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Top Democratic fundraiser backs McCain over Obama

WASHINGTON (AFP) ? A former supporter and generous donor to Hillary Clinton announced she had endorsed Republican John McCain for president, saying she did so because the Democratic nominee Barack Obama was too elitist.

Even before jumping ship for the McCain campaign, Lynn Forester de Rothschild did not hide her dislike for Obama, who narrowly defeated Clinton in a months-long battle for the Democratic nomination.

In July she told CNN: "Frankly I don't like him. I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him."

Rothschild, wife of British banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, and long-time member of the Democratic Party, gave more than 100,000 dollars to Clinton's failed bid for the party's nomination.

"Senator Clinton disagrees with her decision," said Clinton spokeswoman Kathleen Strand.

Appearing on CNN Wednesday, Rothschild backtracked somewhat to stress that she didn't not like Obama, but "I said critical things about him because I don't think he should be president in this election."

Rothschild said she was resigning Wednesday from the Democratic National Committee's platform committee, but that she would remain a registered Democrat.

Former president "Ronald Reagan might have said it right, the Democratic Party left me, I didn't leave the Democratic Party," she said.

As Rothschild announced her defection to McCain, the Obama campaign lauded an endorsement from Lilly Ledbetter, an Alabama woman whose fight for equal pay led her to the US Supreme Court.

At a campaign event focusing on the economy in Richmond, Virginia, Ledbetter heralded Obama for supporting fair pay legislation that bears her name.

Speaking about Obama, Ledbetter said: "There is only one candidate who has stood up for women like me, who has consistently fought to help women who are working hard every day for our families and aren't being paid fairly."
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 10:17:42 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2008, 04:59:13 PM »

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2008, 05:00:00 PM »

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2008, 05:03:59 PM »
She feels Obama's an elitist.

Meantime, she's married to this guy (from the Wikipedia bio):

<<Sir Evelyn Robert Adrian de Rothschild (born August 29, 1931) is a British financier and a member of the <<prominent Rothschild banking family of England.

<<The son of Anthony Gustav de Rothschild (1887-1961) and Yvonne Cahen d'Anvers (1899-1977), he was named after his uncle Evelyn Achille de Rothschild who was killed in action in World War I. Evelyn de Rothschild spent several of his boyhood years in the United States during World War II. He studied economics at Cambridge University but, with no desire to go into the family's banking business, he dropped out before obtaining his degree.

<<Born into great wealth, Evelyn de Rothschild became one of England's most eligible bachelors, spending his youth travelling, socialising, driving exotic sports cars, enjoying thoroughbred horse racing and playing polo. It was not until age twenty-six that he decided to join N M Rothschild & Sons banking house to be trained in the family's business. In 1961 his father retired as head of the bank and cousin Victor Rothschild took over as Chairman.

<<In 1968, Evelyn de Rothschild was appointed a director of Paris-based de Rothschild Frères while Guy de Rothschild from the French branch of the family became a partner at N M Rothschild & Sons. In 1976 he took over as bank chairman from Victor Rothschild and in 1982 became chairman of Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG, the co-ordinating company for the merchant banking group. He became co-chairman of Rothschild Bank A.G., Zurich in 1994, serving until 2003 when he oversaw the merger of the family's French and UK houses. David René de Rothschild of the French branch took over as executive chairman of Rothschild International after the different branches had been merged and Sir Evelyn continued as non-executive chairman of N M Rothschild & Sons.>>

I understand how she feels about Obama, though.  Man, those fuckin elitists really rankle her ass.  That's because she herself is just one of the common people.


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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2008, 05:30:07 PM »
The world has been laughing at this since yesterday.  Can't you keep up in today's fastpaced world?


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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2008, 05:50:16 PM »
And here I kept hearing out being an elitist was a good thing, you want someone brilliant & superior to the rest of us "common folk", as President.  Well at least it's good if your a Democrat.  When you're a Republican, well then it's bad, and you're completely disconnected with the "common folk".  But now a Dem says a Dem elitist is bad, but that Dem saying such is married to her own Dem elitist, which was good, but now is bad, so now it's back to elitist not being good at all

In other words, again it's what the definition of is, is
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 05:58:55 PM by sirs »
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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2008, 05:55:44 PM »
I don't see what the problem is, She said Obama is arrogant and is having a hard time connecting to average americans. She wasn't real happy with him before Hillary lost.

Were you aware she grew up in a mddle class jersey neighborhood, her parents worked two jobs to get she and her siblings through college?


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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2008, 06:24:30 PM »
That's so funny. A social climber from Jersey who married a Rothschild now said Obama is "elite"?  LOL
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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2008, 06:58:00 PM »
And here I kept hearing out being an elitist was a good thing, you want someone brilliant & superior to the rest of us "common folk", as President.  Well at least it's good if your a Democrat.  When you're a Republican, well then it's bad, and you're completely disconnected with the "common folk".  But now a Dem says a Dem elitist is bad, but that Dem saying such is married to her own Dem elitist, which was good, but now is bad, so now it's back to elitist not being good at all

In other words, again it's what the definition of is, is

I really am at a lost as to what in the hell you are talking about.

