The bottom line is this, Ami.
You know I agree with the act overall. I do. I see it's potential for great change in this nation's public schools.
But, hon....there are issues within which need a looksee.
I would love to see the act overhauled to the point where there are more success stories, than complaints from so many. As a teacher, I can say that something isn't right. The act isnt' perfect, especially having been drafted by an attorney and not educators.
So, hey....we are on the same page, but I do believe that there are a few fine points that must be resolved in order to make this the best public school system in the world.
I have told folks here of my own experiences.....after 33 years in the schools, I have never seen such a reverse in educating the child. If that's the fault of the state, I will concur. I agree.
But, there are areas within the NCLB act which need to be revisited and changed overall. I am sure there will be more success stories when such wrinkles are ironed out.
I am happy with the state of the 'intent' of the act. So, I am no longer arguing on my platform against the act itself. That's why I believe that in time, things will work out. I was an Obama supporter based on this issue alone.
I must vote my heart when it comes to abortion.