Why do you love Bush so much?
Probably because I don't. Oh, and BTW, He's not running for anything
No Kiddin
really?? oh wow! Sirs, you are silly. Alrightie then, Why do you admire the past president of the U.S.of A.? You accuse me of hating him. DO you have a positive thing to say about him?
You referring to Bush Jr? I admire him for putting credibility back with the U.S., for taking the fight to the enemy, vs waiting for them to hit us again here. There's not alot else I admire him on, outside of giving tax relief to everyone who payed taxes, and supporting a pair of great Judicial nominees, and to his credit, he tried to compromise, far too often with the Democrats, on policy and proposals. Otherwise, his Domestic spending (or lack of vetoing out-of-control congressional budgets) & Domestic policies, made Clinton look downright conservative. and don't even get me started on his preposterous "comprehensive immigration reform"
You seem to think he's the man! America's got news for you, Sirs. HE's horrible.
I'm sure alot of people thought Lincoln was as well. And no, I don't think he's "the man"
Hmmm, dreadful personal associations
LOL....He has a world of wonderful personal associations....
Yea, 1 racist pastor, 1 bigoted paster, 1 Domestic terrorist friend. Yea, real peaches of "wonderfulness"
But who and how are they keeping him from leading this country?
They again demonstrate how poor his judgement has been, all these many years, by maintaining these associations, associations I might add that would have had a GOP nominee completely tossed out of the running, LONG ago
Politically expedient changes in positions
Oh, many politicians have been accused of that. Oh yes, the past president of our nation didn't change his position....HE WAS A LIAR. Bush was an idiot when he stood on the deck of the carrier declaring Mission Accomplished. Where are the WMD's that he claimed would be found?
You really have gone off the democrat deep end, Cynthia. Naaaaa, you don't hate him. That whole diatribe above is right out of MoveOn. But hey, if you want to join Tee in fantasyland, I'm sure he can use the company
Come on.... I am sure Bush at one point in his glorious leadership days... changed at least ONE position during his presidency.
Cynthia, you're not paying attention. A) this isn't about Bush, as he's not running, this is about Obama. B) Obama's whole mantle is how supposedly fresh and new his politics are supposed to be, yet when all is said and done, he's just the same old tired politician DC keeps spitting out election cycle after election cycle.
Take this under consideration, Obama's flip flops now, if he had done them prior to all the primaries, would have had him stuffed & mounted by Hillary. McCain's flip flops changed nothing. He'd still be the GOP nominee
Rhetoric up the ying yang, and not a trace of pracical accomplishments to show for it
.....in you biased, ignorant opinion. I say ignorant as a fact, not as an insult. For, you see, Sirs.....he accomplished becoming the Democratic candidate. That's A TRACE!!
LOL......yea, that's really substantive. Couldn't refute it could you
![Roll Eyes ::)](http://debategate.com/new3dhs/Smileys/default/rolleyes.gif)
I hope that koolaide has alot of ice in it
No effort, what-so-ever, of compromising with his political opponents
NO Effort? Really how do you know this to be true?
Why is that a reason not to elect him as a president?
It's not, it's simply a point of FACT
Yea, that's the next Political hero of our century
Better Obama than what we've had for the past 8 years.
And yet again, Bush seems to be the current nominee in Cynthia's world