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Michael Tee

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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #75 on: October 12, 2008, 11:39:15 PM »
<<Here's the thing. In America, if the government begins to decide what you're paid for a job, or what kind of job you will do, it's revolution time Mike. We're armed, and we won't allow that to happen.>>

How about bringing the discussion back to the real world, Rich?  All that Obama suggested so far is increasing the income tax paid by folks earning more than $250K per year.  To be specific, he did NOT propose deciding what you're paid for a job, or what kind of job you'll do.  So, is it "revolution time" when President Obama decides to tax the over $250K more or are you and the other revolutionaries in waiting prepared to put up with that?

<<I'm confident the military would never allow president Obama to turn this country into the Soviet People's Republic of America. >>

Wouldn't that be something for the Supreme Court to decide rather than the military?  Either Obamas acts within the Constitution or he does not.  How the fuck would the military be the judge of what's constitutional and what's not?

<<So without insulting you personally, I have to tell you that you are the tiniest of minorities on the continent. >>

No offense taken, Rich.  I am what I am.

<<Even Canadians wouldn't allow the government to take complete control. >>

That would depend on a lot of things.

<<History has proven, and current events also prove that Communism is a failure . . . >>

Yeah?  Tell it to the Chinese.  Tell it to the Cubans.

<< . . . and only lasts because murdering despots force it upon people through the threat of torture and death. >>

Wrong.  But it does need a strong hand at the controls to stop capitalist subversion, choke it off at the source.

<<It's against human nature. >>

Most of the human nature you know is the nature of folks who, like you, grew up in capitalism.  Or fled from communism.  You DON'T know that human nature of anyone who grew up under communism and did NOT run away from it.

<<I'm all for any American earning 250K, or $million.>>

I don't give a shit if they do or don't, but if they do, then they damn well better pay their fair share of the taxes the nation needs to eliminate poverty.

<< I'm not sure I can get to $million, but I hope my children can. >>

I did not raise my children to make a million.  I raised them to respect other people, other races and other people, no matter how poor and downtrodden.  I taught them to support the underdog.  And I taught them to respect and value education.  Any kind of education.  One of them I even taught to love poetry.

<<If [my children make a million] I know they'll give to the poor because they've been taught the meaning of charity. >>

So would mine.  Because my wife made them go to religious school on weekends.

<<something Joe Biden and Algore apparently have not learned.>>

Now why would you say that?


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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #76 on: October 13, 2008, 01:30:42 AM »
<<I notice you haven't sold your computer to feed your neighbor's kids. >>

Why, how perceptive you are.  I hope the next thing you notice is that I advocated a collective responsibility, not my personal responsibility

my, how abysmally convenient    >:(

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #77 on: October 13, 2008, 02:25:40 AM »

<<Who the f--- are you to decide how much money someone else should make? >>

Um, I DON'T decide that.  It's a decision I'd leave to my elected socialist representatives, or that I hope will be made by President Obama and his Cabinet. 

Why the f--- should they get to decide?

The decision is above my pay grade, but I feel that $250K is more than reasonable.  That's my opinion.  What you are really asking me is, "Who the fuck are you to have an opinion on anything?"  To which I reply, I have the same right to an opinion as you or anyone else.

No, what I was really asking was, "Who the f--- are you to decide how much money someone else should make?" Having an opinion is not the issue. If I wanted to question that, I would. If you want to try to get to the essence of the question, the essence would be "who are you to decide such things for other people"?

<<I notice you haven't sold your computer to feed your neighbor's kids. >>

Why, how perceptive you are.  I hope the next thing you notice is that I advocated a collective responsibility, not my personal responsibility, as a means of ensuring some fairness in the contributions made by all the members of our society.

Which, seems to me, means basically ensuring that you don't actually have to do much of anything at all to help others. That is selfish.

I guess I should have made it plainer that I also am a citizen and not some alien phoning in my opinion from another planet.  Thus, as a member of the society that I live in, it will NOT be "someone else's responsibility" to do something to help people, it will be MY responsibility and that of my fellow citizens.

Mostly your fellow citizens, as I take it from your comment, "I advocated a collective responsibility, not my personal responsibility".

