Evil, Capitalistic, Bigoted America Comes to Haiti's Assistance by Doug Giles
Thursday morning I was watching Fox & Friends to see what was going down in the aftermath of the apocalyptic earthquake that rocked Haiti. As I sat there in my shorts drinking my coffee, I was gobsmacked as I viewed the insane carnage inflicted by the 7.0 death-dealer that crushed that little nation seven hundred miles from my Miami bunker.
As the horrendous before and after satellite images of a city flattened by mother nature rolled,
I became prouder and prouder of how the U.S., our magnificent military, and a stack of high-quality Christian organizations are flying into high gear with millions of dollars and thousands of people to sacrificially help as in risk their lives to do whatever they can to assist during such unimaginable suffering.
Basking in the warm glow of the American spirit in such a tragic event, I started getting kinda, sorta ticked off regarding how
the Lefties repeatedly pitch our nation as an evil, bigoted, greedy, capitalistic, militarily-oppressive regime that loves to squish the underdogs.
Ya know, in reality as in a blistering, natural disaster reality one always finds that it is America that rocks the hardest in regard to real relief. We blow away other nations.
Yep, whether it is a tsunami or an earthquake, you can count on evil, mean, nasty, bigoted, murderous, Christian American men and women to be the first responders to offer no-BS help in time of need.
It?ll be interesting to see how many (and at what level) Muslim organizations and nations, atheist organizations, Code Pink,
PETA punks, Chavez and
Castro, GLSEN, euro-socialist dillweeds, Green Peace, and Avatar's woodsy blue people pony up and help the Haitians through their hellish nightmare. I wonder if they?ll even come close to our American Judeo-Christian largesse?
It's also really interesting to me how mean,
white America runs to relieve a city that's 99.9% black without blinking. At least we're not going around like Reid, Biden and Byrd and calling them "clean Negroes" who can turn their black slang on and off.
This just in! A buddy of mine Facebooked me a moment ago about how a couple of his evil Christian friends just got back from a 10-day missions trip to Haiti and are trying to head back. He continued to say that it is, no doubt, just a show they're putting on to advance the conservative agenda and subvert the Religion of Peace.
In addition, my co-host on ClashRadio.com, Steve Pauwels sent me this note on Friday regarding his Marine son Sam saying, "We seek your prayers for our middle son, Sam, who is now awaiting his newest deployment down to Haiti". When I asked Sam how he was doing one hour ago, he said: "Fine. We just want to go." (Note; he and his unit have been back in the states for ONE MONTH after being overseas for six months).
Ah, our evil wicked soldiers, eh Lefties? You know, at the end of the day, countries and people who need true aid and who long for authentic liberty always look to the massive helping hands of the Judeo-Christian rooted, God blessed American men, women and military and not to secularists, atheists, Islamists and grimy hippies who regularly blather about how bad America is.