Author Topic: How Many Laws Can One Break?  (Read 7861 times)

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How Many Laws Can One Break?
« on: November 03, 2008, 12:46:44 AM »
Victor Davis Hanson

Mr. Obama's Aunt Zeituni will not be a major campaign issue?compared to other last minute disclosures such as Obama's frightening boast about coal that now produces half of our nation's electricity: "If somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted."

Yet in retrospect Aunt Zeituni will prove emblematic and raise a few disturbing questions (aside from the ethical matter of someone who was highlighted in a cameo fashion in his memoir as proof of his strong family ties, subsequently languishing as an illegal alien, in violation of a deportation order, in a public housing project a hour's flight from Chicago). Everyone has relatives that one is not responsible for, but given her symbolic appearance in Dreams from my Father, and at the Obama swearing in in 2005, Auntie Zeituni seems more in the Roger Clinton/Donald Nixon/Billy Carter category.

1) More proof of media bias: The press story is somehow now about who 'leaked' information that his aunt had defied a deportation order and was in the country illegally rather than yet another sign that US immigration law is made a mockery of, and its enforcement is a joke, to the rather limited extent the law is even applied. And if one wants to know the extent of government intrusion into the lives of peripheral political figures, the media should at least worry why agencies were put onto Joe the Plumber, who is a US citizen.

2) More of the double standard. David Axlerod is suddenly worried about supposed Axlerod-like leaks of government documents? Aside from Joe the Plumber, he should ask why and how the sealed divorce records of both Obama's Democratic primary rival and his general election Republican opponent were leaked, imploding both campaigns and ensuring the election of Obama in 2004 to the Senate.

3) Obama's has offered the defense that his historical rejection of campaign finance (after a promise to abide by the law), and subsequent creation of a $600 million war-chest should not cause worry because so many of the donors were "small". Hence any questions about fake names, addresses, lack of compliance with identifying donors by name, foreign contributors, and prepaid credit cards were essentially nit-picking or worse, given the historical lift Obama had given the American electoral process.

But if the Obama campaign cannot even guarantee that his own aunt followed the law (it is illegal for foreigners to contribute to US presidential campaigns), what does that say about the millions of others who, we are supposed to believe, on the now dubious assurance of Obama himself were supposedly legitimate and lawful donors? And as a sidelight, how ethical is it for someone who is in violation of immigration law, and receiving some sort of public subsidy, to then donate money, illegally again, to a campaign? Message: defy immigration law; ignore a deporation order; obtain, again illegally, public assistance; donate illegally to a presidential campagin; and then count on the press attacking those who worry about such serial flouting of the law.

4) Here we are within a few hours before the election, and we get yet another reminder that we have little idea who Barack Obama is; and the media, rather than enlightening us about his background, consistency in thought, past behavior, aassociates, and character, instead turns on anyone and anything that stand in the way of his ascension.

5) The only mystery? Whether we get (1) this is not the Aunt Zeituni I remember....; (2) I was only 43 when she was ordered deported and only 47 when she donated illegally; (3) I could no more disown Aunt Zeituni than...; (4) "they" are going to get "ugly" and go after my funny-sounding name and the fact I don't look like the presidents on the dollar bill.

Can't we hope this time for? 'As I have written, I have admired my aunt in the past and value her familial ties to me, and will now make sure that all US laws are followed in her case, and determine to what extent they were not and why, and ensure that this doesn't happen again.'


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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2008, 01:00:48 AM »
If it were my Aunt , I would send her a note , tell her to get a lawyer I would help pay for his time , there are leagal ways to get visa extentions.

Michael Tee

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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 01:14:09 AM »
I for one am shocked that this man, the nephew of such a major American criminal, has the nerve to show his face in public, let alone run for public office.  Does anyone not yet realize that a vote for Obama is really a vote for the master criminal "Auntie" Zeituni, who is now only hours away from finally realizing her decades-long dream of controlling the White House through her puppet nephew?  What do we really KNOW about the power behind Obama's throne, the sinister "Auntie" Zeituni?  Whoever she is, and whatever she represents, can we be sure that al Qaeda is never far from her?


