Author Topic: I told you that (unlike you RWers) Big O could walk & chew gum at the same time  (Read 4276 times)

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When you come down to it, the government cannot fight the Iraq War, bailout the mortgage mess and grant tax cuts without printing money and causing inflation. If it does that, then the interest rate on all that money borrowed from the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans rises accordingly and suddenly we have major inflation everywhere, with Colombians buying a new Jeep for three sacks of coffee.

There goes Obama's middle class tax cut.

Not only that, but the extension of Juniorbush's fatcat tax cut if McCain is elected. Its' either that or the value of the dollar plummets, and we'll have that $20 a gallon gasoline and $4.00 a loaf bread by 2011 or so.

If they choose inflation, then everyone who deals in dollars will take part of the hit, and they can blame the foreigners as well, so I would imagine this is what they will be doing.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: I told you that (unlike you RWers) Big O could walk & chew gum at the same t
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2008, 09:57:33 PM »
<<Where is the substance in blank slate Obama.>>

Where does "blank slate" really come from?  We know his academic record.  We know he chose to come to Chicago to work as a community organizer rather than take a job with a six-figure salary which is always waiting for any former editor of a law school review, even a black one.  Maybe even, especially a black one.  And we know that the people he worked with as an organizer had the highest possible opinion of him.

So I would say, on this "blank slate," I read: extraordinary intelligence, diligence, hard work, ability to manage people, ability to organize communities, interact with government and a concern for and desire to uplift those NOT blessed with wealth or social advantage.  To fight for them, to give them a better life.  I read, on this 'blank slate," excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.  I see and hear with my own eyes and ears, excellent oratorical and persuasive skills.  And most important of all, I see on this blank slate WISDOM, and JUDGMENT in his opposition, against the main current, to the quagmire of the Iraq War, which so many politicians, almost all of them, on both sides of the Congressional aisle, endorsed either out of dull, sheep-like obeisance or, knowing it was wrong, out of cowardice, out of fear of being labeled "unpatriotic."

So spare me the "blank slate" bullshit.  Please.  I know about as much about him as you do and it's enough.  He is no "blank slate."

<<Where substance in his make up homeworks on economic policy where he basically copied Dodd and Pelosi's notes and threw in his platform( not to implemented now of course) to boot.>>

Honest to God, I don't know what the hell you are talking about.  I don't know enough about the subject to determine if he copied Dodd's and Pelosi's work or not, but what the hell difference would it make if he did?  Is it not possible he reviewed other plans before he formulated one he could endorse?  What is the point of reinventing the wheel?  This was a problem that required a solution, not an academic test of his own knowledge.  People want to know where he stands.  Of course he would try to avoid reinventing the wheel.  He looks at Pelosi's and Dodd's work, and if it made sense, he endorses and/or adopts it.  This isn't creative literature where each artist's work has to be unique.  There may only be one solution to the problem, and if there is, should he endorse a plan that doesn't contain the correct solution just to appear original?  You are not making any sense at all.  Your objection here is totally spurious, of no merit whatsoever.  It's ridiculous.

<<One day before he announced his plan he was promising to cut spending. WHere is the substance in that.>>

Cutting spending is a legitimate goal.  When he finally had a plan he could endorse, perhaps it made cutting spending more difficult, perhaps not.  Where is your evidence that the plan and the spending cuts are mutually exclusive?

<<Brass knows his guy is smoke and mirrors. He just thinks in this day of superficiality that is all it will take.>>

"Smoke and mirrors" I would think is what it takes to make Insane look "Presidential."  His criminality brushed under the table, his advisers' and managers' intimate connections to corporate wrongdoers and frauds airbrushed away, his fucking God-damned stupidity played down, never mentioned, just like his vile and profane outbursts, his "heroism" played up to the max, including his phony "torture" stories - - you want smoke and mirrors?  see John Insane, he's got smoke, he's got mirrors.

Sadly he may be right.


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Where does "blank slate" really come from?

It comes from Obama himself. Or is he a liar?

