<<"An eye for an eye" is another example of Biblical crap that continues to infect and fester in our times.
<<The Bible is chock full of this petty and mean inhumanity. The Koran is no better, just harder to get through.>>
It's a little more nuanced than that. "An eye for an eye" might be petty and mean if it's applied literally to cases of accidental injury or bar brawls, but there's nothing "petty" about the injury the girl sustained, and the manner in which it was inflicted was barbaric and outrageous. It demeans the girl's injury, her dignity and her honour when any retaliation, no matter how harsh, is called "petty and mean." This was a horrific crime and it deserves an equally horrific response. 15 years in the Iranian equivalent of the Macon County Jail wouldn't begin to do justice. In Western society, the only appropriate penalty would be death. In Iranian society, hopefully, it will be what the judges decreed.