"Investing in retailing Chinese products also does not serve to make the economy grow."
Should I sell my retail stocks because they are not really part of the US economy?
Do yuou just hate furreners or what?
I did not say that retail was not part of the US economy. I said that investing in Wal*Mart or some other retail purveyor of Chinese or other imported goods will not cause the economy of the US to grow.
If Wal*Mart were selling US-made products, then US workers would get paid for making these goods and if more of such goods were sold, the US company would nuild a bigger factory and more US jobs would be created. There is a multiplier effect at work here.
If, on the other hand, the goods sold are made in China, the multiplier benefits the CHINESE economy and not the US economy.
I am not against foreigners. I am merely stating that for the supposedly miracle-working US tax cuts to benefit the US economy, it is far better if the money spent goes to US workers.
If the government spends the money, it also has a multipler efect in the US. If the US government uses the money to pay the salary of someone to repair, test or schlep weapons about the Warner-Robbins AF Base, then you will spend your money mostly in the US and the US economy will benefit more than after the tax cut, when you are fired in a cost-cutting move and the tax savings go to say, Richard Mellon Scaife, who then invests in say, a factory in China.
For the US economy to benefit from the tax cut, the money must create more jobs than it loses as a result in cuts in government programs. You are more a part of the US economy that a guy who makes schlock in China to be sold in Wal*Mart. If the tax money is paid to you, then the US economy will benefit more than if it is sent to China to buy scholck. Even well-made schlock.
This is pretty complicated, and I doubt that RR or Rush or even O'Reilly actually has the statistics to prove that Juniortbush's tax cuts actually caused the current rise in the Stock Market.
And again, a rise in the stock market does not benefit even most Americans, though I have done pretty okay as a result.