Author Topic: Do Facts Matter?  (Read 5078 times)

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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2008, 08:20:03 PM »
I fail to see how this is any sort of a problem.

There are summaries of all Theses and Dissertations available online.

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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #31 on: October 06, 2008, 08:23:32 PM »
I fail to see how this is any sort of a problem.

There are summaries of all Theses and Dissertations available online.

You should straighten Snopes out about that.


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #32 on: October 06, 2008, 09:24:55 PM »
>> Well Rich, I heard, with my own ears ...<<

Thanks. I think it's a bit of a streach connecting what Bush said to banks making bad loans though.


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #33 on: October 06, 2008, 10:47:01 PM »
Sirs is right.  The current crisis is the fault of both parties, the SEC and the Fed.  I'm getting tired of hearing one side blaming the other, in the meantime no one seems to know what to do about it, other than spend money that we don't have.  I was reading today that no one knows how exactly the bailout will help the economy.  Isn't that kind of important before you ask for (and pass) a $700 billion bailout rescue bill?  What I would love to see right now is someone, I don't care if it's a Congressman, a candidate, an economist, or whomever, to stand up and say "I know how to fix this.  We need to do X and Y and Z, and this will cause A and B and C".  But I think that both sides are too busy pointing the finger and trying to fling mud at the other side to stop and think about what might need to be done.

Today at work a co-worker and I were discussing the crisis and he related to me that he was having a hard time getting a loan for a washing machine.  WTF?  When did we as a society become so dependant on credit that we have to take loans for a fricking washing machine?  I can understand a loan for a house, even a car if the borrower can afford it.  I don't really see why the personal consumer needs a loan for anything else, if they're smart and planned ahead.  If you can't afford a washing machine, then you need to save your money until you can buy one, or go on Craigslist and find one.  During this same discussion, I came to find out that people take out loans for TV's, computers, and a bunch of other crap.  This is what's going to kill us economically.  Does no one save their money for something that they want anymore?  And yes, I understand that credit allows the consumer to buy products that they might not necessarily buy otherwise, thereby keeping the manufacturer in business, keeping employment steady, etc.  But isn't that kind of an artificial economy?  It sure as hell isn't anything approaching self-sufficient.

The next area of big business that I expect to see start failing are credit card companies, for the same reason that the mortgage industry collapsed.  There is way too much easy credit out there to people that probably shouldn't have it, and now that times are getting tougher I think that you're going to see more and more defaults.  And we'll probably have to ride to the rescue again.

Just my $.02


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #34 on: October 06, 2008, 11:00:42 PM »
>>Sirs is right.  The current crisis is the fault of both parties, the SEC and the Fed.<<

I've said that. Sirs has said that. I believe BT has also said that. However you never hear our left leaning members blame anyone but Republicans. So we spend time pointing out just how complicit democrats are in this fiasco. And they still deny it.

So what ya gonna do?


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #35 on: October 06, 2008, 11:04:59 PM »
Today at work a co-worker and I were discussing the crisis and he related to me that he was having a hard time getting a loan for a washing machine.  WTF?  When did we as a society become so dependent on credit that we have to take loans for a fricking washing machine?  I can understand a loan for a house, even a car if the borrower can afford it.  I don't really see why the personal consumer needs a loan for anything else, if they're smart and planned ahead.  If you can't afford a washing machine, then you need to save your money until you can buy one, or go on Craigslist and find one.
Amen to that.

If a new washer costs $300, you can get one barely used, with a bit of effort, on Craigslist or at a yard sale, for less than half that. All appliances are available in the same way. I have yet to buy a new appliance, or pay over $150 for anything.

What about Cindy Crawford, advertising that you can buy a whole houseful of furniture for $3000 and can make no payments for three years? I wonder how much of that furniture is set out on the curb when some defaulting family is evicted?

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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #36 on: October 06, 2008, 11:43:30 PM »
I've said that. Sirs has said that. I believe BT has also said that. However you never hear our left leaning members blame anyone but Republicans. So we spend time pointing out just how complicit democrats are in this fiasco. And they still deny it.

I should have clarified Rich that I was addressing more the national politicians than the forum members.  The people here are who (and what) they are, I doubt any bitching on my part is going to change any of that, as the members here have no incentive from me bitching to change.  Politicians, on the other hand, are always worried about votes, and if enough people bitch about their non-action, perhaps some action will be taken.


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #37 on: October 07, 2008, 01:33:34 PM »
However you never hear our left leaning members blame anyone but Republicans.

Do you not read? I just posted above a reply to what fatman said about people living beyond their means.

The problem is you only read your own nonsense.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #38 on: October 07, 2008, 01:56:02 PM »
It's true I tend to skim over your insults and curses. Which of course leaves only the leftist drivel and not much else.