Even after two autobiographies, Mr. Obama remains something of a floating, uncrowded presence. His story (and he is so impressively self-aware as to have made the most acute comment on it) is temptingly open-ended, very much a page to be written on. He himself has written, most memorably: "I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views."


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Re: I told you that (unlike you RWers) Big O could walk & chew gum at the same t
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2008, 10:25:17 PM »
Where does "blank slate" really come from?

It comes from Obama himself. Or is he a liar?

Even after two autobiographies, Mr. Obama remains something of a floating, uncrowded presence. His story (and he is so impressively self-aware as to have made the most acute comment on it) is temptingly open-ended, very much a page to be written on. He himself has written, most memorably: "I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views."

OMG! You are such a fucken  genius !

Michael Tee

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Re: I told you that (unlike you RWers) Big O could walk & chew gum at the same t
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2008, 10:32:43 PM »
I guess maybe we should define "blank slate" because it definitely has been used in at least two different ways.

I agree that Obama is often a "blank screen" on which people project their own wishes.  Clinton was a blank screen in that way too.  I took his avoidance of the draft and association with Lani Guinier as evidence of a left-wing tendency that really never got to manifest itself, that he moved away from.  And I would say that in that sense "blank screen" is probably more useful than "blank slate" because of the projection phenomenon.

The other sense in which I hear "blank slate" is that it's a slate with nothing written on it, so we don't know who this guy is, he's left no record.  Nobody wrote on his slate.  The inference there is that more facts are needed, I want to know how old is he, has he a family, where is he from? etc.

If you meant "blank screen" I would have agreed that he was in fact something of a blank screen, but in context, I think "blank slate" (i.e., more background facts needed) was what you meant.


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If he is projecting a blank screen by design, the contents of the slate are immaterial also by design.

Michael Tee

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Re: I told you that (unlike you RWers) Big O could walk & chew gum at the same t
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2008, 11:02:02 PM »
<<If he is projecting a blank screen by design, the contents of the slate are immaterial also by design.>>

I don't agree.  I still need the contents of the slate to see what it's feasible to project onto the screen.  It might not guarantee that I'll get the elected official that I projected, but at least it'll tell me what I shouldn't bother even to project.


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Re: I told you that (unlike you RWers) Big O could walk & chew gum at the same t
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2008, 11:11:35 PM »
<<If he is projecting a blank screen by design, the contents of the slate are immaterial also by design.>>

I don't agree.  I still need the contents of the slate to see what it's feasible to project onto the screen.  It might not guarantee that I'll get the elected official that I projected, but at least it'll tell me what I shouldn't bother even to project.

It is in any way , an amazeing leap of faith.

Michael Tee

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Re: I told you that (unlike you RWers) Big O could walk & chew gum at the same t
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2008, 11:36:14 PM »
<<It is in any way , an amazeing leap of faith.>>

Not when you consider that I already know the other guy to be pure evil, a murderer of helpless women and children, a liar and an adulterer, a scumbag and a virtual moron.

Not when you consider I already know the "blank screen" has an impressive academic record, fantastic judgment and political courage and chose to work as a Chicago community organizer when he could have found a prestigious job paying six-digit salary fresh out of law school.  AND is a wonderful husband and father.

It's not much of a leap at all.  I call it a no-brainer, and I think you'll be amazed at how many Americans do as well.  You're gonna see a landslide.


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Re: I told you that (unlike you RWers) Big O could walk & chew gum at the same t
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2008, 11:44:37 PM »
<<It is in any way , an amazeing leap of faith.>>

Not when you consider that I already know the other guy to be pure evil, a murderer of helpless women and children, a liar and an adulterer, a scumbag and a virtual moron.

Not when you consider I already know the "blank screen" has an impressive academic record, fantastic judgment and political courage and chose to work as a Chicago community organizer when he could have found a prestigious job paying six-digit salary fresh out of law school.  AND is a wonderful husband and father.