<<That rich guy, it's his responsibility. >>

[sigh]  OK class, one more time:  MY responsibility and that of my fellow citizens.  ALL of us together according to what each of us can bear.

I suggest you'd get farther helping by actually helping rather than waiting for someone to take from the rich guy.

Government is the representative of the people.  It IS "we the people" in action, through duly elected representatives.

What a crock. It still amounts to expecting someone else to do the job. And frankly, that you expect government to forcibly take from people on your behalf does not give you the moral high ground you seem to assume you have.

<<And always this selfishness is couched in accusations of someone else's greed. >>

Yes.  GREED.  How else would you describe it when some rich ass-hole says, "Yes it's a shame to watch kids turn into crackheads but I don't want to pay to help them because then I'll have fewer toys to play with.  $250K isn't enough for me to live on."  Well, come on now, I know there's another word than greed, tell me what YOU would call that.

Show me someone saying that, and I'll let you know. That you assume someone who earns more than $250K must think that way does not mean they do.

<<They have more and it's not fair. >>

Not fair that this guy has $250K annual before tax income and some kid is turning into a crackhead because this asshole won't sacrifice any of that income to help out?  Fucking A it is not fair for him to have what he has while kids' lives are being ruined in front of  his eyes in slow motion.  No, it is not fair.

Again, show me he isn't sacrificing any of his, as you said, before tax income to help out. He never ever gives to charity? Refuses to pay taxes? And how is now suddenly solely the fault of this person that some kid is turning into a crackhead? Talk about not fair.

There is nothing at all mature about greed and selfishness.

Kinda my point, just directed differently.

The five-year old is the selfish greedy bastard who clings to his toys rather than sacrifice some of that money to fund a crash course to prevent the further spread of human misery.

When you can prove to me that is the case, I'll agree. In the mean time, the other five-year-old is the envious and no less selfish person who insists other people having "too much" is unfair and sloughs off responsibility to help others onto everyone else.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
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Michael Tee

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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #78 on: October 13, 2008, 01:04:38 PM »
<<Why the f--- should [Pres. Obama and his cabinet]  get to decide [how much money someone else should make]?>>

If I were a U.S. citizen, the answer would be:  "Because that's WTF I elected them to do."

<<No, what I was really asking was, "Who the f--- are you to decide how much money someone else should make?" Having an opinion is not the issue. If I wanted to question that, I would. If you want to try to get to the essence of the question, the essence would be "who are you to decide such things for other people"?>>

Sorry.  I should have been more precise.  I don't want to decide how much money someone else should make before becoming subject to increased income tax.  I want my government to decide that.  My personal opinion is that anybody should be able to live quite nicely on a pre-tax income of $250K.  I believe in the principle that the rich should pay more, LOTS more.  We need to level out the gross inequalities in the distribution of our wealth.  People shouldn't WANT to eat well while others go without.  If they do, fuck them - - tax them anyway.  The tax isn't 100% - - far from it.  Those greedy little fucks will still have more than the rest of us, the crackheads, the bunglers, the dreamers.  So they can still be "happy" with their wealth, it's just that they'll have less to be happy with.

<<Which, seems to me, [not selling your computer to feed the poor and assuming no personal responsibility for them] means basically ensuring that you don't actually have to do much of anything at all to help others. That is selfish.>>

No it's just very smart.  I realized it's more effective if we all pitch in to help together that it requires less personal sacrifice from me.  The important thing is helping those in need, not punishing me or even the rich.  But if we're gonna be at our most effective in delivering the needed assistance, the effort must be collective and must be as painless as possible for all involved.  It's a lot less painful for Mr.  250K to give up 20K than it is for me to give up 10.  Or should be.  And if it isn't, then fuck the greedy little bastard anyway.  End of story.

<<Mostly [the responsibility is that of ] your fellow citizens, as I take it from your comment, "I advocated a collective responsibility, not my personal responsibility".>>

Well, yeah, if I lived in a community of two, my responsibility would be 50% and in a community of about 33 million - - well, YOU do the math.  And be sure to weight it so the handful of rich pay substantially more.  I don't want to hog any credit I'm not entitled to.  I'm just a small (but productive) cog in a large machine, but I do want to pay my fair share and I'll even advocate higher taxes across the board, as I do now, to get the job done, but I wanna make sure that Mr. 250K pays what's fair for him.