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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2008, 12:32:53 PM »
Apparently with Barry, charity doesn't begin at home.

Michael Tee

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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2008, 03:09:32 PM »
I love the desperation of the Republicans as the long dark night of their administration draws to a long-desired close.  Obama's terrifying criminal associations with "racist" preachers, "terrorist" educational theorists, "terrorist" Columbia Professors and now, "sinister" Aunties (?!) have all been thrown one after another at him without effect on a public tired of Republican lies and fear-mongering, and now in the utter frustration and desperation that has overtaken them, they're even going after BOTH his "terrorist" charities and his "stingy" charitable donations.

LMFAO.  Make up your minds, guys, if he's REALLY giving his money to a bunch of "terrorist" charities, why lambaste him for the paltry amounts donated?

Or better yet, get used to the idea.  PRESIDENT Obama.

Oh, maaaaan, tomorrow night's gonna be sweet.


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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2008, 04:30:02 PM »

Non-story # 4835 that will eventually blow up in the right-wing's collective face.

Another day, another gimmick. Republicans are digging out every possible turd they can find to fling and seeing what will stick on Barack Obama's wall -- and so far, no luck. Earlier this weekend they were peddling a dumb smear about Barack Obama's aunt being an illegal immigrant who had been ordered deported.

But there's one little problem with that tale: As the Washington Post reports, the release of that information was a violation of confidentiality laws for immigrants seeking asylum:

    Federal privacy law restricts U.S. immigration agencies from disclosing information about citizens and permanent residents, and DHS policy similarly limits disclosures about the status of legal and illegal immigrants. Asylum-seekers are granted greater protection, because of the sensitive nature of their claims and the risks of retaliation.

    In a statement, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said the matter has been referred to the agency's Office of Professional Responsibility and its parent department's inspector general.

    "They are looking into whether there was a violation of policy in publicly disclosing individual case information," ICE spokeswoman Kelly Nantel said. "We can't comment on individual cases."

You would think that after literally MONTHS of attacking Obama in every way imaginable only to have their supposed smear blow up in their faces, the right-wingers would just try to end on a high note of positivity or even dignity but, of course, they have no way of imagining doing that.

Frellin' amazing.

And can someone remind me what happened to all those wailers and gnashers of teeth that cried every kind of foul when Palin's family was allegedly "attacked"?  Now, those same wailers are pushing a story about some poor woman who is Obama's half-aunt being an illegal alien...?



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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2008, 05:20:08 PM »
>>You would think that ..........................................the right-wingers would just try to end on a high note of positivity............................<<


McCain: I've supported McCain since, and including, his run in 2000. I've backed him on internet boards and put my money where my mouth was to the tune of several thousand dollars. I even sent in $300 on Saturday. Now that contribution is somewhat unusual because I decided about a month ago not to vote for McCain. The base on the right has become to damaging. Instead of trying to change the party from within, as he did in 2000, he has danced to their tune this time and will most likely lose because of it.

Obama: I'm going to vote for him. I don't have a crystal ball to tell me what kind of president he'll be, but his campaign has been far superior to McCains. I can't tell you how good his decisions will be but if they're off it won't be for a lack of brains. I can't promise that his election will help raise the self esteem of African Americans in this country, but I bet it will. And I can't promise you that the views of the rest of America towards African Americans will inch up the scale, but I bet it does also. Not that it needs to inch up much because we're almost there anyway. I'm hoping that his election will put the final nail in the coffin of a long and difficult chapter in American history and that closer to all of us will be seen as potential contributors to this Republic that I was born in, and bled for.


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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2008, 07:19:32 PM »
I love the desperation of the Republicans as the long dark night of their administration draws to a long-desired close.  Obama's terrifying criminal associations with "racist" preachers, "terrorist" educational theorists, "terrorist" Columbia Professors and now, "sinister" Aunties (?!) have all been thrown one after another at him without effect on a public tired of Republican lies and fear-mongering, and now in the utter frustration and desperation that has overtaken them, they're even going after BOTH his "terrorist" charities and his "stingy" charitable donations.

