Iriquis were voteing recently and when the people had spoken they had a Government , this is not garunteed to work perfectly but it is way better than the alternatives.
Oh it is, is it?
Something like 600,000 Iraqis are DEAD as a result of Juniorbush's dumbass conquest, and there is a civil war raging in Iraq. Many Iraqis don't have clean water or electricity, still, after all the money Juniorbush has thrown at Halliburton and whomever to improve things. There is no end in sight to the huge whacking MESS that these asshole Republicans have visited on Iraq and its unflrtunate people.
NO Iraqis were any threat to the US. Invading Iraq only expanded the battleground for the so-called " war on Terror", providing them all sorts of weapons to kill US troops with.
3000 American soldiers are dead.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have been pissed away. Money that any decent Republican would return to you as a tax cut. But Juniorbush isn't decent, and is a Republican only because this is the party that they chose for their stooge to run on.
So no, Iraqis are NOT better off. The US is NOT better off.
It's likely that Halliburton and Dickhead Cheney are better off.
As fopr Chalabi, he's simply an opportunist. He is not on anyone's side but his own. I doubt that he will die of natural causes,