<<I suggest you'd get farther helping by actually helping rather than waiting for someone to take from the rich guy.>>

I'm really flattered, but you have to trust me on this one:  my maximum possible contribution would be less than the proverbial drop in the bucket.

<<What a crock [that government is "we the people" in action]. It still amounts to expecting someone else to do the job. >>

Guess you believe in a Swiss-style or Israeli-style military, the people in arms.  Guess you'd like to go back to the good old days when food producers certified their own product, and if anyone got killed, well, the marketplace would punish the guilty.  Better wake up one day and figure out what century you're living in.  Life is complex, problems are created by the interaction of many factors, government being one of them, and government will have to solve many problems whether or not it's the sole or even a contributing causative factor.  Think "Manhattan Project."

<<And frankly, that you expect government to forcibly take from people on your behalf does not give you the moral high ground you seem to assume you have.>>

I'm a pragmatist.  Shooting the enemies of the people doesn't give me your idea of the moral high ground either, so I'm not particularly worried about taxing the rich more.  I see the problem and I try to fix it.  To erase the misery of the masses.  THAT'S the real moral high ground.  Lifting people out of misery.

"Well, come on now, I know there's another word than greed, tell me what YOU would call that.

<<Show me someone saying that, ["Yes it's a shame to watch kids turn into crackheads but I don't want to pay to help them because then I'll have fewer toys to play with.  $250K isn't enough for me to live on."]and I'll let you know. >>

You know and I know that the greedy hypocritical little bastards will never say that, that's why I say it for them.  I know, and everyone else knows, that their opposition to higher taxes is not based on fairness but on greed.  THAT is just plain common sense, realism, and experience of life.

<<Again, show me [Mr. 250K] isn't sacrificing any of his, as you said, before tax income to help out. He never ever gives to charity? Refuses to pay taxes? >>

Look at the need for massive social expenditures in welfare, education, housing, health-care, etc.  Look at the enormous wealth of the country.  Compare the one with the other.  There is your answer.

Compare the lives of the 500 wealthiest with the lives of 10 million crackheads.  There's your answer.  If Mr. 250K IS paying lots to charity, he gets a tax break, he gets to deduct from taxable income.  So the guy who is Mr. $250K MAY have paid to charity, but the net result is the rich have tons and the poor need tons.  WHATEVER they bin givin to charity just ain't enough.  Time for the government to step up to the plate and do the job right.

<<And how is now suddenly solely the fault of this person that some kid is turning into a crackhead? Talk about not fair.>>

It's his fault because with all his wealth, power and influence, he didn't do enough to stop the train wreck.  He didn't contribute what he could, and more importantly, he didn't support candidates who would raise more (by taxation if necessary) because as great as the need was, he and his class allowed to fester and grow.  And now it's gotta be fixed, and the only way to pay for that is to tax the rich more.

<<Kinda my point [that there's nothing mature about greed and selfishness] just directed differently.>>

Yeah, like in your case MIS-directed by about 180 degrees.

MT:The five-year old is the selfish greedy bastard who clings to his toys rather than sacrifice some of that money to fund a crash course to prevent the further spread of human misery.

<<When you can prove to me that is the case, I'll agree. >>

Yeah, prove the effectiveness of a program before it's put into action and meantime withhold the raising of funds.  Nice trick.  Old trick.  That's why we want Obama.  CHANGE.

<<In the mean time, the other five-year-old is the envious and no less selfish person who insists other people having "too much" is unfair . . . >>

Yes it is unfair and there's nothing childish about it.  A man living like the rich live here in the face of so much want and need is unfair.  Call that childish, call it five-year-old and at the end of the day it is still unfair.  And it won't stand.

<<and sloughs off responsibility to help others onto everyone else.>>

Bullshit.  Shoulders his responsibility along with every other law-abiding taxpayer is the phrase you want, but it probably sticks in your throat because it's too honest for you.