When someone is a multi-millionaire whose name is ROTHSCHILD, that someone should probably refrain from calling anyone an "elitist".

   1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.
         1. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class.
         2. Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.


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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2008, 07:45:01 PM »
And here I kept hearing out being an elitist was a good thing, you want someone brilliant & superior to the rest of us "common folk", as President.  Well at least it's good if your a Democrat.  When you're a Republican, well then it's bad, and you're completely disconnected with the "common folk".  But now a Dem says a Dem elitist is bad, but that Dem saying such is married to her own Dem elitist, which was good, but now is bad, so now it's back to elitist not being good at all

In other words, again it's what the definition of is, is

I really am at a lost as to what in the hell you are talking about.

Dizzying, isn't it.  I had the same sensation trying to keep up with how the left was applying elitist, on any given day. 
- At 1st it was a bad thing, as the left was decrying McCain's camp for trying to claim Obama was an elitist. 
- Then when I thought that was the parameter, Xo was referencing how its a good thing Obama is an elitist, that you want someone superior in the Oval office, to the rest of us. 
- Then upon seeking further clarity, it seems when elitist is being used by a Dem, Liberal, or Obama supporter, to describe a Dem, then its a good thing.  But when its a Dem, Liberal, or Obama supporter using elitist to describe a Republican, then its bad, not connected with the "common folk", out of touch. 
- Now we have a Dem describing another Dem, but now it's bad.  And that conclusion is based on how the Obama supporters are now using the term elitist, as describing her husband, to apparently discredit her criticism of Obama as an elitist

See how dizzying it is to keep up with the left's explanations?  No wonder you're confused.  Most folks would be

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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2008, 08:40:50 PM »
Um, yeah.

I wasn't party to all that nonsense.

I know Maher and some others have been trying to spin that into what you're saying but that just bullshit.  Yes, we need someone smarter, wiser, more refined but I wouldn't term that person an "elitist".

Jesus was not an elitist.  The historical figure Jesus was simply a realization of a higher quality of human being.  Not trying to imply that Obama is a demi-god or divine in nature but I do see him as wise and even-tempered and intelligent and caring and that's what I want in a leader.

I don't see him as an elitist.  "Elitist" is a slander in my estimation.  It implies the person believes that a certain type of person like him (or her) self should be the leader or in control.  Hitler being the zenith of all elitists.  Dick Cheney being a little lower on the totem pole of elitists.


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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2008, 09:44:35 PM »
That's so funny. A social climber from Jersey who married a Rothschild now said Obama is "elite"?  LOL

I wouldn't exactly cal her a social climber . She became quite wealthy on her own, telecommunications i believe.


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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2008, 09:48:18 PM »
Lanya/Brass/Michael....we will never agree on the elitist "small picture" part of this thread.

It can be totally logical to call someone an "elitist" and be very wealthy at the same time. She wasn't talking about wealth elitism, she was talking about elitist political opinion. If you believe the elitist takes political positions based on elitism that 'we know better whats better for the dumb masses" and you believe in less gvt for the masses then that is a logical may not agree with the statement but elitism comes in different forms.....but like I said we wont agree.

BUT....the far more important question is: what about the lifelong Democrat, the DNC member, the huge Democratic fundraiser, the huge Hillary supporter moving now to support McCain/Palin?

Thats the "big picture"!

And it is what has you VERY WORRIED!

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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2008, 10:45:17 PM »
Um, yeah.

I wasn't party to all that nonsense.

I know Maher and some others have been trying to spin that into what you're saying but that just bullshit.  Yes, we need someone smarter, wiser, more refined but I wouldn't term that person an "elitist".

Jesus was not an elitist.  The historical figure Jesus was simply a realization of a higher quality of human being.  Not trying to imply that Obama is a demi-god or divine in nature but I do see him as wise and even-tempered and intelligent and caring and that's what I want in a leader.

I don't see him as an elitist.  "Elitist" is a slander in my estimation.  It implies the person believes that a certain type of person like him (or her) self should be the leader or in control.  Hitler being the zenith of all elitists.  Dick Cheney being a little lower on the totem pole of elitists.

Right , there is a serious diffrence between "elitist" and "elete" , perhaps even a King could have the common touch , and a pauper might have a terrible attitude twards his inferiors.

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Re: Top Democratic fundraiser & big Hillary suuporter backs McCain over Obama
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2008, 12:17:59 AM »

<<I don't see what the problem is, She said Obama is arrogant and is having a hard time connecting to average americans. >>

Uh, let's at least TRY to keep this thing minimally honest.  Here is what she actually said:

<<WASHINGTON (AFP) ? A former supporter and generous donor to Hillary Clinton announced she had endorsed Republican John McCain for president, saying she did so because the Democratic nominee Barack Obama was too elitist.>>