plane: <<If 78% voted for did 22% vote against?
<<What happened to that 22% and the 20% or so that did not vote?
<<Massive round up ?>>
We don't know what really happened to a lot of people in Iraq. A lot of people died in so-called "sectarian violence" where we don't know who got on who's shit-list or how they got there. It's conceivable to me that if some local sheikh had a deal with the Americans to turn out "his" people to vote in their fake election and some duuude failed to show up and vote, that in itself would be an excellent way in itself to get oneself inscribed forever in somebody's Book of Shit. With consequences one can well imagine. I would expect that many of those who DID participate in the fraud were very well cognizant of the unpleasant realities of life in Occupied Iraq and conducted themselves prudently and responsibly, meaning that they voted if they were told to vote and they voted HOW they were told to vote.
Since many of the bodies of the victims of "sectarian violence" did show "evidence of torture," I would say they very likely were "rounded up" prior to their execution, so "massive roundup" may be pretty close to the mark. Although "massive" probably isn't appropriate, since I can't imagine too many of them being stupid enough NOT to vote in the Americans' massively publicized "elections."
Ami: <<The voter turnout was 63%.>>
OK that makes 37 out of every 100 Iraqis who did NOT vote for the constitution.
Of the 63 who DID vote, 22% (plane's figures) or 14 voters did not vote for the constitution.
Total of each 100 Iraqis NOT supporting the constitution or the vote for the constitution = 37 + 14 = 51 voters or 51%. Considering that this "election" is held under foreign military occupation, this renders even the 49% pro-constitutional vote suspect. The "election" is, as I said it was, a total crock.
<<The UN certified the election.>>
I am so very impressed. This means any large country can invade a small country, occupy it, and hold valid elections there. Wow, that's good news, but even better news is that the right-wing fruitbats of the country are finally showing a new respect for the UN and its opinions, thus heralding a renaissance of the rule of law in international relations. Wonderful news.
The UN certified the election.