiances to a candidate that they once opposed, so they find a 'neutral' setting more comfortable for awhile," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. "If that's what is happening to the Clinton supporters who now say they plan to stay at home, Obama may have nothing to worry about. If not, there's a big chunk of the party base that Obama won't be able to count on in November."

While Clinton's stock among many Democrats remains high in the latest CNN/ORC poll, her husband's is decidedly lower since a year ago at this time.

Much has been made of Bill Clinton's role over the course of his wife's White House bid ? the increasingly aggressive campaign style, the sharpened attacks leveled at Obama that some viewed as carrying racial overtones, and the outbursts at some reporters over what he viewed as unfair media coverage ? and the former president increasingly came under fire from neutral Democrats and party elders concerned he was fracturing the party in an election cycle during which Democrats appear to hold the advantage in nearly every way.

And the former president clearly left a sour taste in the minds of some Americans, among all registered voters his approval rating is down 9 points in just over a year (60 percent to 51 percent.)

"Former presidents are supposed to be above politics, but Bill Clinton couldn't be above it in this campaign since his wife was a candidate for president," Schneider said. "But he was seen as too political. Democrats thought it was appropriate for him to support his wife but not appropriate to get overly critical of Obama."

So can Clinton, who left office eight years ago with approval ratings well over 60 percent, repair his image with most Americans?

"He needs to show he's gotten over it," Schneider said.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 11:48:07 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2008, 01:46:57 PM »
Obama should have coalesced the Democrat party by now. If Obama only receives 50% of the Hillary vote, McCain is going to sweep Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. This makes a pretty strong case that McCain should put either Romney or Tom Ridge on his ticket to ensure the White House.


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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2008, 02:08:31 PM »
So, ex-Clinton supporters may stay home as well as disgruntled evangelicals who won't vote for McCain. An interesting dilemma for sure. Obama should have accepted a VP role with Clinton as Prez and it would have been a more votable ticket. Some idiot might have capped Hillary and he would be Prez anyway or at least if that did not happen, he would have been in a perfect spot for future campaigns.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2008, 10:07:20 AM by The_Professor »
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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2008, 04:12:58 PM »
It is now time for Obama to  make the move to the center where most votes are , but as he makes conservative noises he looses his base in the far left which was not consolidated on schedule two months ago.

So is gis choice to keep wooing the midle of the road Americans or to return to the far left to woo them?

Flip flopping is most irritateing when it is rapid.


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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2008, 10:28:16 PM »
I think CLinton would make a great vp for Obama. Besides, then she becomes a shoe-in for Prez in four years.

If McCain wins, she also a shoe-in.

She has a good set of pumps. 8)


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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2008, 10:42:59 PM »
I think CLinton would make a great vp for Obama. Besides, then she becomes a shoe-in for Prez in four years.

If McCain wins, she also a shoe-in.

She has a good set of pumps. 8)
  Four years ,not eight?


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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2008, 10:57:50 PM »
I think CLinton would make a great vp for Obama. Besides, then she becomes a shoe-in for Prez in four years.

If McCain wins, she also a shoe-in.

She has a good set of pumps. 8)
  Four years ,not eight?



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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2008, 01:56:46 AM »
the Obama campaign is making a very serious mistake. Tacking to the center is a losing strategy. And don't let the latest head-to-head poll numbers lull you the way they lulled Hillary Clinton in December.


Realpolitik is one thing. Realstupidpolitik is quite another.

So who is watching the move and being fooled?
« Last Edit: July 06, 2008, 02:06:11 AM by Plane »


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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2008, 09:55:34 AM »

I want to take this opportunity to speak directly to those of you who oppose my decision to support the FISA compromise.

This was not an easy call for me.......
-Barack Obama


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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2008, 01:53:09 PM »

Flip flopping is most irritateing when it is rapid.

Observe Obama is not saying "this instead of that"

Mostly, he is saying: "not only this, but that".

Other than his changing his mind about accepting donations in lieu of government money. And that he needs to do, because McSame will get a ton of support from Swiftboat types who will spend most of August and September saying that he is a Muslim who will start requiring every American to pay five times a day in the direction of Saudi Arabia.

Juniorbush & Puppetmeister Cheney already has us doing this, but with money instead of prayers, and only when we fill up our cars.

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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2008, 02:02:12 PM »
And that he needs to do, because McSame will get a ton of support from Swiftboat types who will spend most of August and September saying that he is a Muslim who will start requiring every American to pay five times a day in the direction of Saudi Arabia.

Virtually all remaining registered 527s support liberal agendas.

Or are you saying that liberals are gonna fill the airwaves with anti-Obama messages?
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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2008, 02:07:05 PM »
I am saying that Obama's deciding to outspend the GOP has probably prevented the GOP 527's from forming.

The number of 527's is irrelevant. It is the quantity of messages set out that is really important.

The GOP gets tons of money for the party to spend on whichever race it chooses. If it is obvious that Obama will outspend the fatcats no matter what the fatcats do, said fatcats will keep the money in their pockets and dedicate it to annoying lawsuits to keep Obama from making reforms when he is elected.

This is not the simplistic affair you want to make it out to be.
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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2008, 02:26:58 PM »
I am saying that Obama's deciding to outspend the GOP has probably prevented the GOP 527's from forming.

Most of them have been around for years. Most of the GOP 527s disbanded a few years ago when they were hit with massive fines. The Dem 527s just paid the fines and kept going.

And just because you make a claim does not automatically mean it is correct.

Dems have outspent Repubs every election for years. But please, remain blind to the facts.
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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2008, 05:18:57 PM »
Dems have nicer fat cats?


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Re: Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2008, 05:19:23 PM »