It's not much of a leap at all.  I call it a no-brainer, and I think you'll be amazed at how many Americans do as well.  You're gonna see a landslide.

Did you feel this way about the RAF pilots of the Battle of Britian? or the firestorm of Hamburg?

You have got noevidence that John McCain ever bombed anything but legitamate targets , or that he had any right as a pilot to pick and choose his targets.

Americans do not generally share your deep hatred of the US military .If I recall correctly your deep hatred has deepened a lot since John Kerry was a canadate and you considered him a better canadate than George Bush ,whose military service didn't include actually shooting any Vietnameese as John Kerry's did.

Michael Tee

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Re: I told you that (unlike you RWers) Big O could walk & chew gum at the same t
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2008, 11:56:46 PM »
<<Did you feel this way about the RAF pilots of the Battle of Britian? or the firestorm of Hamburg?>>

Why?  Suddenly it's a crime to kill Nazis?  I didn't realize.

<<You have got noevidence that John McCain ever bombed anything but legitamate targets , >>

Bullshit.  There were no legitimate targets in Viet Nam because the U.S. had no legitimate right to be there in the first place.  That they go there illegally and then think they have some right to pick which targets are legitimate and which are not is totally ludicrous.  If all their targets were "legitimate," how did half a million Vietnamese children get killed? 

<<or that he had any right as a pilot to pick and choose his targets.>>

He had no right to be in Viet Nam.

<<Americans do not generally share your deep hatred of the US military .If I recall correctly your deep hatred has deepened a lot since John Kerry was a canadate and you considered him a better canadate than George Bush ,whose military service didn't include actually shooting any Vietnameese as John Kerry's did.>>

John Kerry was a war criminal but at least he was a repentant war criminal.  He threw back all his medals.  He denounced the war crimes and the atrocities and crimes against humanity of the American military.  He did what he could to stop the on-going slaughter.  That took real courage.  All the fascists and militarists and racists of Amerikkka still hate his guts because of his stand against war and fascism, because he exposed their crimes and atrocities.


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I don't agree.  I still need the contents of the slate to see what it's feasible to project onto the screen.  It might not guarantee that I'll get the elected official that I projected, but at least it'll tell me what I shouldn't bother even to project.

I think he was fairly explicit in his statement. He is a blank screen for people to project their own views.

No need to muddy the vision with his own views. He is all things to all people.

By design.



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Re: I told you that (unlike you RWers) Big O could walk & chew gum at the same t
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2008, 01:14:13 AM »
John Kerry was a war criminal but at least he was a repentant war criminal.  He threw back all his medals.  He denounced the war crimes and the atrocities and crimes against humanity of the American military.  He did what he could to stop the on-going slaughter.  That took real courage.  All the fascists and militarists and racists of Amerikkka still hate his guts because of his stand against war and fascism, because he exposed their crimes and atrocities.

This is the reason that stepping up to the podium and saluteing "reporting for duty" and pointing at a collection of decorations , didn't work for him.

Michael Tee

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Re: I told you that (unlike you RWers) Big O could walk & chew gum at the same t
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2008, 01:40:44 AM »
<<This is the reason that stepping up to the podium and saluteing "reporting for duty" and pointing at a collection of decorations , didn't work for him.>>

Pretty cheezy, huh?  He's not the only one of my Sixties and Seventies heroes who had their finest moment back in the day, and then later embarrassed themselves (and me!) in later life.  Jerry Rubin, Jane Fonda (apologizing to vets for calling them war criminals) and yes, John Kerrey.  They sold out in one way or another as time marched on.

Which is why I'm such a fan of Bill Ayers.  He never repented, he's still a radical and he's working effectively within the system.  And he's married to Bernardine Dohrn.  He's the man.


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Not when you consider I already know the "blank screen" has an impressive academic record, fantastic judgment and political courage and chose to work as a Chicago community organizer when he could have found a prestigious job paying six-digit salary fresh out of law school.

Then you don't know much about your guy at all.

He quit community organizing to go to law school, because that was the path to power.