Author Topic: I'm STILL Voting For Obama  (Read 4262 times)

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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2008, 05:20:17 PM »
This article is misleading in several ways, but just to pick the most obvious: The rich have more to give away, so they can give more away.  

With the key factor being that they DO GIVE.  And by all accounts, far more than liberals give.  Liberals on the other hand have the propensity to TAKE from others and give it to who they deem more needing of it.

The obvious test is to look not at what they give away, but what they have left.  

LOL....brilliant rationalization technique.  Let's not look at how much they give.  Let's look at what they still have other words, if they still have "alot" they're still being greedy bastards.  Which really doesn't bode well when you look at what's left after what messers Biden & Oblather give

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2008, 05:26:09 PM »
<<With the key factor being that they DO GIVE.  And by all accounts, far more than liberals give.  Liberals on the other hand have the propensity to TAKE from others and give it to who they deem more needing of it.>>

Well, "taking from others" sounds like bank robbery.  This is more like a bank robbery where the robber takes his own money out of his pocket and throws it into the pile of bank money and then the whole pile goes, not to the robbers, but to the poorest and neediest in the community.  And of course, the money is taken legally through taxation and not at gunpoint.  You are forgetting that the liberal is willing to contribute his own share to the pool and if he inherits a million, he pays the same tax on the income generated from that million as anyone else of similar income would pay.

<<Let's not look at how much they give.  Let's look at what they still have other words, if they still have "alot" they're still being greedy bastards.  >>

What it really means is:  don't be so impressed by what the rich gave, because it didn't really impact on their life-style.  If a family with less money had to give the same percentage, it would actually be a bigger sacrifice, since their lifestyle WOULD be impacted by the gift.   


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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2008, 05:31:27 PM »
>> And of course, the money is taken legally through taxation and not at gunpoint.<<

Once again the commie is clueless.

If you don't pay your taxes here in America, you will most certainly be forced to do so at the point of a gun. You will be fined, and or jailed.  Your money will be taken BY FORCE. Your property will be taken BY FORCE.


Michael Tee

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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2008, 05:35:31 PM »
Once again the commie is clueless.

If you don't pay your taxes here in America, you will most certainly be forced to do so at the point of a gun. You will be fined, and or jailed.  Your money will be taken BY FORCE. Your property will be taken BY FORCE.



Really, Rich?  What percentage of America's taxes is collected at the point of a gun?  Most law-abiding citizens pay up long before it comes to that.

For your information, "poltroon" means "coward," not "ignoramus."  It's one of the relatively few Dutch words ("boss" being another) that have made it into the English language.  I believe your general complaint against me in this message was ignorance, not cowardice.


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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2008, 05:42:37 PM »
Once again ...

You claimed they weren't brainiac. Refuse to pay them and see what happens. See, a law implies force. Understand Mikey? If you break a law you are forced to suffer the consequences. I really don't see what's so hard to understand. I explained it pretty well in the previous post.

Read it again.



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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2008, 05:51:59 PM »
<<With the key factor being that they DO GIVE.  And by all accounts, far more than liberals give.  Liberals on the other hand have the propensity to TAKE from others and give it to who they deem more needing of it.>>

Well, "taking from others" sounds like bank robbery. 

Which is pretty much what egregious over taxation is.....Governmental endorsed robbery

You are forgetting that the liberal is willing to contribute his own share to the pool and if he inherits a million, he pays the same tax on the income generated from that million as anyone else of similar income would pay.

Notice the neat tact that liberals won't initiate any giving.  It must be part of a universal giving.  In other words, no compassion or charity, until its mandated by the left.  Notice again also, the complete avoidance of how by and large Conservatives GIVE more of their own money & resources, but for the left, it requires an act of congress

<<Let's not look at how much they give.  Let's look at what they still have other words, if they still have "alot" they're still being greedy bastards.  >>

What it really means is:  don't be so impressed by what the rich gave, because it didn't really impact on their life-style. 

And who cares about what impact it has on them??  What we should be caring about is how it impacts those the money is given to   Good Lord     ::)

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2008, 06:00:15 PM »
<<And who cares about what impact it has on them??  What we should be caring about is how it impacts those the money is given to   Good Lord >>

I'm not going to explain the obvious to you, sirs.  Just give it five seconds' thought.  If I give my home to the poor, I'm out in the street.  If McCain gives one of his homes to the poor, he's still got seven left.  Who made the bigger sacrifice, the guy with one home who gave it all to the poor, or the guy with seven or eight, who gave one to the poor?

There's even a Biblical parable about that, but I forget which one.


