<<The difficulty is that if we were to execute psychopaths (and people like Karla Faye are clearly psychopaths) BEFORE they kill someone, we are going to off rather a lot of possibly future innocent people . . . >>
That's not right. Nobody would be executed just for BEING a psychopath, they'd be executed for some act of violence they already committed that we decided we didn't have to tolerate any more. ("Tolerate" in this case meaning letting the perp live.) And if the past is any guide, we'd be saving a shitload of innocent lives in the process. It's misleading to claim we would be executing some "innocent" future people, because the ones who are executed would have already forfeited their right to live by the violent crimes that they already had committed. If some of them WOULD have gone on to commit murder, as some certainly would, there is an additional bonus in the execution for us, because we have saved more innocent lives, although we just don't know whose.
<< . . . and there is no way we'd get them all. >>
Never said we would - - we never did and we never will. Anything's better than nothing. Getting 10% of them would be OK.
<<So I am not prepared to support preemptive executions.>>
What's "preemptive" about executing someone who just beat somebody else into a coma? If there are no extenuating circumstances and the guy is just a thug, we're all better off without him. Whether he goes on to kill a subsequent victim or not. We'll have a slightly better world without this guy in it than with him in it. And if there are a million more like him all going to the same place, then we'll have a noticeably better world without them.
<<Officially, it is illegal and immoral to execute insane people. However, most of the worst crimes (John Wayne Gasey, Karla Faye, and many others) are clearly insane. >>
Well, it can't be all that clear, since they either didn't enter an insanity defence or if they did, they couldn't even raise a reasonable doubt that they MIGHT be insane in the mind of one juror in twelve. You're using a pretty loose definition of insanity, BTW. The legal definition is very narrow. Your definition just boils down to "Nobody with my degree of empathy would do it."
<<In the US is costs more to execute a murderer than to lock them up forever, so the cost should not be a factor.>>
That doesn't make sense to me. I saw stats that say it's cheaper to send the guy to Harvard for a year than to keep him in custody for a year. Go to Russia or China. They'll show you how you can execute a murderer for much less than it apparently costs you.
<<Do you support capital punishment in Canada, by the way, or should only Americans execute their murders?>>
Well, with some reservations. We've had some wrongful convictions with substantial police and prosecutorial misconduct involved. The cops and the prosecutors got off without even a slap on the wrist and the taxpayers had to pay millions. I'd like to see all that fixed before I went full-out on capital punishment here, but yeah, in principle, I don't see why my tax dollars have to support some rotten murderous son of a bitch when a bullet in the back of his head would take him off everyone's hands and pay him back for what he did at the same time. People hurt, you know. The victims' families live with the pain of this man's crime for the rest of their lives. It never goes away. At least they can feel some satisfaction knowing that the bastard paid for his crimes. Seems like the least we can do for them.
<<Why is it that the states that do not execute murders have lower murder rates?>>
There are probably a lot of factors involved geographic, sociological, demographic, historic, sociological - - I wouldn't want to venture into that one, but I don't think one factor: presence or absence of capital punishment - - would answer the question.
<<Europeans and Canadians don't have capital punishment but then again we don't have the problems of prison violence that you do.
<<Then the solution lies in reforming the prisons, not executions. I am sure that there are plenty of violent Canadians, Swedes and Dutchmen as well. The solution would involve isolating the violent from the non-violent.>>
And you're gonna guarantee that none of them will ever kill a guard, a trusty, a nurse, a doctor? Fuhgeddabowdit. And all that money spent, to prolong the miserable lives of a bunch of violent criminals we'd all be better off without, in a vain effort to prevent future damage being done? What's wrong with you? Face it, there are some people born who are just total write-offs. They're a menace to me and mine as long as they're alive. They can escape, they still have the POTENTIAL for future harm, in addition to the damage they've already done: and my solution to that problem is to remove the source of the problem. It's the only logical solution to the problem, and only false sentimentality, misdirected compassion, stands in the way.