Author Topic: Torture & Murder by the Bush Administration in Iraq  (Read 5200 times)

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Re: Torture & Murder by the Bush Administration in Iraq
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2006, 12:04:15 AM »
In the international community, every household on the street is "in law enforcement," i.e. they are all sovereign states, and no one state has the right to dictate to any other state.  So I wouldn't add that condition.  The U.S. has no inherent intrinsic authority over Iraq and never did.  It's either one cop invading another cop's home or one civilian invading another civilian's home.

No, the "thug/criminal" is accurately portrayed as the thug/criminal in this scenario

<<that the thug criminal refused to allow the "police" to fully investigate . . . >>

I'll give you that.

<< . . . and that when the time was up for the thug to come out of the house clean . . .>>

I won't give you that, because the UN refused to set the deadline, refused to authorize use of force at the point in time when the U.S. invaded; there was no lawful deadline on the thug at that point, so I won't concede the time was up for him to do anything.

Half wrong, they did authorize serious consequences, but didn't want to add the "use of force" qualifier.  Besides, again, we never needed UN authorization in the 1st place, nor did we need another police force giving us permission to enforce law

<< . . .  the killing that occured was targeting that of the thug criminal, and any other deaths that may have occured, were tragic accidents>>

I'll give you that too.

So on the conditions I set, are you willing to answer the question?  Is plane?

No, since your "conditions" don't accurately reflect what's going on in Iraq
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Michael Tee

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Re: Torture & Murder by the Bush Administration in Iraq
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2006, 02:15:02 AM »
Look, sirs, you can't analogize that the US is "in law enforcement" because it failed to get UN authorization for the invasion. 

Your second argument - -  that the US didn't need the UN authorization - - by definition is saying the US wasn't enforcing a law.

So my analogy was correct as stated.  You can't "improve" on the analogy by putting the US into law enforcement because it wasn't enforcing any law but its own.


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Re: Torture & Murder by the Bush Administration in Iraq
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2006, 02:42:37 AM »
Well thanks for answering.

Let me try another related one, dealing with the rightness or wrongness of the action, assuming the motive is as you believe.

If you come to believe that your neighbour, a well-known thug and criminal, is assembling an arsenal of weapons including poison gas to launch an attack on your home and family, and you go to the police and they want to wait and study the situation some more, after they've already been studying it for months; and you then kick down the neighbour's door and storm into his house, killing his wife and kids, to search for the arsenal of weapons which turn out to be non-existent - - has any crime been committed?  (Assume that there are no weapons in the house when you break in and none are ever found afterwards.)

Who is the Police?