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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #79 on: October 13, 2008, 01:24:48 PM »
You can tangibly see the mindset of Tee and like minds.  It's not about "fairness" at all.  It's really an effort to punish 'the rich", and with the proper amount of overt & egregious levels of progressive taxation, make everyone roughly equal in their economic portfolio.  If "the rich have to pay thru the nose....they can afford it.  A round about effort to in essence "aboilish the rich", which I guess theoretically is supposed to make "the poor", not so poor, so that everyone is equally.....miserable.  But at least everyone is.  Kinda like UHC
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #80 on: October 13, 2008, 01:38:27 PM »
A round about effort to in essence "aboilish the rich", which I guess theoretically is supposed to make "the poor", not so poor, so that everyone is equally.....miserable.
aboilish? Youse from Bwooklin?

Denmark does precisely this, and has the happiest people on the planet.

Spo bzzzt you lose, as you like to say.
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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #81 on: October 13, 2008, 01:41:09 PM »
The spelling nazi strikes again.  Heil Xo

News Flash.....we're not Denmark
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #82 on: October 13, 2008, 02:01:45 PM »
Denmark is an attainable goal.

What you lot want is just more war, more inequality, more opportunities to lord it over everyone else.

Reagan's Shining City on the Hill...surrounded by miles of squalid slums for the fatcats to look down on.
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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #83 on: October 13, 2008, 02:39:52 PM »
Denmark is an attainable goal.

Then move.  What was their suicide rate again compared to the U.S.?  At least they were happy, right?

What you lot want is just more war

Nope, I want a war won, & over with

more inequality, more opportunities to lord it over everyone else.

LOL, the irony is indeed thick

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #84 on: October 13, 2008, 03:03:47 PM »
Then move.  What was their suicide rate again compared to the U.S.?  At least they were happy, right?

I will not move. This is my country, and it is my patriotic duty to improve it.

For your information, the suicide rate in Denmark in 2001 per 100,000 was 13.6 (men, 19.2, women 8.1)
                             the suicide rate in the US  in 2002 per 100,000 was 11.0 (men, 17.9, women 4.2)     

The highest was Lithuania, at 40.2 per 100,000 in 2004 (men 70.2 , women 40.2)
Haiti, Jordan, St. Kitts and Nevis reported NO suicides at all.

No one believes that the suicide rate has any real relationship to the happiness of the general population. It is related to alcoholism, and also countries that have a lot oc Catholics simply do not report even obvious suiides (such as someone driving their car off a cliff in Thelma & Louise style) as suicides, because it prevents them from having a Catholic funeral. Danes are nearly all Protestant, and suicide is not socially inacceptable.

The saddest country in surveys seems to be Moldova, but they report a rate of 16.7 (29.2,m and 5.7,w) . Moldova is traditionally Catholic, but was officially atheist when it was in the USSR.   

My point is that the US should stop waving  the Giant Rubber Finger and chjanting "We're Numbah One! We're Numbah One!" and try harder to BE better than it is.

It has become a worse place for most Americans during the past seven years, by nearly any index.
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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #85 on: October 13, 2008, 03:11:19 PM »
The spelling nazi strikes again.  Heil Xo

And then goes on to write this:

Spo bzzzt you lose, as you like to say.
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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #86 on: October 13, 2008, 03:13:02 PM »
So bzzzt, you lose.

Sorry, I can't edit.
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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #87 on: October 13, 2008, 03:24:04 PM »
Sorry, I can't edit.

Then again, it would just be easier if you didn't make fun of other's spelling errors. It's a self control thing.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)


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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #88 on: October 13, 2008, 03:47:06 PM »
Spo for So is an obvious typo, NOT a spelling error.

A lot of the spelling errors in here are errors of usage, where the wrong word has been used and that has been misspelled.

I have been paid a lot of money over the years for editing. I find it hard to believe that people who consistently write unintelligibly ( and you are not one of them)  would not appreciate not sounding illiterate.

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Michael Tee

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Re: Carter Nails It - - All Bush's Fault
« Reply #89 on: October 13, 2008, 03:47:44 PM »
Suicide rates don't measure general happiness because they depend on too many variable factors, but there HAVE been studies of happiness published.  I don't have any handy.  Canada usually does pretty well, but I don't think Canada or the U.S. ever comes close to No. 1.  And I can't see any good reason why they should.