LMFAO.  Make up your minds, guys, if he's REALLY giving his money to a bunch of "terrorist" charities, why lambaste him for the paltry amounts donated?

Or better yet, get used to the idea.  PRESIDENT Obama.

Oh, maaaaan, tomorrow night's gonna be sweet.

Well I guess President Obama and his fucking mumba dance troupe donations is better than President Castro... at least this idiot will have 'cultcha'

Michael Tee

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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2008, 07:56:52 PM »
I think you'd all better prepare for a huge, anti-climactic let-down.  After all the apocalyptic accusations of race hatred, "socialism" (particularly hilarious to anyone who has ever seen any kind of real socialism in action,) disastrous "inexperience," Tony Rezko "criminality" and, finally, support of "terrorism," you will all be waiting for the catastrophe that never arrives.  After a few weeks, it will finally sink in - - this guy is no further left than Bill Clinton, and won't even be providing any of the vicarious sexual thrills that Clinton was able to furnish for the supermarket tabloids.  BORE-ring.   Before you know it, you'll have to be looking around for somebody new to demonize.


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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2008, 08:03:21 PM »
I think you'd all better prepare for a huge, anti-climactic let-down.  After all the apocalyptic accusations of race hatred, "socialism" (particularly hilarious to anyone who has ever seen any kind of real socialism in action,) disastrous "inexperience," Tony Rezko "criminality" and, finally, support of "terrorism," you will all be waiting for the catastrophe that never arrives.  After a few weeks, it will finally sink in - - this guy is no further left than Bill Clinton, and won't even be providing any of the vicarious sexual thrills that Clinton was able to furnish for the supermarket tabloids.  BORE-ring.   Before you know it, you'll have to be looking around for somebody new to demonize.

That's why I am glad  Brass and the wife are prepared for the inevitable disappointment to come.


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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2008, 09:06:22 PM »
>>You would think that ..........................................the right-wingers would just try to end on a high note of positivity............................<<


McCain: I've supported McCain since, and including, his run in 2000. I've backed him on internet boards and put my money where my mouth was to the tune of several thousand dollars. I even sent in $300 on Saturday. Now that contribution is somewhat unusual because I decided about a month ago not to vote for McCain. The base on the right has become to damaging. Instead of trying to change the party from within, as he did in 2000, he has danced to their tune this time and will most likely lose because of it.

Obama: I'm going to vote for him. I don't have a crystal ball to tell me what kind of president he'll be, but his campaign has been far superior to McCains. I can't tell you how good his decisions will be but if they're off it won't be for a lack of brains. I can't promise that his election will help raise the self esteem of African Americans in this country, but I bet it will. And I can't promise you that the views of the rest of America towards African Americans will inch up the scale, but I bet it does also. Not that it needs to inch up much because we're almost there anyway. I'm hoping that his election will put the final nail in the coffin of a long and difficult chapter in American history and that closer to all of us will be seen as potential contributors to this Republic that I was born in, and bled for.

Good to hear from you, BSB.  Nice to know that you are level-headed unlike most rightwingers!


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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2008, 09:10:40 PM »
Brass wrote:
>>Nice to know that you are level-headed unlike most rightwingers!<<

Said the man with the point on his head.


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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2008, 09:16:15 PM »
Said the man with the point on his head.



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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2008, 10:01:41 PM »
The base on the right has become to damaging. Instead of trying to change the party from within, as he did in 2000, he has danced to their tune this time and will most likely lose because of it.


Someone else understands where I'm coming from on McCain.  I think that while his swerve to the right may have brought in some of the Republican fold, it's alienated the independants and moderates who were always McCain's core constituency.  But I haven't given up hope yet, it looks like he's going to get my vote tomorrow.


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Re: How Many Laws Can One Break?
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2008, 10:06:46 PM »
Glad to hear it, Fat     8)
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