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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2008, 06:11:03 PM »
Class warfare is being a divider not a uniter.

You might be surprised who is wealthy in the USA , lots of regular people are millionaires and very few farmers can be a commercial success with less than a million dollars worth of land.

A cousin of mine used to raise soybean ,he used hundreds of dollars to buy or lease each tractor , some years he had six. He farmed the family land and rented thousands of acres more from landowners who couldn't afford that equipment.
Seed , herbicide , pesticide , fuel, fees and hires were expenses that generally rose every year , but the price of beans would rise and fall depending on factors that were as unpredictable as the weather or as predictable as the increase in Brazilian acres under cultivation.

 He would sell a portion of his crop on the futures market to hedge his bets and lock in a price on a portion , he would buy insurance in the case of a catastrophic loss, enough insurance to ensure survival , not enough insurance and hedging to waste the receipt of a good crop.

To sum up , he would borrow hundreds of thousands , sell sometimes two or three millions , but even in a good year his share of the profit placed him firmly in the middle class.

Plumbing , heating and air contractors builders have also got the problem of looking richer on paper than they actually are.  Taxes can be onerous enough to make sure that none of them actually becomes rich , if so they are also taxing enough to prevent expansion and hiring .
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 06:18:17 PM by Plane »


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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2008, 06:11:33 PM »
<<And who cares about what impact it has on them??  What we should be caring about is how it impacts those the money is given to   Good Lord >>

I'm not going to explain the obvious to you, sirs.

Good, because your grasp of the "obvious" is pretty much on par with Xo's

Just give it five seconds' thought.  If I give my home to the poor, I'm out in the street. 

And that'd be YOUR CHOICE

If McCain gives one of his homes to the poor, he's still got seven left.  

And less the amount of financial revenue the homes bring in, which then allows them to donate far more than any of your prescious libs, that will impact far more families, than just 1.  So my advice, is to actually practice what you preach....give 5 seconds beyond your Communist manifesto playbook

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2008, 06:17:21 PM »
<<And who cares about what impact it has on them??  What we should be caring about is how it impacts those the money is given to   Good Lord >>

I'm not going to explain the obvious to you, sirs.  Just give it five seconds' thought.  If I give my home to the poor, I'm out in the street.  If McCain gives one of his homes to the poor, he's still got seven left.  Who made the bigger sacrifice, the guy with one home who gave it all to the poor, or the guy with seven or eight, who gave one to the poor?

There's even a Biblical parable about that, but I forget which one.

Ypu might mean the story of the widows mite , which Jesus said impressed him better than the ostentatious giveing of the wealthy , because the widow was modestly giveing all she had , the wealthy were giveing much more with great show , but were not giveing so much that they were straining themselves.

The comparison of the giveing of the canadates is in percentages , since none of them is less than comfortable , this makes the direct comparison quite fair .

The hipocracy of the liberal is to call themselves less greedy and more comnpassionate than the people that they rob to satisfy their urge to give , they do not part with their own so gladly.

Michael Tee

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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2008, 06:21:32 PM »
<<Ypu might mean the story of the widows mite , which Jesus said impressed him better than the ostentatious giveing of the wealthy , because the widow was modestly giveing all she had , the wealthy were giveing much more with great show , but were not giveing so much that they were straining themselves.>>

Yes!  Of course, the widow's mite.  Thanks, plane.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 06:24:07 PM by Michael Tee »

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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2008, 06:26:20 PM »
sirs, your argument isn't with me, it's with Jesus Christ.  Read the parable of the widow's mite and then respond or not as you see fit.  I've done my best to explain the thing in my own way.  Maybe Jesus Christ had a better way of putting it.


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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2008, 06:30:45 PM »
sirs, your argument isn't with me, it's with Jesus Christ.  Read the parable of the widow's mite and then respond or not as you see fit.  I've done my best to explain the thing in my own way.  Maybe Jesus Christ had a better way of putting it.

MT goes on record as being in favor of giveing till it hurts , to the church.

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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2008, 06:33:43 PM »
"Giving till it hurts" is also a good way of expressing the same concept.  Thanks again, plane.

I don't express any opinion on giving to the church, but the concept of giving till it hurts is certainly useful in evaluating the relative moral positions of liberal and conservative donors.


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Re: I'm STILL Voting For Obama
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2008, 06:35:33 PM »
"Giving till it hurts" is also a good way of expressing the same concept.  Thanks again, plane.

I don't express any opinion on giving to the church, but the concept of giving till it hurts is certainly useful in evaluating the relative moral positions of liberal and conservative donors.

It makes a diffrence if you are giveing till you hurt, or you are giveing till I hurt.