Join forces, I say. Bring all good ideas to the table- from both camps. . .do away with the two party system.
Work it. Make it work. Stop the stupid gender bashing, the mud slinging, the cement crushing blows that only get in the way of what is important---critical issues.
I very strongly disagree.
The USA has had a few decades of single party strength , the "era of good feelings" It ended with the Bucanon Presidency and the Era ofd Civil War.
We are going to have problems , we need people who benefit from hashing them out and solving them. Adversarys do this .
A single party is responsible for all of the problems at once , so it is prone to sweep them under the rug where no one has any intrest in cleaning them out.
You're right. I must admit I was dreaming of a land of socialist fairies dancing with sugar plum hard to the core drones.
Ok, here is the real deal.
I want to know who the hell this Obama is. I want to know who the hell this McCain really is...and I want to find out the long story...not the short.
If we are headed into a marxist communist state because Americans are too quick to dream for a day when we can all get along and swim in the fine ocean water in peace, and yet we are only a frog in slow boiling water zapped in about 50years damn I want to know NOW. Is Obama a socialist? If so, how, and why?
Is McCain a confused conservative who wants everyone to get along and in the process negoitates with the democrates only to find out that he has been screwed?
Are we headed into hell or hell's sister?
Bush was an idiot when it comes to the war. BUT, BY DAMN Clinton was the one who ripped the military from under the American soil to begin with. NO wonder we weren't planned to head into this war. I understand that now. I have been doing a bit of homework on this lately.
I wonder if we should have jumped into IRaq knowing we had to rely on the National Guard troops to sorta kinda come to the rescue! I still wonder if Bush knew what he was doing there. Hmmmm, no. sorry, but he wasn't thinking, imo. BUT i certainly blame Clinton for the cuts in the military during the 8 years he was sitting at his desk.
Bush had to go to war somewhere...this is true. So, that's a given.
the NCLB act is minor compared to other issues in this nation. Even the abortion issue is a weak one unless you are willing to say no way.....even in a situation of rape. But in a situation of incest, or 13 year old girl....God, that's a hard call.
But, the bigger issue is the economy and the waste. I want answers.
I will continue to find answers, but I have a couple of months to do so.
In the meantime, I reflect and book, Cindy on this board. This has become a sort of journaling center for me. ha.
So I appreciate you all. I do.
I will continue to learn and grow, but I am not going to stop at a commercial where the ad only makes me giggle and cringe. I think there are some serious issues here. Hidden agendas, and blame to go around for all.
Time to put the cards on the table, in all seriousness.
No more pipe more crystalized jewel bending sparks from me. I want to know the truth...